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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 31, 2001 Entered into force on January 31, 2001
The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and lnspection, having its p-
rincipal place of business at 4, Chinan Road, Sec. 1, Taipei, T-
aiwan, R.O.C., and the Czech Office for Standards, Metrology and
Testing, having its principal place of business at Gorazdova 24,
120 00 Praha 2, Czech Republic, hereinafter referred to as the "
Parties," wish to conclude a Memorandum of Understanding in pur-
suance of their desire to co-operate in the areas of standardiz-
ation, metrology and conformity assessment.
With the aim of promoting mutual trade and of facilitating the
introduction by exporters of the two Countries of their products
into the market of the other Country both Parties confirm their
commitment to continuing co-operation.
Each of the Parties agrees:
- to exchange on a regular basis information on its policies or
activities relating to standardization, metrology and conform-
ity assessment,
- to exchange views and experts on reqional and international d-
evelopment of standardization, technical regulation and confo-
rmity assessment procedures;
- to maintain contact with the other Party to ensure the smooth
application of this Memorandum.
This Memorandum, written in duplicate in English, shall come in-
to effect upon signing by both Parties and shall remain effecti-
ve untill a cancellation notice is given by either Party. Cance-
llation of this Memorandum shall be by written notice at lest 30
days prior to the effective date of cancellation.
Taipei, January 2001 Praha, january 31 2001
For the Bureau of Standards, For the Czech Office for Standards,
Metrology and lnspection Metrology and Testing

Neng-Jong Lin Alexander Safank-Pstrosz
Director General Presldent
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)