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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on June 8,1978; Entered into force retrospectively on January 1,1978.
Ⅰ Note from Mr. Cyrus R. Vance.Secretary of State, to Mr. James
C.H. Shen, Ambassador of the Republic of China.
Department of State Washingotn
June 8,1978
I have the honor to refer to the Arangement Regarding Internati-
onal Trade in Textiles (hereinafter referred to as the Arrangem-
ent), done at Geneva on December 20,1973, and extended by proto-
col opened for signature at Geneva on December 15,1977.
I have also the honor to refer to discussions between represent-
atives of the Government of the United States of America in Was-
hington from November 14 to November 22,1977, in Taipei from Ja-
nuary 23 to january 28,1978, and in Washington from February 21
to February 24, 1978, concerning exports to the United States of
America of cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and textile
products from the Republic of China. As a result of these discu-
ssions, and in conformity with Article 4 of the Arrangement, I
have the honor to propose, on behalf of the Government of the U-
nited States of America, the following Agreement relating to tr-
ade in cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and textile pro-
ducts between the Republic of China and the United States of Am-
1 The term of this Agreement will be the five-year period from
January 1,1978 through December 31,1982. Each "Agreement Year"
shall be a calendar year, with the first Agreement Year comme-
ncing on January 1,1978 and ending on December 31,1978.
2 Textiles and textile products covered by this Agreement shall
be classified in three groups, as follows:
Group Definition
Ⅰ Yarns, fabrics, made-up goods and Miscellaneous texti-
le products of cotton and man-made fibers. (Categories
300-320, 360-369, 600-627, 665-659).
Ⅱ Apparel of cotton and man-made fibers.
(Categories 300-359, 630-659).
Ⅲ wool textiles and textile products.
(Categories 400-469).
The determination of whether a textile or textile product is
of cotton, wool, or manmade fiber shall be made in accordance
with the terms of paragraph 9. The Categories referred to in
the above definitions of froups are those summarized in Annex
3 (a) The system of Categories and the rates of conversion into
square yards equivalent listed in Annex A shall apply in
implementing this Agreement except as set out in subparag-
raph 3 (b).
(b) For purposes of this Agreement, and in recognition of the
patterns of trade of the Republic of China with the United
States of America, the groups of Categories below are mer-
ged and treated as single Categories and Subcategories as
indicated, with Specific Limits for Categories and Sublim-
its for Subcategories as set out in Annex B, except that
for the purpose of calculating permissible adjustments in
the first agreement year under paragraphs 7 and 8, and of
establishing limits for subsequent agreement years, the S-
pecific Limit for man-made fiber sweaters (merged category
645/646) for the first agreement year shall be deemed to
be 4,027,573 dozens:

Categories Designation in
Merged Agreement Subcategories
333, 334, 335 333/334/335 333/334; 335
338, 339 338/339 None
347, 348 347/348 347;348
445, 446 445/446 None
633, 634, 635 633/634/635 633/634; 635
643, 644 643/644 643;644
645, 646 645/646 None

For purposes of computing charges to Aggregate, Group and
Specific Limits and Sub-limits for the Categories and Sub-
categories cited above, rates of conversion for individual
Categories set out in Annex A shall be applied, except th-
at the rate of conversion for Subcategory 333/334 will be
39.5 square yards equivalent per dozen and then the rate
of conversion for Subcategory 633/634 will be 40.6 square
yards equivalent per dozen.
4 Commencing with the first Agreement Year, and during the subs-
equent term of this Agreement, the Government of the Republic
of China shall limit annual exports from the Republic of China
to the United States of America of cotton, wool, and man-made
fiber textiles and textile products to the Aggregate, Group a-
nd Specific Limits and Sub-limits set out in Annex B, as such
Limits may be adjusted in accordance with paragraphs 6, 7, and
8. The limits set out in Annex B do not include any adjustmen-
ts permitted under paragraphs 6, 7, or 8.
5 (a) Categories not subject to Specific Limits are subject to
Consultation levels and to the Aggregate and applicable G-
roup Limits. Except as specified in Annex C, Consultation
Levels for each Agreement Year for Categories not subject
to a Specific Limit shall be 1,000,000 square yards equiv-
alent for Categories in Group I, 700,000 square yards equ-
ivalent for Categories in Group Ⅱ, and 100,000 square ya-
rds equivalent for Categories in Group Ⅲ.
