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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on August 30,1946; Entered into force at same date.
This agreement between the Government of the Republic of China,
hereinafter called "China" and the Government of the United Sta-
tes of America, hereinafter called "United States" is supplemen-
tal to the agreement between China and the United States coveri-
ng the sale of certain surplus property signed August 30, 1946.
Whereas, the surplus property sales agreement between China and
the United States provides in Article 6, Paragraphb, Section (2)
that the equivalent of Thirty Five Million Dollars ($35,000,000)
United States currency would be made available for the payment
of United States Governmental expenditures in China (at the rate
not exceeding Two Million Dollars per year) and for the purchase
of designated real estate and improvements to real estate for t-
he use and benefit of the United States, and Whereas, China has
agreed in the section of the Article of the Agreement above ref-
erred to make available property desired by the United States "
at prices to be agreed upon by the Governments," and Whereas, t-
he United States has already selected certain properties which
it desires to receive under the terms of the agreement referred
to in the preamble above, Now, therefore, it is agreed:
1 That China promptly transfer to the United States, at prices
to be determined by three recognized appraisers, one of whom
shall be nominated by China, one by the United States, and the
Chairman by the two appraisers first chosen, properties inclu-
ding but not limited to:
(a) 18 Sikong Road, Nanking, ten (10) acre property
(b) Japanese Consulate General, Tientsin
(c) 9 Shanhaikuan Road, Tsingtao
(d) Deutsch-Asiatische Bank, Hankow
(e) Property at Fu Shing Chieh, now leased by American Consula-
te, Taipei.
2 That China facilitate the acquisition for transfer to the Uni-
ted States at mutually agreed prices of properties including
but not limited to:
(a) 79-75 Shanghai Road, Nanking
(b) 83 Shanghai Road, Nanking
(c) 84 Shanghai Road, Nanking
(d) 1082-1162 Avenue Joffre, Shanghai, four and one half (4)
acre property
(e) Property on Yu Shin Road, now leased by American Consulate,
(f) 55 Fu Hsing Hsin Ts'un, Kunming
(g) 185 Liang Fu Tse Lu, Chungking
(h) 213 Chung Sun Lu, Chungking
(i) parcel of property on Liang Fu Tse Lu lying east of present
American Consulate, Chungking.
In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized by their re-
spective Governments, have signed the present agreement at Shan-
ghai, China, on the 30th day of August 1946.
For the Government of the Republic of China:
(Signed) T. V. Soong
President of the Executive Yuan
For the Government of the United States of America:
States of America:
(Signed) Thomas B. McCabe
Foreign Liquidation Commissioner
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)