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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 29, 2008; Entered into Force on October 29, 2008
The Council of Indigenous Peoples, Executive Yuan and the
Canadian Trade Office in Taipei, hereinafter referred to as the
WISHING to promote mutually beneficial exchanges in areas of
policy development, academic study, cultural expression and
other related fields; and
DESIRING to enhance the dignity and rights of Indigenous peoples
within the respective territories through mutual cooperation on
a reciprocal basis; Have reached the following understanding:
1. Purpose
The Participants believe that bilateral cooperation is an
effective way to elevate and enhance the dignity and rights
of Indigenous peoples. The Participants will seek to increase
the well-being of Indigenous peoples through joint efforts
and cooperation.
2. Coordination and Implementation
(a) Each Participant will designate a representative for the
implementation, coordination and liaison related to this
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) (hereinaf ter refer red
to as the “Representatives”).
(b) The Participants intend for the Representatives to develop
an annual cooperation plan and meet at least once a year to
formulate an action plan and to discuss revisions, if any,
to this MOU.
(c) The Participants intend to ask Department of Indian Affairs
and Northern Development to contribute to the formulation
of the annual cooperation plan, on a consultative basis,
and to provide non-financial support to the objectives of
the MOU.
3. Scope of Cooperation
The Participants will exchange experiences relating to
Indigenous affairs. The following will be the focus of
(a) To encourage the holding of academic seminars on a regular
basis, inviting scholars and experts from the Participants’
respective territories for wide-ranging discussions in areas
including but not restricted to Indigenous peoples’ rights,
education, culture, economic development, land, employment
and social policy;
(b) To encourage the exchange of scholars and experts in the
field of Indigenous affairs for the purpose of lecturing or
researching at each other’s universities, and, in
cooperation with relevant educational and government
authorities, to encourage the exchange of students for
study at each other’s schools of equivalent level;
(c) To promote and facilitate the exchange of information on
Indigenous issues;
(d) To share experience in the production and marketing of
Indigenous peoples’ handicrafts and to encourage the
exhibition and sale of cultural objects;
(e) To encourage the exchange of visits of groups, tribes or
individuals to attend Indigenous folklore
celebrations/festivals or other activities;
(f) To share policies and measures relating to economic
development, and to establish mechanisms for the exchange
of technical expertise;
(g) To exchange experiences of environmental stewardship,
especially regarding traditional Indigenous practises; and
(h) To promote athletic exchanges, and exchanges of experiences
among Indigenous athletes;
4. Funding
(a) Funding or any exchanges contemplated under this MOU will
be arranged by the Participants on a case-by-case basis.
(b) Each Participant will identify funds needed for any
proposed exchange. In locating funds, each Participant will
contact all appropriate domestic groups, organizations and
agencies to support proposed exchanges.
5. Application
The Participants will apply the annual cooperation plan
referred to in Paragraph 2 in a spirit of goodwill that
promotes the well-being of Indigenous peoples and enhances
the substantive relationship between the Participants.
6. General Provisions
(a) This MOU will become effective upon signature by both
Participants and will remain in effect for a period of
(b) Either Participant may terminate this MOU at any time upon
six (6) months written notice to the other Participant. The
termination of this MOU will not affect the validity or
duration of activities jointly decided upon hereunder and
initiated prior to such termination, unless the
Participants decide otherwise.

Signed in duplicate at Taipei, this 29th day of October, 2008 in
the Chinese, English and French languages, all texts being
equally valid.

Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)