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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on December 03, 2014 Entered into force on December 03, 2014
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv and The
Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (hereinafter
referred to as the “ Parties ” )

Guided by their desire to develop and strengthen the existing
friendly relations between them;

Desirous to encourage cooperation in the fields of education,
youth and sports;

HAVE agreed as follows:

Article 1
The Parties shall encourage the development of cooperation in
the spheres of education and sports as well as contacts between
the youth of the two Parties.

Article 2
The Parties shall facilitate, encourage, promote and develop
their cooperation in the field of education and, to this end,
1. Facilitate, encourage and expand contact and cooperation
between educational and professional institutions and
establishments of the Parties.
2. Encourage participation in relevant educational and
professional study tours and training courses made available
by each Party.

Article 3
The Parties shall strive to expand the contacts, cooperation and
exchange of visits between:
1. Lecturers, scholars, researchers and senior management
personnel from universities and other academic institutions;
2. Secondary school teachers, teaching assistants and
3. Primary school teachers, teaching assistants and principals;
4. Pre-primary school (kindergarten) teachers, assistants and
5. Teachers in adult education institutions;
6. Officials of the relevant authorities concerned with the
education system;
7. Post graduate students and scholars at large.

Article 4
The Parties shall encourage their representatives to participate
in educational congresses, conferences, seminars and symposia
hosted by the other Party.

Article 5
The Parties shall encourage the exchange of school curricula,
pedagogical and methodological literature and other materials
concerning their respective educational system.

Article 6
The Parties shall exchange information and cooperate on issues
of common interest, inter alia:
1. concerning the comparability and equivalence of primary and
secondary school certificates, and of scientific, university
and technological degrees and diplomas;
2. information and communication technologies utilized in
3. social inclusion in education, particularly by means of
programs meant to assist disadvantaged children.

Article 7
1. The Parties shall encourage the development of an Israeli
Studies program in Taiwan and Taiwanese Studies program in
Israel including Hebrew and Mandarin language teaching;
2. The Parties consider that teaching the history of Holocaust
can provide valuable lessons concerning the negative
consequences of intolerance, racism, anti-Semitism and

Cultural Education
Article 8
With a view to mutually improving each Party's knowledge of the
culture of the other, the Parties shall encourage their
respective educational institutions to cooperate in the field of
cultural education, in carrying out activities of mutual
interest, which may include:
1. Cooperation between schools of art,
2. Participation in international conferences,
3. Exchange of lecturers and exhibitions.

Article 9
The Parties shall encourage and promote cooperation in the field
of sports, particularly through:
1. Participation in international sporting events, contests and
meetings hosted by each of the Parties;
2. Encouraging cooperation between sporting associations and
institutions of the Parties.

Article 10
The Parties shall continue implementing cooperation between
youth of the two Parties on the basis of the “ Memorandum of
Understanding on Youth Affairs between Taipei Economic and
Cultural Office in Tel Aviv and Israel Economic and Cultural
Office in Taipei ” signed on December 23rd, 2010.

General Provisions
Article 11
For the purpose of implementation of this Agreement a joint
working group shall meet, every three (3) years or whenever
necessary, in order to settle the details, including the
financial terms, of programs of cooperation in the fields of
education, youth and sports.

Article 12
1. The Parties shall endeavor to ensure favorable conditions for
the fulfillment of the provisions and purposes of this
Agreement and the exchanges and cooperation hereunder.
2. All activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement shall be
taken in accordance with and subject to the laws and
regulations of the Parties.
3. All activities undertaken pursuant to this Agreement shall be
subject to the availability of funds.

Article 13
1. Each Party shall ensure legal means for the protection of
intellectual property rights of all materials obtained on the
basis of this Agreement, in accordance with their respective
laws and regulations in force.
2. Intellectual property rights acquired or created as a result
of joint activity will be allocated by mutually agreed
conditions set out in separate agreements prior to commencing
the joint activity.

Article 14
No Party shall transmit any confidential information which the
other Party has marked as confidential and will be obtained in
pursuance of this Agreement to any third Party without prior
written consent of the other Party.

Article 15
Any differences arising out of the interpretation or the
implementation of this Agreement shall be settled amicably
through consultations between the two Parties.

Article 16
This Agreement can be modified by mutual consent of the Parties.

Article 17
This Agreement shall enter into force upon signature, and shall
remain in force for five (5) years. This period shall
automatically be extended for additional periods of five (5)
years each, unless terminated by either Party giving at least
six (6) months ’ written prior notice to the other Party of its
intention to terminate this Agreement. The activities ongoing
will not be affected by the termination.

Done at Taipei on 3rd of December 2014, which corresponds to the
11th day of Kislev 5775 in the Hebrew calendar, in duplicate, in
the English language.

For the Taipei Economic For the Israel Economic and
and Cultural Office Cultural Office in Taipei
in Tel Aviv

__________________ __________________
Yun-Sheng Chi, Simona Halperin,
Representative of the Representative of the
Taipei Israel
Economic and Cultural Economic and Cultural
Office Office in
in Tel Aviv Taipei
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)