(b) In the event the Government of the Republic of China wish-
es to permit exports to the United States in any category
in excess of the applicable consultation level during any
agreement year, the Government of the Republic of China s-
hall request consultations with the Government of the Uni-
ted States of America on this question and the Government
of the United States of America shall enter into such con-
sultations. Until agreement on a different level of expor-
ts is reached, the Government of the Republic of China sh-
all limit exports to the United States in the category in
question to the applicable consultation level.
6 During any Agreement Year, and within the Aggregate Limit for
such Agreement Year, the Group Limits set out in Annex B appl-
icable to such Agreement Year may be exceeded by not more than
15 percent in the case of Group I, by not more than 7 percent
in the case of Group Ⅱ, and by not more than 3 percent in the
case of Group Ⅲ. Adjustments made pursuant to this paragraph
are in addition to those pursuant to paragraph 8.
7 (a) During any Agreement Year, and within the Aggregate and a-
pplicable Group Limits for such Agreement Year, as they m-
ay be adjusted pursuant to paragraphs 6 and 8, any Specif-
ic Limit or Sub-limit set out in Annex B may be exceeded
by not more than:
10 percent if included in Group Ⅰ,
6 percent if applicable to Group Ⅱ
Categories or Subcategories 340, 341,
633/634/635, 633/634, 635, 639, 640,
643/644, 643, 644, 645/646, 647 or 648,
7 percent if applicable to any other
Group Ⅱ Categories,
5 percent if included in Group Ⅲ
(b) During any Agreement Year, and within the Aggregate and a-
pplicable Group Limits for such Agreement Year, as they m-
ay be adjusted pursuant to paragraphs 6 and 8, the limit
for Category 638 may be execeeded by up to ten percent in
addition to the adjustment pursuant to subparagraph 7(a),
so long as an equivalent quantilty is deducted in the same
Agreement Year from the Limit for Category 639. Adjustmen-
ts made pursuant to this paragraph 7 are in addition to t-
hose pursuant to paragraph 8.
8 (a) In any Agreement Year, in addition to any adjustment purs-
uant to paragraphs 6 and 7, exports may exceed by a maxim-
um of 11 percent the Aggregate Limit and any Group or Spe-
cific Limit or Sublimit by allocating to such limit for t-
hat Agreement Year an unused portion of the corresponding
Limit for the previous Agreement Year ("Carryover") or a
portion of the correspondjng Limit for the succeeding Agr-
eement Year ("Carry Forward") subject to the following co-
(i) Carryover may be utilized as available up to 11 percent
of the receiving Agreement Year's applicable Limits, p-
rovided, however, that no Carryover shall be available
for application during the first Agreement Year;
(ii) The combination of Carryover and Carry Forward shall n-
ot exceed 11 percent of the receiving Agreement Year's
applicable Limit in any Agreement Year;
(iii) Carry Forward may be utilized up to 7.15 percent of the
receiving Agreement Year's applicable Limit and shall
be charged against the immediately following Agreement
Year's corresponding Limits;
(iv) Carryover of Shortfall (as defined in Subparagraph 8(b)
shall not be applied to any Specific Limits until the
Governments of the Republic of China and the United St-
ates of America have agreed upon the amounts involved.
(b) For purposes of this Agreement, a Shortfall occurs when e-
xports of textiles or textile products of the Republic of
China to the United States of America during an Agreement
Year are below the Aggregate Limit and any applicable Gro-
up Limit, Specific Limit or Sub-limit. In the Agreement Y-
ear following the Shortfall, such exports from the Republ-
ic of China to the United States of America may be permit-
ted to exceed the Aggregate, Group, and Specific Limits a-
nd Sub-limits, subject to conditions of subparagraph 8(a),
by Carryover of Shortfalls in the following manner:
(i) The Carryover shall not exceed the amount of Shortfall
in either the Aggregate Limit or any applicable Group
or Specific Limit or Sub-limit;
(ii) In the case of Shortfall in a Category or Sub-category
subject to a Specific limit or Sub-limit, the Shortfall
shall be used in the Category or Sub-category in which
the Shortfall occurred; and
(iii) In the case of Shortfalls not attributable to Categori-
es or Sub-categories subject to Specific Limits or Sub-
limits, the Carryover shall be used in the same Group
in which the Shortfall occurred.
(c) The Limits referred to in Sub-paragraph 8(a) and (b) are
without any adjustment under this paragraph or paragraphs
6 or 7.
(d) The total adjustment under this paragraph shall be in add-
ition to adjustments to the Limit permitted by paragraphs
6 and 7.
