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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on December 31,1981; Entered into force on September 30,1982.
Ⅰ,Letter from Mr. Joseph B. Kyle, Corporate Secretary of Ameri-
can Institute in Taiwan, to Dr. Tsai Wei-Ping, Representative
of Coordination Council for North American Affairs.
December 31,1981
Dr. Tsai Wei-ping
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
5161 River Road
Bethesda, Maryland 20816
Dear Dr. Tsai:
As a result of discussions that occurred during December 7-9,
1981, concerning our bilateral trade, itwas agreed that the
parties represented by the American Institute in Taiwan will
implement a number of tariff reductions that will benefit ex-
ports from the parties represented by the Coordination Counc-
il for North American Affairs. These tariff concessions are
enumerated in Annex I to this letter. The reductions will be
implemented on a Most Favored Nation basis in accordance with
the staging schedule presented in Annex Ⅰ.
We understand that, in consideration of the implementation of
the above tariff reductions, the parties represented by the
Coordination Council for North American Affairs will make the
tariff reductions enumerated in Annex Ⅱ, in accordance with
the staging schedule in that Annex.
With regard to the tariff concessions in Annexes Ⅰ and Ⅱ,
both parties shall have the same rights that a GATT contract-
ing party would have with respect to articles bound in the G-
ATT. After the agreement has been in effect for three years,
it may be terminated by either party in six months after a n-
otice of such termination to the other party.
With respect to other topics that were raised during the rec-
ent discussions, I would like to direct your attention to An-
nex Ⅲ of this letter.
I request that you confirm that you concur with the contents
of this letter. I propose that this letter with Annexes Ⅰ,
Ⅱ, and Ⅲ thereto and your letter of confirmation constitut-
e an agreement between the American Institute in Taiwan and
the Coordination Council for North American Affairs, to beco-
me effective September 30,1982, or on a mutually agreed earl-
ier date.
Joseph B. Kyle
Corporate Secretary
1. Annex Ⅰ
2. Annex Ⅱ
3. Annex Ⅲ
Tariff item Description of products 1/ Rate of duty 2/
number Vegetables (whether or not reduced (Percent ad
in size), packed in salt, in brin- valorem)
e, pickled, or otherwise prepared
or preserved (except vegetables in
subpart B of part 8 of schedule 1
of the Tariff Schedules of the Un-
ited States):
[Beans, cabbage, chickpeas or g-
arbanzos, black-eye cowpeas, on-
ions, peas, pimientos, tomatoes,
water chestnuts]
[Packed in salt, in brine, or
141.78 Bamboo shoots in airtight Cont
Percussion musical instruments:
725.32 Drums....................................4.8
Bagatelle, billiard, and pool equipment
(execpt tables), and parts thereof:
734.10 Other....................................4.0
734.15 Chess, checkers, pachisi, backgam-
mon, darts, and other games playe-
d on boards of special design, al-
l the foregoing games and parts t-
hereof (including their boards);
mah-jong, and dominoes; any of the
foregoing games in combination wi-
th each other, or with other game-
s, packaged together as a unit in
immediate containers of a type us-
ed in retail sales; poker chips a-
nd dice...................................4.64
Lawn-tennis equipment, and parts thereof:
Rackets, whether or not strung:
734.87 Strung...............................4.2
Beach balls, play balls, toy ball-
s, and other balls for games or s-
ports, not provided for in the fo-
regoing provisions of subpart D of
part 5 of schedule 7 of the Tariff
Schedules of the United States:
735.09 Inflatable balls........................4.8
735.20 Puzzles; game, sport, gymnastic,
athletic, or playground equipment;
all the foregoing, and parts ther-
eof, not specially provided for...........4.64
772.35 Curtains and drapes, including pa-
nels and valances; napkins, table
covers, mats, scarves, runners, d-
oilies, centerpieces, antimacassa-
rs, and furniture slipcovers; and
like furnishings; all the foregoi-
ng of rubber or plastics..................3.36
1/ Bracketed matter is included to assist in understanding the
product coverage of the concession item and does not itself
describe concession products.
