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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 30,1978; Entered into force retrospectively on January 1,1978.
Ⅰ Note from Mr. william G. Barraclough for the Secretary of St-
ate, to Mr. James C. H. Shen, Ambassador of the Republic of
China .
Department of State
March 30,1978
I have the honor to refer to the Interim Agreement of December
16, 1977 (the "Interim Agreement") between the Government of the
Republic of China and the Government of the United States of Am-
erica concerning trade in contton, wool and man made fiber text-
iles and textile products manufactured in the Republic of China.
I have also the honor to refer to discussions between represent-
atives of the Government of the Republic of China and the Gover-
nment of the United States of America held in Taipei from Janua-
ry 23 to 28,1978, and in Washington from February 21 to 24,1978
concerning exports to the United States of such textiles and te-
xtile products. As a result of these discussions I have the hon-
or to propose, on behalf of the Government of the United States
of America, that the Interim Agreement be amended as follows:
1 Paragraph 1 of the Interim Agreement is amended to read:
"1 The term of this Interim Agreement shall be from January 1
,1978 through June 30,1978."
2 Paragraph 5 of the Interim Agreement is amended to read:
"5 Categories not subject to Specific Limits are subject to c-
onsultation levels and to the Aggregate and applicable Gro-
up Limits. Except as specified in Annex C, which sets out
certain different consultation levels, consultation levels
for categories not subject to Specific Limits shall be 500,
000 square yards equivalent for categories in Group I, 350,
000 square yards equivalent for categories in Group Ⅱ, and
50,000 square yards equivalent for categories in Group Ⅲ."
3 Annexs B and C to the Interim Agreement are deleted and are r-
eplaced, respectively, by Annexes B and C to this Note.
If the foregoing proposal is acceptable to your Government, this
note and your Excellency's note of acceptance on behalf of the
Government of the Republic of China shall constitute an agreeme-
nt between the Government of the United States of America and t-
he Government of the Republic of China, amending the Interim Ag-
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid-
For the Secretary of
William G. Barraclough
Deputy Assistant
His Excellency
James C. H. Shen
Chinese Ambassador

(JANUARY 1,1978 TO JUNE 30,1978)
Unite Limit
Aggregate SYE 379,472,418
Group 1 SYE 82,933,744
Group 2 SYE 294,037,820
Group 3 SYE 2,500,852
313 Syd. 19,407,706
335 Doz. 21,376
340 Doz. 292,000
341 Doz. 158,292
347 Doz. 139,594
348 Doz. 219,522
434 No. 177,778
440 Doz. 5,992
445 Doz. 5,024
446 Doz. 28,862
633 Doz. 23,878
634 Doz. 314,520
635 Doz. 261,094
638 Doz. 676,103
639 Doz. 2,516,590
640 Doz. 1,459,690
641 Doz. 292,498
643 No. 330,870
644 No. 396,184
645/646 Doz. 2,013,786
647 Doz. 846,974
648 Doz. 1,433,004

(JANUARY 1,1978 TO JUNE 30,1978)
Category Level
(Square Yards Equivalent)
310 1,461,848
314 750,000
315 1,049,998
317 2,082,532
318 2,000,000
320 9,000,000
331 750,000
336 575,000
337 1,000,000
338 369,190
339 627,052
345 547,658
350 800,000
351 1,174,056
352 1,100,000
359 2,350,000
360 1,000,000
361 1,000,000
363 750,000
369 1,123,336
400 125,000
410 500,000
435 246,316
436 53,560
438 97,382
448 135,000
459 740,424
600 15,000,000
605 750,000
610 750,000
612 1,000,000
613 1,900,000
614 1,500,000
625 3,000,000
627 33,685,154
631 3,691,250
632 1,888,000
636 7,000,000
637 1,016,208
642 850,000
650 1,750,000
651 7,500,000
652 900,000
659 25,075,170
666 3,768,772
669 5,000,000

Ⅱ Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen, Ambassador of the Republic of
China, to Mr. Cyrus R. Vance, Secretary of State.
March 30,1978
I have the honor to acknowledge the receip of Your Excellency's
Note of to-day's date which proposes, on behalf of the Governme-
nt of the United States of America, an Interim Agreement relati-
ng to trade in cotton, wool and man-made fiber textiles and tex-
tile products between the Republic of China and the United Stat-
es for the period from January 1,1978 through June 30,1978.
I have further the honor to confirm that your proposed Interim
Agreement is acceptable to the Government of the Republic of Ch-
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
The Honorable
Cyrus R. Vance
Secretary of State
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)