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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on March 22,1973; Entered into force on March 22,1973.
Ⅰ Note from Mr. James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador, to Mr. W-
illiam P. Rogers, Secretary of State of America.
March 22,1973
I have the honour to refer to paragraph 14 of the wool and Man-
Made Fiber Textile Agreement of December 30,1971, between our t-
wo goverments (the agreement), which provides that:
〞A schedule of handicraft and art articles which shall be exem-
pt from the limitations of this Agreement shall be developed by
the two governments and incorporated into this Agreement as Ann-
ex C.〞
Pursuant to the aforesaid paragraph of the Agreement, I propose
on behalf of my government that the following be incorporated i-
nto the Agreement as Annex C.
The following handicraft and art articles, produced or manufact-
ured in the Republic of China, shall be exempt from the limitat-
ions of the Agreement:
a Pincushions;
b Embroideries (needlework), of man-made fabrics with design em-
broidered with wool thread;
c Handmade carpets, i.e., in which the pile was inserted or kno-
tted by hand;
d Christmas tree or Easter ornaments having a non-textile core
or a non-textile structured frame and man-made fiber textile
covering; and
e Toy animals, birds or insects with a plastic, wire, or other
non-textile core that are covered or decorated with textile t-
hread or fiber.
If this proposal is acceptable to the Government of the United
States of America, this note and your note of confirmation on b-
ehalf of your Government shall constitute agreement between our
two Governments on Annex C.
Accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.
James C. H. Shen
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
The Honorable
William P. Rogers
Secretary of State
The Department of State
2201 C Street
Washington, D. C. 20520
Ⅱ Note from Mr. Julius Katz for the Secretary of State, to H. E
. James C. H. Shen, Chinese Ambassador.
March 22,1973
I have the honor to refer to the Agreement Concerning Exports of
Wool and Man-Made Fiber Textiles from the Republic of China to
the United States and to your Excellency's note of today's date
which proposes the following:
〞The following handicraft and art articles, produced or manufa-
ctured in the Republic of China, shall be exempt from the limit-
ations of the Agreement:
a Pincushions:
b Embroideries (needlework), of man-made fabrics with design em-
broidered with wool thread;
c Handmade carpets, i.e., in which the pile was inserted or kno-
tted by hand;
d Christmas tree or Easter ornaments having a non-textile core
or a non-textile structured frame and man-made fiber textile
covering; and
e Toy animals, birds or insects with a plastic, wire or other n-
on-textile core that are covered or decorated with textile th-
read or fiber.〞
I further have the honor to confirm that this proposal is accep-
table to my Government and that your Excellency's note and this
note in reply constitute an agreement between our two Governmen-
ts on Annex C.
Accept, Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest consid-
For the Secretary of State:
Julius Katz
His Excellency
James C. H. Shen,
Chinese Ambassador.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)