2/ The rate shown is the final stage of the concession. The con-
cessions will be implemented in accordance with the following
Rates of duty (percent ad valorem), effective with
respect to articles entered on and after
Item No. ──────────────────────────
September January January January January January
30,1982 1,1983 1,1984 1,1985 1,1986 1,1987
141.78 8.7 8.4 8.1 7.8 7.5 7.2
725.32 6.6 6.3 5.9 5.5 5.2 4.8
734.10 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0
734.15 6.72 6.32 5.92 5.52 5.04 4.64
734.87 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2 4.2
735.09 7.84 7.2 6.64 6.0 5.44 4.8
735.20 6.72 6.32 5.92 5.52 5.04 4.64
772.35 4.24 4.08 3.92 3.76 3.52 3.36
After the effective date of the first stage or reduction and be-
fore the full concession rate has become effective, in determin-
ing the effective date of the full concession rate and the inte-
rvals between the effective date of successive stages:
(i) the rate of duty provided for in this table shall be consid-
ered as being in effect even though a lower rate (including
a free rate of duty) is being applied to an article to which
such rate relates; and
(ii) there shall be excluded any time during which a rate of du-
ty higher than that provided for in this table is being ap-
Tariff item number Description of Products Rate of duty 2/
(Percent ad va-
0105-0110 Live poultry for breeding 0.0
0105-9900 Others-for non-breeding 5.0
0405-0110 Eggs, fresh 30.0
0405-0190 Eggs, other 40.0
0405-0200 Egg yolks 40.0
0805-0210 Walnuts, shelled 25.0
0807-0300 Cherries, fresh 40.0
0812-0210 Prunes, dried, packed in boxes 30.0
0812-0220 Prunes, dried, packed in bulk 30.0
1208-0210 Seed, apricot, sweet 25.0
1502-0290 Other tallow produced from fats of
bovine cattle, sheep or goats, of
acid value 1 or less 10.0
2006-0400 Almonds, prepared or preserved 35.0
2007-0110 Orange Juice 60.0
2914-0100 Acetic acid (including glacial ac-
etic acid) 15.0
2914-0400 Ester and salt derivatives of mon-
ocarbozylic acids 1/ 15.0
2921-0300 Carbonic esters and their salts,
and their halogenated, sulphonate-
d, nitrated or nitrosated derivat-
ives 1/ 15.0
3005-0100 Sterile surgical catgut, and simi-
lar sterile suture materials 15.0
3005-0500 Dental materials, n.e.s. 20.0
4102-0100 Upper leather of cattle and calf 25.0
4414-0100 Wood sawn lengthwise, sliced or p-
eeled but not further prepared, of
a thickness not exceeding 5mm. 10.0
4821-0810 Diapers for infants 30.0
5802-0300 Other carpets, carpeting, rugs, m-
ats and matting, and "kelem", "sc-
humacks" and "karamanie" rugs and
the like (made up or not), of syn-
thetic or regnerated fibers. 65.0
6202-0111 Of cotton, bed linen, table linen,
toilet linen and kitchen linen 50.0
7013-0600 Flower vases 40.0
7013-0700 Ovenware 40.0
7013-0800 Barware 40.0
7103-0311 Single crystal cultured quartz for
industrial use 10.0
8501-0320 Transformers, 3,000-70,000 volts 25.0
8504-0100 Electric accumultaors, complete 25.0
8516-9900 Other, electric traffic control e-
quipment (not including railway a-
nd tramway use) 15.0
8518-0100 High voltage power capicitors 15.0
1/ With respect to tariff concessions on these items, CCNAA not-
es that the items presently are not manufactured on a large
scale by the parties represented by CCNAA. If facilities for
production of articles within these tariff classifications a-
re established on a large scale and, as a result, it becomes
necessary to introduce new tariff classifications, the follo-
wing conditions apply: (1) any new tariff categories will be
subcategories of the existing tariff numbers, and (2) if rec-
lassification results in higher tariffs affecting U.S. trade,
AIT and CCNAA will consult for purposes of restoring the bal-
ance of the agreement in accordance with the practices that
normally would apply between two GATT contracting parties.
2/ The rate shown is the final stage of the concession. The con-
cessions will implemented in accordance with the following s-
Rates of duty (percent ad valorem), effective with
respect to articles entered on and after - -
Item No. ──────────────────────────
sept.30 Jan. 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 1, Jan. 1,
1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987
0105-0110 0 0 0 0 0 0
0105-9900 5 5 5 5 5 5
0405-0110 39 38 36 34 32 30
0405-0190 61 57 53 49 45 40
0405-0200 61 57 53 49 45 40
0805-0210 38 36 34 31 28 25
0807-0300 40 40 40 40 40 40
0812-0210 43 41 39 36 33 30
0812-0220 43 41 39 36 33 30
1208-0210 38 36 34 31 28 25
1502-0290 23 21 19 16 13 10
2006-0400 69 63 56 49 42 35
2007-0110 60 60 60 60 60 60
2914-0100 20 19 18 17 16 15
2914-0400 20 19 18 17 16 15
2921-0300 20 19 18 17 16 15
3005-0100 15 15 15 15 15 15
3005-0500 20 20 20 20 20 20
4102-0100 34 33 31 29 27 25
4414-0100 10 10 10 10 10 10
4821-0810 30 30 30 30 30 30
5802-0300 65 65 65 65 65 65
6202-0111 71 67 63 59 55 50
7013-0600 49 48 46 44 42 40
7013-0700 49 48 46 44 42 40
7013-0800 49 48 46 44 42 40
7103-0311 10 10 10 10 10 10
8501-0320 25 25 25 25 25 25
8504-0100 30 29 28 27 26 25
8516-9900 15 15 15 15 15 15
8518-0100 24 23 21 19 17 15
The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) takes note of the request
by the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA)
that import relief be terminated for the following types of mus-
hrooms: straw mushrooms, golden mushrooms, oyster mushrooms and
summer oyster mushrooms, in airtight containers; and agaricus m-
ushrooms, in glass jars and/or in butter sauce.
