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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 9 and September 10,1991; Entered into force on September 10,1991.
August 9, 1991
Dr. George K. C. Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
4201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20016-2137

Dear Dr. George:
Enclosed for your consideration are two signed originals of Ame-
ndment No. 2 to Appendix No. 1 to the Agreement between AIT and
CCNAA for Technical Assistance in Dam Design and Construction.
The Amendment increases the staff-day cost estimates of AIT's d-
esignated representative, the Bureau of Reclamation, from US$430
.00 per day to a ceiling staff-day rate of US$650.00 for all se-
rvices rendered under Appendix No. 1.
Also enclosed for your consideration are two signed originals of
Amendment No. 1 to Appendix No. 3. Like the other enclosed amen-
dment mentioned above, this amendment raises the staff-day cost
estimate from US$550.00 per day to a ceiling rate of US$650.00
per day for all services provided by AIT's designated represent-
ative, the Bureau of Reclamation under Appendix No. 3.
If you concur with the proposed changes, please sign all four o-
riginals and return one signed original of each amendment to th-
is office.
Thank you for your continuing cooperation.
Clarke N. Ellis
Deputy Managing Director
Enclosure: As stated.
1. Purpose of the Amendment
This Amendment revises the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) s-
taff-day cost estimate charged to the Coordination Council for
North American Affairs (CCNAA) for services performed under App-
endix No. 1 of the July 13, 1987, Agreement for Technical Assis-
tance in Dam Design and Construction.
2. Estimated Cost of Services
The established AIT staff-day charge for providing technical se-
rvices to CCNAA shall be $650.00 per day. This is a ceiling rate
which is applicable for services provided under Appendix No. 1
of the Agreement and includes base salary, benefits, and overhe-
3. Other Provisions
Except as provided in Item 2 above, all other provisions of App-
endix No. 1, as modified by Amendment No. 1, remain valid and in
4. Duration
This Amendment becomes effective upon the date of the last sign-
ature of the duly authorized representatives ofAIT and CCNAA, a-
nd will remain in effect until the services described herein, or
as amended, are completed. Either party may terminate this Amen-
dment as provided for in Article XII of the Agreement.
5. Authorizing Signatures
For AIT:
Deputy Managing Director
Date: Aug. 9, 1991
Date: Sept. 10, 1991
1. Purpose of the Amendment
This Amendment revises the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) s-
taff-day cost estimate charged to the Coordination council for
North American Affairs (CCNAA) for services performed under App-
endix No. 3 of the July 13, 1987, Agreement for Technical Assis-
tance in Dam Design and Construction.
2. Estimated Cost of Services
The established AIT staff-day charge for providing technical se-
rvices to CCNAA shall be $650.00 per day. This is a ceiling rate
which is applicable for services provided under Appendix No. 3
of the Agreement and includes base salary, benefits, and overhe-
3. Other Provisions
Except as provided in Item 2 above, all other provisions of App-
endix No. 3 remain valid and in effect.
4. Duration
This Amendment becomes effective upon the date of the last sign-
ature of the duly authorized representatives ofAIT and CCNAA, a-
nd will remain in effect until the services described herein, or
as amended, are completed. Either party may terminate this Amen-
dment as provided for in Article XII of the Agreement.
5. Authorizing: Signatures
For AIT:
Deputy Managing Director
Date: Aug. 9, 1991
Date: Sep. 10, 1991
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)