(e) The total adjustment permissible under this paragraph for
the first Agreement Year shall be 7.15 percent, consisting
solely of carry forward.
9 (a) Tops, yarns, piece goods, made-up articles, garments and
other textile manufactured products, all being products w-
hich derive their chief characteristics from their textile
components, of cotton, wool, or man-made fibers, or blends
thereof, in which any or all of those fibers represent ei-
ther the chief value of the fibers or 50 percent or more
by weight (or 17 percent or more by weight of wool) of the
product, are subject to this Agreement.
(b) For the purposes of this Agreement, textile products shall
be classified as cotton, wool or man-made fiber textiles
if wholly or in chief value of any of these fibers. Any p-
roducts covered by sub-paragraph 9(a) but not in chief va-
lue of cotton, wool or man-made fiber shall be classified
(i) Cotton textiles if containing 50 percent or more by we-
ight of cotton, or if the cotton component exceeds by
weight the wool and/or the man-made fiber component;
(ii) Wool textiles if not cotton, and wool equals or exceeds
17 percent by weight of all component;
(iii) Man-made fiber textiles if neither of the foregoing ap-
10 mutually satisfactory administrative arrangements or adjustm-
ents may be made to resolve minor problems arising in the im-
plementation of this Agreement, including differences in poi-
nts of procedure or operation.
11 (a) The Government of the United States of America shall pro-
mptly supply the Government of the Republic of China with
data on monthly imports of cotton, manmade fiber and wool
textiles and textile products into the United States of
Americafrom the Republic of China.
(b) The Government of the Republic of China shall promptly s-
upply the Government of the United States of America with
data on monthly exports of cotton, man-made fiber and wo-
ol textiles and textile products from the Republic of Ch-
ina to the United States of America.
(c) Each Government agrees to supply promptly any other avai-
lable statistical data necessary to the implementation of
this Agreement requested by the other Government.
12 The Government of the Republic of China shall use its best e-
fforts to space exports from the Republic of China to the Un-
ited States of America within each Category or Sub-category
evenly throughout each Agreement Year, taking into considera-
tion normal seasonal factors.
13 If the Government of the Republic of China considers that, as
a result of limitations specified in this Agreement, it is b-
eing placed in an inequitable position in relation to a third
country. the Government of the Republic of China may request
consultations with the Government of the United States of Am-
erica with a view to taking appropriate remedial action such
as reasonable modification of this Agreement.
14 For the duration of this Agreement, the Government of the Un-
ited States of America shall not invoke the procedures of Ar-
ticle 3 of the Arrangement to request restraint on the export
of cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and textile prod-
ucts from the Republic of China to the United States. Each G-
overnment reserves its rights under the Arrangement with res-
pect to textiles and textile products not subject to this Ag-
15 The Government of the Republic of China shall administer its
export control system under this Agreement. The Government of
the United States of America may assist the Government of the
Republic of China in implementing the limitation provisions
of this Agreement by controling imports of textiles and text-
ile products covered by this Agreement.
16 In conformity with Article 12, paragraph (3) of the Arrangem-
ent, this Agreement shall not apply to exports of handloom f-
abrics of the cottage industry of the Republic of China, or
handmade cottage industry products made of such handloom fab-
rics in the Republic of China, or to folklore handicraft tex-
tile products traditional t the Republic of China, provided
that such prducts are properly certified under arrangements
established between the two Governments pursuant to paragrap-
hs 10 or 18.
17 Exports of cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and text-
ile products in shipments individually valued at less than $2
50,00 shall not be charged to the limits of this Agreement p-
rovided that such are properly certified.
18 The visa and certification system established by letters dat-
ed August 16,1972, September 20, 1972 and March 22, 1973, be-
tween the Government of the United States of America and the
Government of the Republic of China will remain in force sub-
ject to paragraph 10.
19 During the first Agreement Year, each Government shall maint-
ain records on imports or exports, as appropriate, of cotton
suits, the component parts of which were charged to two or m-
ore of Categories 333, 334, 335, 342, 347, and 348, The Gove-
rnment of the United States of America will inform the Gover-
nment of the Republic of China prior to the end of the first
Agreement Year whether or not separate male and female cotton
suit categories will be established for 1979. If the Governm-
ent of the United States of America establishes cotton suit
categories, the Government of the Republic of China agrees to
consult promptly with the Government of the United States of
America for the purpose of establishing levels for these cat-
20 (a) The Government of the United States of America and the g-
overnment of the Republic of China agree to consult, upon
the request of either Government, on any question arising
in the implementation of this Agreement.
