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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 21,1990 and February 13,1991; Entered into force on February 13,1991.
1.Purpose of Annex
This Annex provides for the following services to be performed
by CCNAA through its designated representatives, WRPC and/or
NSC, for AIT under the Agreement:
A.evaluation of the computer stream sedimentation models to be
provided by AIT through its designated representative, FERC.
B.preparation of interim and final project reports.
2.Cost of Service
The total cost of services under this Annex will be contribut-
ed by CCNAA or its designated representatives, WRPC and/or NSC
. Anticipated costs include travel and lodging expenses and s-
alaries for the CCNAA scientists.
3.Responsibilities of CCNAA
CCNAA shall, though its designated representatives, WRPC and/
or NSC, evaluate the computer stream sedimentation models pro-
vided by AIT, through its designated representative, FERC, in
terms of the models' function, sensitivity, applicability, li-
mitations, and data structure.
CCNAA shall, through its designated representatives, WRPC and/
or NSC, prepare interim progress reports describing work comp-
leted and any analysis or conclusions made.
4.Responsibilities of AIT
AIT shall, through its designated representative, FERC, furni-
sh to CCNAA, or its designated representatives, WRPC and/or N-
SC, such information, including computer models and documenta-
tion, and facilities, including office space and computer equ-
ipment, needed for the services CCNAA shall provide to AIT pu-
rsuant to this Annex. Computer models will be furnished only
in accordance with the requirements, if any, of the United St-
ates Department of Commerce Bureau of Export Administration c-
ommodity classification.
AIT shall, through its designated representative, FERC, have
sole responsibility for publishing the results of the evaluat-
ion performed under this Annex, and shall have sole discretion
over the contents of the published report.
5.Reporting Requirements
Upon completion of services, and annually until that time, CC-
NAA shall deliver to AIT or to its designated representative,
FERC, all reports, data, models, and suggestions compiled or
prepared by CCNAA or its designated representatives, WRPC and/
or NSC, pursuant to this Annex.
6.Ownership of Reports and Documents
All reports and data provided to AIT or to its designated rep-
resentative, FERC, shall become the sole property of AIT, or
its designated representative, FERC, for purposes of intellec-
tual property rights in the United States.
7.Intellectual Property Considerations
Proprietary information and copy-righted material, including
computer programs, shall not be accepted for or utilized under
this Annex without an express written agreement entered into
by the parties setting forth the terms and conditions for such
acceptance or utilization.
It shall be the responsibility of the party supplying proprie-
tary information or copyrighted material to identify the infe-
rmation or material as such and to ensure that it is appropri-
ately marked. Copyrights of either party or of cooperating or-
ganizations or persons shall be accorded treatment consistent
with internationally recognized standards of protection.
CCNAA or its designated representatives, WRIPC and/or NSC, sh-
all not subcontract any work or parts thereof, related to ser-
vices to be procured under this Agreement, without the prior
approval of AIT and its designated representative, FERC. CCNAA
or its representative, shall only subcontract to the extent a-
nd with such duly qualified experts and entities as are deemed
necessary be AIT's designated representative, FERC. Provided
further, that subcontracting shall not relieve CCNAA or its d-
esignated representatives, WRPC and/ or NSC, of responsibilit-
ies and liabilities. any subcontractors performing services u-
nder this Agreement shall be subject to Paragraph 7 of this a-
nnex and shall execute an agreement to acknowledge such respo-
This Annex will become effective upon the date of the last si-
gnature hereafter of the representatives of CCNAA and AIT and
will remain in effect until the services described herein, or
as amended, are completed. Either party may terminate this An-
nex as described in Article IX of the Agreement.
Dec. 21,1990
Feb. 13,1991
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)