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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on November 5 and 21,1979; Entered into force on November 21,1979.
Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Joseph B. Kyle, Secretary of American Instit-
ute in Taiwan, to Mr. M.T. Wu, Director of Economic Division
of Coordination Council for North American Affairs.
November 5,1979
Mr. M. T. Wu, Director
Economic Division
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
4301 Connecticut Av., NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
Dear Mr. Wu:
I refer to discussions held in May, July, August and September
1979 between representatives of the Coordination Council for No-
rth American Affairs (CCNAA) and the American Institute in Taiw-
an (AIT) concerning exports to the United States of America of
cotton, wool, and man-made fiber textiles and textile products
from Taiwan. As agreed during these discussions, I propose the
following regarding implementation of the Agreement Relating to
Trade in Cotton, Wool and Man-Made Fiber Textiles and Textile p-
roducts dated June 8,1978:
1 In Annex C, Designated Consultation Levels (in Square Yards E-
quivalent) for the following Categories shall be:
Category Description Level
359 Other apparel 5,190,000
363 Terry & other pile t wels 2,000,000
659 Other apparel 71,000,000
659 sub. Knit headwear 21,255,000
659 sub. Swimwear 13,260,000
(of which men's and boys' 1,755,000)
(of which women's girls' and
infants' 12,480,000)
2 The 1979 Consultation Level for sub-Category 669 (fishnets) is
raised to 123,000 pounds from which the agreed overshipment c-
harges of 23,391 pounds (19,391 pounds from 1977 and 4,000 po-
unds from 1978) will be deducted leaving an effective level of
99,609 pounds.
3 During 1979, the maximum permissible level of exports for Cat-
egory 683 will be 1,900,000 dozen, including (a) swing of 7 p-
ercent, (b) shift of 10 percent from Category 639, and (c) sp-
ecial shift which could amount to 280,000 to 320,000 dozen fr-
om Category 639 at an exchange ration in dozens of 3:2.
4 During 1979, the maximum permissible level of exports for Cat-
egory 639 will be the adjusted level of 4,899,532 dozen (base
level of 5,033,179 minus the agreed overshipment charge of 133
,656 dozen) plus 3 percent swing computed on that level.
If CCNAA concurs with the foregoing, then this letter and your
letter of confirmation will constitute an understanding betwe-
en us regarding implementation of the aforementioned Agreement
. Sincerely,
Joseph B. Kyle
Ⅱ Letter from Mr. M.T. Wu, Director of Economic Division of Co-
ordination Council for North American Affairs, to Mr. Joseph
B. Kyle, Secretary of American Institute in Taiwan.
November 21,1979
Mr. Joseph B. Kyle
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore Street
17th Floor
Arlington, Virginia 22209
Dear Mr. Kyle:
I wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated November 5,19
79 outlining 4 points discussed during the consultations held in
May, July, August and September 1979 concerning certain amendme-
nts to our Agreement relating to trade in cotton, wool, and man-
made fiber textiles and textile products dated June 8,1978 betw-
een our two countries.
I am authorized by my Government to formally inform you that wi-
th the amendments outlined in your letter are concurred.
Sincerely Yours,
Liang Chao
for M. T. Wu
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)