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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 7, 2002. Entered into force on June 7, 2002.
June 7,2002
Dr. Thomas T.P. Chen
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Canada
45 O'Connor Street, Suite 1960
Ottawa, Ontario K1P 1A4
Dear Dr. Chen:
I have the honour to refer to the results of the recent discuss-
ions between representatives of the Canadian Trade Office in Ta-
ipei (CTOT) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Canada
(TECO), on the subject of a mutual recognition arrangement for
equipment subject to Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) regu-
lations. The arrangement, as embodied in this letter and in yto-
ur return letter, shall become effective upon CTOT's receipt of
your return letter.
CTOT confirms that the equipment covered by this letter is the
equipment subject to the EMC regulations of Industry Canada (IC)
. CTOT further confirms that Canda will apply the general provi-
sions, Appendix A, and Phase I Procedures in Appendix B of the
Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement
for Conformity Assessment of Telecommunications Equipment (APEC
Telecom MRA) to equipment from Chinese Taipei coverd by this le-
tter. The APEC Telecom MRA is attached for reference to this le-
In particular, Canada will apply, if required, the Phase I proc-
edure in Appendix B for the recognition of testing laboratories
designated by Chinese Taipei as Conformity Assessment Bodies (C-
ABs) and for the acceptance of test reports in accordance with
the preceding paragraph, if required, from recognized Chinese T-
aipei CABs for conformity assessment of the equipment coered by
this letter with the EMC regulations of the IC. Attached is the
list of technical regulations and specific standards to be conv-
ered for which IC will accept test reports in accordance with t-
he preceding paragraph, if required, from recognized Chinese Ta-
ipei CABs. Any modifications to this list shall be notified to
the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, Canada (TECO), and the
Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI).
I also am pleased to inform you that IC is the Designating Auth-
ority for Canada. IC may designate testing laboratories in acco-
rdance with the general provisions, Appendix A, and Phase I Pro-
cedures in Appendix B of the APEC Telecom MRA for recognition as
CABs by Chinese Taipei with respect to the EMC regulations of t-
he BSMI.
Canada understand that it will be necessary to exchange informa-
tion on the technical criteria for accrediting CABs. In addition
,IC is the point of contact for Canada for the equipment covered
by this letter. CTOT further confirms that Canada will undertake
steps with Chinese Taipei for mutually satisfactory implementat-
ion of the Phase Ⅱ Procedures in Appendix C of the APEC Telecom
MRA with respect to the equipment covered by this letter with t-
he goal of beginning such implementation as early as possible a-
fter completion of necessary domestic procedures.
Notwithstanding the exchange of these letters, Canada notes its
position that all phenomena, such as EMC, which may cause harmf-
ul interference to telecommunications, are subject to the APEC
Telecom MRA.


Ted Lipman
Executive Director
Canadian Trade Office in Taipei
Attachments:APEC Telecom MRA

Date:June 7,2002
Mr. Ted Lipman
Executive Director
Canadian Trade Office in Taipei
13th Floor,
365 Fu Hsing North Road
Taipei, 10483 Taiwan

Dear Mr. Lipman:
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 7, 2002 which refl-
ects the results of the recent discussions between representati-
ves of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office (TECO) in Canada
and the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei (CTOT) on the subject of
a mutual recognition arrangement for equipment subject to Elect-
ro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) regulations. The arrangement, as
embodied in your letter and in this return letter, shall become
effective upon CTOT's receipt of this letter.
TECO confirms that the equipment covered by this letter is the
equipment subject to the EMC regulations of the Bureau of Stand-
ards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) , which is also subject to
the EMC regulations of Industry Canada (IC) . TECO further conf-
irms that Chinese Taipei will apply the general provisions, App-
endix A, and Phase I Procedures in Appendix B of the Asia Pacif-
ic Economic Cooperation Mutual Recognition Arrangement for Conf-
ormity Assessment of Telecommunications Equipment (APEC Telecom
MRA) to equipment from Canada covered by this letter. The APEC
Telecom MRA is attached for reference to this letter.
In particular, Chinese Taipei will apply the Phase I Procedures
in Appendix B for the recognition of testing laboratories desig-
nated by the Canada as Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) and
for the acceptance of test reports from recognized Canadian CABs
for conformity assessment of the equipment covered by this lett-
er with the EMC regulations of the BSMI. Attached is the list of
EMC regulations and products for which the BSMI will accept test
reports in accordance with the preceding paragraph, if required,
from recognized Canadian CABs. Any modifications to this list s-
hall be notified to the Canadian Trade Office in Taipei (CTOT)
and IC.
I also am pleased to inform you that BSMI is the Designating Au-
thority for Chinese Taipei for purposes of this letter. BSMI may
designate testing laboratories in accordance with the general p-
rovisions, Appendix A, and Phase I Procedures in Appendix B of
the APEC Telecom MRA for recognition as CABs by Canada with res-
pect to the EMC regulations of IC. Chinese Taipei understands t-
hat it will be necessary to exchange information on the technic-
al criteria for accrediting CABs. In addition, BSMI is the cont-
act point for Chinese Taipei for the equipment covered by this
TECO further confirms that Chinese Taipei will undertake steps
with Canada for mutually satisfactory implementation of the Pha-
se II Procedures in Appendix C of the APEC Telecom MRA with res-
pect to the equipment covered by this letter with the goal of b-
eginning such implementation as early as possible after complet-
ion of necessary domestic procedures.
The exchange of these letters is to achieve a mutual recognition
arrangement between Chinese Taipei and Canada for equipment cov-
ered by this letter, and without further explicit arrangement,
reference to the APEC Telecom MRA herein should not in any way
be interpreted as a reflection of Chinese Taipei's position reg-
arding the scope of equipment covered by the APEC Telecom MRA.


Thomas T.P. Chen
Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Canada
Attachments:APEC Telecom MRA
BSMI EMC regulations and product list
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)