(b) The Government of the Republic of China agrees to consult
with the Government of the United States of America if t-
he trade patterns in any of the Merged Categories change
significantly. Changes in trade patterns within Subcateg-
ories include changes regarding knit and woven construct-
ion. Both Governments will consider sympathetically any
proposals concerning the mergers made during consultatio-
ns for subsequent agreement years.
(c) the two Governments agree to undertake a major review of
this Agreement within six months after the end of the se-
cond Agreement Year.
21 The Government of the United States of America and the Goven-
ment of the Republic of China may at nay time propose revisi-
ons in the terms of this Agreement. Each Government agrees to
consult promptly with the other Government about such propos-
als with a view to making such revisions to this Agreement,
or taking such other appropriate action as may be mutually a-
greed upon.
22 Either Government may terminate this Agreement, effective at
the end of an Agreement Year, by written notice to the other
Government, to be given at least 90 days prior to the end of
such Agreement Year,
If the foregoing conforms with the understanding of the Gove-
rnment of the Republic of China this note and Your Excellenc-
y's note of confirmation on behalf of the Government of the
Republic of China shall constitute an Agreement between our
two Governments.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest con-
for the Secretary of State:
Robert Hormats
His Excellency
James C. H. Shen,
Chinese Ambassador.
Category Description Conversion Factor Unit of Measure
300 Carded 4.6 Lb.
301 Combed 4.6 Lb.
400 Tops and yarn 2.0 Lb.
-Man-made fiber
600 Textured 3.5 Lb.
601 Cont. cellulosic 5.2 Lb.
602 Cont. noncellulosic 11.6 Lb.
603 Spun cellulosic 3.4 Lb.
604 Spun noncellulosic 4.1 Lb.
605 Other yarns 3.5 Lb.
310 Ginghams 1.0 SYD
311 Velveteens 1.0 SYD
312 Corduroy 1.0 SYD
313 Sheeting 1.0 SYD
314 Broadcloth 1.0 SYD
315 Print tcloths 1.0 SYD
316 Shirtings 1.0 SYD
317 Twills and Sateens 1.0 SYD
318 Yarn-dyed 1.0 SYD
319 Duck 1.0 SYD
320 Other fabrics, n. k. 1.0 SYD
410 Woolens and Worsted 1.0 SYD
411 Tapestries and upholstery 1.0 SYD
425 Knit 2.0 Lb.
429 Other Fabrics 1.0 SYD
-Man-made fiber
610 Cont. cellulosic, n. k. 1.0 SYD
611 Spun cellulosic, n. k. 1.0 SYD
612 Cont. noncellulosic, .n .k 1.0 SYD
613 Spun noncellulosic, n. k. 1.0 SYD
614 Other fabrics, n. k. 1.0 SYD
625 Kint 7.8 Lb.
626 Pile and tufted 1.0 SYD
627 Specialty 7.8 Lb.
330 Handkerchiefs 1.7 Dz.
331 Gloves 3.5 DPR
332 Hosiery 4.6 DPR
333 Suit-type coats, M and B 36.2 Dz.
334 Other coats, M and B 41.3 Dz.
335 Coats, W, G and I 41.3 Dz.
336 Dresses (inc. uniforms) 45.3 Dz.
337 Playsuits, sunsuits, wash-
suits, creepers 25.0 Dz.
338 Knit shirts, (inc. T-shi-
rts, other and sweatshirt-
s) M and B 7.2 Dz.
339 Knit shirts and blouses (i
nc. T-shirts, other & sw-
eatshirts) W, G and I 7.2 Dz.
340 Shirts, n. k. 24.0 Dz.
341 Blouses, n. k. 14.5 Dz.
342 Skirts 17.8 Dz.
345 Sweaters 36.8 Dz.
347 Trousers, slacks, and sho-
rts (outer) M and B 17.8 Dz.
348 Trousers, slacks and shor
ts (outer) W,G and I 17.8 Dz.
349 Brassieres, etc. 4.8 Dz.
350 Dressing gowns, inc. bath-
robes, and beach robes, l-
ounging gowns house coats,
and dusters 51.0 Dz.
351 Pajamas and other nightwe-
ar 52.0 Dz.
352 Underwear (inc. union sui-
ts) 11.0 Dz.
