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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 03, 2013 Signed on August 29, 2013 Entered into force on September 03, 2013
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Taipei
Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States
(TECRO) and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) hereinafter
referred to as the “ Participants, ” is intended by the
Participants to provide a framework by which AIT, through its
designated representative the National Institute of
Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS), a part of the National
Institutes of Health (NIH) in the US Department of Health and
Human Services, can provide technical expertise and training to,
and engage in scientific exchange activities with, TECRO,
through its designated representative the National Health
Research Institutes (NHRI).

TECRO ’ s designated representative, NHRI, is a public
sector-supported, non-profit research organization. The
objective of NHRI is to promote and develop medical and
health-related research in order to enhance social welfare of
the people.

AIT ’ s designated representative, NIEHS, is one of
twenty-seven Institutes and Centers forming the NIH. The mission
of NIEHS is to discover how the environment affects people, in
order to promote healthier lives.

This MOU outlines the basis upon which TECRO, through its
designated representative the NHRI, and AIT, through its
designated representative NIEHS, intend to collaborate. The
Participants intend that the activities to be conducted pursuant
to this MOU may include, but are not necessarily limited to:

Training in the areas of environmental health sciences research,
such as genome stability, environmental epidemiology and/or

Fostering collaborative basic and applied research on topics
related to the environmental health sciences.

Providing support, training, and advice to NHRI in the
establishment of a National Toxicology Program similar to the
program already in place at NIEHS.

Providing support, training, and advice to NHRI in the
establishment of a Florescence Microscopy and Imaging Core
Facility at NHRI similar to the facility already in place at

Establishing a Visiting Professorship Program at NHRI in the
territory of the authorities represented by TECRO.

This MOU is intended to describe, among other things, the
intended general terms and conditions of the Participants ’

The Participants anticipate that either Participant, through its
designated representative, may invite other individuals and
entities to participate in the activities contemplated by this
Memorandum, subject to the consent of the other Participant
through its designated representative. Such other entities may
include, as appropriate, institutions in the private and
academic sectors, state and local authorities, foreign experts,
non-governmental organizations, international organizations, and
other agencies associated with the authorities represented by
the Participants.

Both Participants, through their designated representatives,
acknowledge the importance of the protection of human and animal
subjects in any research, public health, or medical program.
Each Participant intends that all activities under this MOU are
to be performed by its designated representatives in accordance
with the laws, regulations and policies of the authorities that
Participant represents regarding the protection of human and
animal subjects involved in research.

Both Participants, through their designated representatives,
intend to complete an Annual Report on the activities carried
out under the auspices of this MOU, and occurring at individual
sites. The Reports may contain the following: (1) a brief
description of each funded project; (2) progress toward that
project ’ s goals; (3) scientific and non-scientific staffing;
and (4) publications [scientific, publicity, and other] not
previously reported. The Reports may be exchanged annually
within 30 days of the Anniversary of signing of this MOU.

The Participants intend that all activities undertaken pursuant
to this MOU should be conducted in accordance with the
respective laws, regulations, policies and procedures applicable
to the Participants and their designated representatives and are
subject to the availability of appropriated funds, personnel and
other resources.

The Participants intend that any fiscal management functions
related to this MOU are to be performed by the Participants ’
designated representatives. Specific contact information is
provided in Appendix A.

A. Nothing in this MOU obliges NIEHS, acting as AIT ’ s
designated representative, or NHRI, acting as TECRO ’ s
designated representative, to expend funds or to enter into
any financial obligations.
B. The Participants, through their designated representatives,
do not intend to submit any claim for compensation for
services rendered to the other Participant, its designated
representative, or any other agency of the authorities
represented by the other Participant.
C. This MOU is neither a fiscal nor a funds obligation document.

A. The Participants, through their designated representatives,
intend to encourage scientists in activities conducted
pursuant to this MOU to publish their findings, both
collaboratively and as individuals. In any publication
specifically related to work related to this MOU, the
Participants, through their designated representatives,
intend to make appropriate acknowledgment of this MOU. The
Participants, through their designated representatives,
intend to make scientific and technological information
derived from collaborative activities under this MOU
available to the wider scientific community, in accordance
with the customary practices and procedures of the
Participants ’ designated representatives.
B. The Participants, through their designated representatives,
may jointly or individually publish at any symposia,
national, international or regional professional meeting or
in any journal, thesis, dissertation, newspaper or otherwise
of its own choosing, the findings, methods and results
derived from collaborative activities under this MOU, subject
to due observance of the provisions of this Clause. The
Participant ’ s designated representative preparing such a
publication or any presentation relating to collaborative
activities should submit the proposed manuscript to the other
Participant ’ s designated representative, for review and
comment prior to submission for publication. If the other
Participant ’ s designated representative determines that
the proposed manuscript contains patentable subject matter
which requires protection, that Participant ’ s designated
representative may, in writing, request the publishing
Participant ’ s designated representative to delay
publication for a period of time not exceeding an additional
sixty (60) days for the purpose of filing patent
applications. The publishing Participant ’ s designated
representative should honor this request subject to any
additional discussions between the Participants, through
their designated representatives.
C. When Joint Intellectual Property arises, the Participants,
through their designated representatives, intend to use
reasonable efforts to negotiate a separate joint ownership
arrangement in good faith.

The Participants, through their designated representatives,
recognize that activities under this MOU may involve reciprocal
visits and exchanges of administrative and scientific personnel
and materials between the territories of the authorities
represented by TECRO and AIT. The Participants, through their
designated representatives, intend to facilitate, to the extent
they can, the rapid completion of all necessary clearances and
documentation required to allow and ncourage these exchanges of
personnel, and the movement of research material, equipment, and
supplies, subject to all applicable laws and regulations. Each
Participant, through its designated representative, intends to
be responsible for its own costs, unless otherwise decided in
writing, including travel costs, for its own employees
participating in any activities pursuant to this MOU.

A. The Participants intend that activities under this MOU may
commence on the date of signing this MOU by the signatories
of the representative Participants and may continue for up to
five (5) years. The signing of this MOU is to be followed by
a review and assessment.
B. Either Participant may discontinue its activities under this
MOU for any reason, but should endeavor to provide the other
Participant with not less than six (6) months advance notice
C. The Participants intend that, without the prior written
consent of the other Participant or its designated
representative, no Participant is to use in advertising or
publicity, or any trade name, trademark, service mark,
symbol, or logo, or any abbreviation, contraction or
simulation thereof, owned by the other Participant.
D. This MOU confers no rights upon either Participant or its
designated representative to make any representation or
commitment on behalf of the other Participant or its
designated representative.

Done at Washington this 3rd day of September 2013, in duplicate
in the English language.


Ta Tung Chang Barbara J. Schrage
Deputy Representative Managing Director
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)