The American Institute in Taiwan also takes note of CCNAA'S int-
ention to petition during the 1982 review cycle for inclusion of
items of interest to it on the list of eligible items for the U-
nited States Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). Serious c-
onsideration will be given to GSP petitions on those products.
The Coordination Council for North American Affairs also expres-
sed particular interest in the following items: TSUSA Numbers 11
2.05, 112.30, 114.20 and 141.88. Serious consideration will be
given to GSP petitions on those products or, subject to princip-
al supplier positions and appropriate domestic advice, tariff r-
eductions in the event that new tariff negotiating authority be-
comes available in the future.
During the discussions, CCNAA requested tariff reductions on the
items enumerated below. As these items were not among those on
which advice was sought from the United States International Tr-
ade Commission under section 124 of the Trade Act of 1974, trai-
ff concessions on these items are not legally possible under th-
at section. The Coordination Council for North American Affairs
requested that the American Institute in Taiwan take note of CC-
NAA's interest in tariff reductions on these items in the event
that new tariff negotiating authority becomes available in the
future. AIT responded that if such authority were forthcoming,
AIT would give serious and as favorable as possible considerati-
on to including these items within the scope of its negotiating
141.70 653.85 700.61 732.14
144.20 653.93 700.62 732.18
204.50 654.07 700.63 732.24
206.47 654.12 700.64 732.26
206.96 657.24 700.67 734.51
240.19 685.50 700.69 734.90
355.25 687.43 727.35 737.25
534.94 688.10 731.15 737.95
545.85 696.10 732.02 750.35
646.84 696.35 732.06 751.05
648.97 700.57 732.08 770.53
653.47 700.58 732.10 770.71
653.48 700.59 732.12 771.45
Ⅱ,Letter from Dr. Tsai Wei-Ping, Representative of Coordination
Council for North American Affairs, to Mr. Joseph B. Kyle, C-
orporate Secretary of American Institute in Taiwan
December 31,1981
Dear Mr. Kyle:
I have the pleasure to acknowledge the receipt of your letter
of December 31,1981 which reads as follows:
"As a result of discussions that occurred during December 7-9
, 1981, concerning our bilateral trade, it was agreed that t-
he parties represented by the American Institute in Taiwan w-
ill implement a number of tariff reductions that will benefit
exports from the parties represented by the Coordination Cou-
ncil for North American Affairs. These tariff concessions are
enumerated in Annex I to this letter. The reductions will be
implemented on a Most Favored Nation basis in accordance with
the staging schedule presented in Annex I.
We understand that, in consideration of the implementation of
the above tariff reductions, the parties represented by the
Coordination Council for North American Affairs will make the
tariff reductions enumerated in Annex Ⅱ, in accordance with
the staging schedule in that Annex.
With regard to the tariff concessions in Annexes Ⅰ and Ⅱ,
both parties shall have the same rights that a GATT contract-
ing party would have with respect to articles bound in the G-
ATT. After the agreement has been in effect for three years,
it may be terminated by either party in six months after a n-
otice of such termination to the other party.
With respect to other topics that were raised during the rec-
ent discussions, I would like to direct your attention to A-
nnex Ⅲ of this letter.
I request that you confirm that you concur with the contents
of this letter. I propose that this letter with Annexes Ⅰ,
Ⅱ and Ⅲ thereto and your letter of confirmation constitute
an agreement between the American Institute in Taiwan and the
Coordination Council for North American Affairs, to become e-
ffective September 30,1982, or on a mutually agreed earlier
In reply, I have the pleasure to accept the proposals as set
forth in your letter quoted above and in Annexes Ⅰ, Ⅱ, and
Ⅲ thereto, and to confirm that your letter and this letter
in reply shall constitute an agreement between AIT and CCNAA
to become effective September 30,1982, or on a mutually agre-
ed earlier date.
Sincerely yours,
Tsai Wei-ping
Mr. Joseph B. Kyle
Corporate Secretary
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore Street
17th Floor Arlington, VA 22209
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)