359 Other apparel 4.6 Dz.
431 Gloves 2.1 DPR
432 Hosiery 2.8 DPR
433 Suit-type coats, M and B 3.0 No.
434 Other coats, M and B 4.5 No.
435 Coats, W, G and I 4.5 No.
436 Dresses 4.1 No.
438 Knit shirts and blouses 15.0 Dz.
440 Shirts and blouses, n. k. 24.0 Dz.
442 Skirts 1.5 No.
443 Suits, M and B 4.5 No.
444 Suits, W, G and I 4.5 No.
445 Sweaters, M and B 14.88 Dz.
446 Sweaters, W, G and I 14.88 Dz.
447 Trousers, slacks, and sho-
rts (outer) M and B 1.5 No.
448 Trousers, slacks and shor-
ts (outer) W, G. and I 1.5 No.
459 Other wool apparel 2.0 Lb.
-Man-made fiber
630 Handkerchiefs 1.7 Dz.
631 Gloves 3.5 DPR
632 Hosiery 4.6 DPR
633 Suit-type coats, M and B 36.2 Dz.
634 Other coats, M and B 41.3 Dz.
635 Coats, W, G and I 41.3 Dz.
636 Dresses 45.3 Dz.
637 Playsuits, sunsuits, wash-
suits, etc. 21.3 Dz.
638 Knit shirts, (inc. T-shir-
ts), M and B 18.0 Dz.
639 Knit Shirts and blouses (i
nc. T-shirts), W. G and I 15.0 Dz.
640 Shirts, n. k. 24.0 Dz.
641 Blouses, n. k. 14.5 Dz.
642 Skirts 17.8 Dz.
643 Suits, M and B 4.5 No.
644 Suits, W, G and I 4.5 No.
645 Sweaters, M and B 36.8 Dz.
646 Sweaters, W, G and I 36.8 Dz.
647 Trousers, slacks, and sho-
rts (outer), M and B 17.8 Dz.
648 Trousers, slacks and shor-
ts (outer), W, G and I 17.8 Dz.
649 Brassieres, Etc. 4.8 Dz.
650 Dressing gowns, inc. bath
and beach robes 51.0 Dz.
651 Pajamas and other nightwe
ar 52.0 Dz.
652 Underwear 16.0 Dz.
659 Other apparel 7.8 Lb.
360 Pillowcases 1.1 No.
361 Sheets 6.2 No.
362 Bedspreads and quilts 6.9 No.
363 Terry and other pile towe-
ls 0.5 No.
369 Other cotton manufactures 4.6 Lb.
464 Blankets and auto robes 1.3 Lb.
465 Floor covering 0.1 SFT
469 Other cotton manufactures 2.0 Lb.
-Man-made fiber
665 Floor covering 0.1 SFT
666 Other furnishings 7.8 Lb.
669 Other cotton manufactures 7.8 Lb.


Category Description Unit lst Year 2st Yea 3st Yea
Aggregate SYE 758,994,836 804,481,526 852,750,41
Grpup Ⅰ SYE 165,867,488 175,874,557 186,482,59
313 Sheeting Syd. 38,815,413 41,144,338 43,612,99
Group Ⅱ SYE 588,075,642 623,555,246 661,165,57
333/4/5 Coats Doz. 89,547 94,920 100,61
333/4 M&B Coats Doz. 46,897 49,711 52,69
335 WG&I Coats Doz. 56,082 59,447 63,01
338/9 Kint shirts
& blouses Doz. 436,558 462,751 490,51
340 Woven shirts Doz. 583,998 601,518 619,56
341 Woven blouses Doz. 388,293 348,442 358,89
347/8 Slacks Doz 740,892 785,346 832,46
347 M & B Doz. 363,876 385,709 408,85
348 WG & I Doz. 562,239 595,973 631,73
633/4/5 Coats Doz. 1,286,289 1,324,878 1,377,87
633/4 M & B Doz. 848,329 873,779 908,73
635 WG & I Doz. 630,904 649,831 675,82
638 M & B Knit shirts Doz. 1,352,206 1,433,338 1,519,33
639 WG & I Knit shirts
& blouses Doz. 5,033,179 5,033,179 5,033,17
Group Ⅱ
640 Woven shirts Doz. 2,919,380 3,006,961 3,097,17
641 Woven blouses Doz. 584,997 620,097 657,30
643/4 Suits No. 1,546,451 1,592,845 1,640,63
643 M & B No. 817,685 842,216 867,48
644 WG & I Doz. 883,411 909,913 937,21
645/6 Sweaters Doz. 3,785,919 -Subject to consu
to applicable
647 M & B Slacks Doz. 1,711,202 1,762,538 1,815,41
648 WG & I Slacks Doz 2,882,549 2,940,200 2,999,00
Group Ⅲ SYE 5,001,706 5,051,723 5,102,24
434 M & B other Coats No. 355,556 359,112 362,70
440 Woven shirts Doz 12,924 13,053 13,18
445/6 Sweaters Doz 121,356 122,570 123,79


4st Yea 5st Yea
8 903,915,443 958,150,369
9 197,727,680 209,648,026
8 46,229,778 49,003,565
9 701,034,500 743,297,548
5 106,652 113,051
3 55,855 59,206
4 66,795 70,802

7 519,948 551,144
3 638,150 657,295
5 369,662 380,752
6 882,414 935,359
1 433,382 459,385
2 669,636 709,814
3 1,432,988 1,490,308
0 945,079 982,883
