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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on May 31, 1999; Entered into force on May 31, 1999.
The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI), R.O.C.
, located at 4, Chinan Rd., Sec. 1, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., and
the California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA), U.S.A.
, located at 1220 N Street, Sacramento, CA 95814, U.S.A., both
have responsibilities relating to the inspection of food and fo-
od-related products.

This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to facilitate laborat-
ory certification of chemical and microbiological analysis on
fresh agricultural products (fruits, vegetables, grains, and nu-
ts), processed food items, and other food-related products requ-
ired by the BSMI for importation into Taiwan, R.O.C.

The purpose of this MOU is to establish the laboratory accredit-
ation of the California Export Laboratory Services (CELS), Cent-
er for Analytical Chemistry (CAC) of CDFA to provide, on behalf
of the BSMI, product evaluation, chemical and microbiological
analytical services on fresh agricultural products, processed
food items, and other food-related products exported from the
United States of America to the Republic of China.

This MOU establishes principles of agreement regarding chemical
and microbiological testing of fresh agricultural products, pro-
cessed food items, and other food-related products exported to
the Republic of China for the signatories to identify responsib-
ilities and for the recognition of certification.

The CELS/CAC, CDFA agrees to perform chemical and microbiologic-
al assays on fresh agricultural products, processed food items,
and other food-related products to be exported from the United
States of America to the Republic of China. The CELS/ CAC, CDFA
agrees to provide a certification of analysis for export produc-
ts meeting the R.O.C.'s Law Governing Food Sanitation, Sanitary
Standards for Food Products, and Scope and Application Standards
of Food Additives. Items to be tested for certification include
food additives, inorganics, mycotoxins, fumigants, veterinary
drug residues, and pesticide residues.

The BSMI agrees to recognize the official laboratory certificate
and test results of the CELS/CAC, CDFA as evidence that the pro-
ducts are acceptable within the limits of the testing conducted,
except, in order to safeguard R.O.C. customers' interests, the
products will be subject to final review and acceptance by the
BSMI with inspection either on their appearance only, or in case
of necessity, by sampling and subsequent evaluation. The BSMI
shall provide the CELS/CAC, CDFA with timely updates of all imp-
ort inspection regulations on the pertinent agricultural and fo-
od items. As it deems necessary, the BSMI may request the CELS/
CAC, CDFA to provide information on testing procedures for its

This MOU shall become effective commencing with the execution of
this MOU by both organizations and shall remain effective until
cancellation notice is given by either organization. Both organ-
izations reserve the right to cancel this MOU without cause. The
cancellation of this MOU shall be by written notice at least 30
days prior to the effective date of cancellation.

Chen Tso-Chen
Director General
Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection
May 31, 1999

William Lyons, Jr.
California Department of Food and Agriculture
May 12, 1999
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)