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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1 Signed on April 16,1962; Entered into force on April 16,1962.
The Government of the Republic of China and the Government of t-
he United States of America,
Recognizing the desirability of expanding trade in agricultural
commodities between their two countries;
Considering an announcement by the Department of Agriculture of
the Government of the United States of America on February 12,19
62, relating to the exchange of raw sugar import allocations for
purchases of United States agricultural commodities and a propo-
sal relating to that announcement submitted by the Government of
the Republic of China through the Taiwan Sugar Corporation, New
York City, dated March 8, 1962; Desiring to set forth the under-
standings reached in conversations between representatives of t-
heir two Governments and the measures which the two Governments
will take individually and collectively in furthering the expan-
sion of trade in such commodities;
Have agreed as follows:
1 The government of the United States of America will authorize
the importation into the United States of America of 29,000 s-
hort tons of raw non-quota sugar from the Republic of China d-
uring the period from the date of entered into force of thisa-
greement through June 30, 1962. The Government of China assur-
es the Government of the United States of America that this q-
uantity of raw sugar is available for shipment to the United
States of America and will make necessary arrangements for its
delivery to continental ports of the United States of America
on or before June 30, 1962.
2 The Government of the Republic of China will purchase, or cau-
se to be purchased, 29,000 bales (500 pounds equivalent) of c-
otton and 333,000 pounds of 1961 or earlier crop flue cured t-
obacco through normal trade channels within the United States
of America for importation by the Republic of China during th-
e period January 1, 1962 through December 31, 1962.
3 The Government of the Republic of China assures the Government
of the United States of America that the tobacco purchased by
the Republic of China pursuant to paragraph 2 above shall be
over and above usual commercial imports from the United States
of America of a minimum of $800,000 worth of tobacco and from
free world sources (including the United States of America) of
a minimum of $1,000,000 worth of tobacco during the period Ju-
ly 1,1961 through June 30, 1962 and further assures that such
purchases will not result in any reduction of usual commercial
imports from the United States of America (of tobacco) and fr-
om free world sources (of tobacco and cotton) during the peri-
od July 1, 1962 through June 30, 1963.
4 The cotton and tobacco specified in paragraph 2 above and any
increase in such quantity of cotton that may be made pursuant
to Article Ⅱ of this agreement shall be in addition to any c-
otton and tabacco purchased by the Republic of China under Se-
ction 303 of United States Public Law 480 (barter for strateg-
ic materials), the Commodity Credit Corporation's credit sales
program, or other programs involving financing of the purchase
of such commodities by the Government of the United States of
America (including quantities of cotton purchased by the Repu-
blic of China to replace the cotton content of textiles expor-
ted by the Republic of China as required under surplus agricu-
ltural commodity agreements between the two Governments autho-
rized by Public Law 480).
5 The Republic of China will not export any cotton in calendar
years 1962 and 1963.
6 The cotton and tobacco imported by the Republic of China purs-
uant to this agreement will be consumed in the Republic of Ch-
If the Government of the United States of America should author-
ize importation of raw non-quota sugar from the Republic of Chi-
na during the period from the date of entry into force of this
agreement through June 30, 1962 in addition to the 29,000 short
tons stipulated in Article I of this agreement and any raw sugar
authorized prior thereto, the Government of the Republic of Chi-
na agrees that it will purchase, or cause to be purchased, addi-
tional cotton through normal trade channels within the United S-
tates of America for importation by the Republic of China from
January 1, 1962 through December 31, 1962 at the rate of 1,000
bales(500 pounds equivalent) of cotton for each 1,000 short ton
increase in raw sugar import authorization.
The Government of the Republic of China will furnish, upon the
request of the Government of the United States of America, info-
rmation on the progress of the program, particularly, with resp-
ect to the purchase and arrival of the cotton and tobacco, the
provision for the maintenance of usual commercial imports and i-
nformation relating to the exports of same or like commodities.
The two Governments will, upon request of either of them, consu-
lt regarding any matter relating to the application of this agr-
eement or to the operation of arrangements entered into pursuant
to this agreement.
This agreement shall enter into force upon signature.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective representatives, duly author-
ized for the purpose, have signed the present Agreement.
DONE at Washington this sixteenth day of April, 1962.
For the Government of the Republic of China:
Sandys Bao
For the Government of the United States of America:
Philip H. Trezise
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)