4 702,857 730,971
9 1,610,499 1,707,129

9 5,033,179 5,033,179

0 3,190,085 3,285,788
3 696,741 738,545
0 1,689,849 1,740,544
2 893,506 920,312
1 965,327 994,287
ltation prior
agreement year-
4 1,869,877 1,925,973
4 3,058,984 3,120,164
0 5,153,263 5,204,795
3 366,330 396,993
4 13,316 13,449
5 125,033 126,284

(IN Square Yards Equivalent)
Category Description Level
310 Gingham.................... 1,500,000
314 Poplin & Broadcloth........ 1,500,000
315 Printcloth................. 2,099,995
317 Twill and sateen........... 4,165,065
318 Yarn-dyed, n.e.s........... 4,000,000
319 Duck....................... 2,100,000
320 Other fabric............... 18,000,000
331 Gloves..................... 1,500,000
336 Dresses.................... 1,150,000
337 Playsuits.................. 2,000,000
345 Sweaters................... 1,150,000
350 Dressing gowns............. 1,600,000
351 Nightwear.................. 4,500,000
352 Underwear.................. 1,250,000
359 Other apparel.............. 4,500,000
360 Pillowcases................ 2,000,000
361 Sheets..................... 2,000,000
363 Terry & other pile towels.. 1,500,000
369 Other manufactures......... 4,500,000
400 Tops & Yarn................ 250,000
410 Woolen and worsted fabric.. 800,000
435 WG&I coats................. 520,000
438 Knit shirts & blouses...... 250,000
448 WG&I slacks................ 200,000
459 Other apparel.............. 2,000,000
600 Textured yarn.............. 30,000,000
605 Other yarn................. 1,500,000
610 Woven fabric of continuous
cellulosic yarn............ 1,500,000
612 Woven fabric of continuous
non-cellulosic yarn........ 1,500,000
613 Woven fabric of spun
non-cellulosic yarn........ 3,800,000
614 Other woven fabrics........ 3,000,000
614sub. Impression fabric.......... 100,000
625 Knit fabric................ 6,000,000
627 Specialty fabric........... 67,370,308
627sub. Impression fabric.......... 100,000
631 Gloves..................... 7,382,500
632 Hosiery.................... 2,000,000
636 Dresses.................... 14,000,000
637 Playsuits.................. 3,000,000
642 Skirts..................... 2,250,000
650 Dressing gowns............. 2,000,000
651 Nightwear.................. 15,000,000
652 Underwear.................. 1,800,000
659 Other apparel.............. 52,000,000
659sub. Knit headwear.............. 900,000
666 Other furnishings.......... 14,000,000
669 Other manufactures......... 10,000,000
669sub. Fish netting............... 635,000

Ⅰ Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen, Ambassador of the Republic of
China, to Mr. Cyrus R. Vance, Secretary of State.
June 8,1978.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's no-
te of today's date, containing a proposed agreement on the expo-
rts of cotton, wool, and man-made fiber textiles from the Repub-
lic of China to the United States of America, to replace and su-
persede, effective January 1, 1978, the existing Cotton Textile
and Wool and Man-Made fiber Textile Agreements signed on May 21,
1975, as amended.
I wish to confirm, pursuant to instructions, that the Government
of the Republic of China accepts the proposed agreement contain-
ed in your note mentioned above and agrees that your note and t-
his note of confirmation shall constitute an Agreement between
our two Governments.
I renew to Your Excellency the assurances of my highest conside-
(Signed) The Honorable Cyrus R. Vance
James C. H. Shen Secretary of State
Ambassador of the Department of State
Republic of China Washington, D. C.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)