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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 25, 2007 Entered into force on June 25, 2007
The Taipei-Moscow Economic and Cultural Coordination Commission
(TMECCC) and the Moscow-Taipei Economic and Cultural
Coordination Commission (MTECCC) (hereinafter referred to as “
the Parties”),

Being desirous of strengthening the mutual understanding between
the peoples through the promotion of educational, cultural,
artistic and sporting cooperation;

Have agreed as follows:

Article 1
For the purposes of the present Memorandum, the scope of
cooperation shall include among others:
1. To encourage people from Taiwan and Russia to study and
attend training courses, symposia and other related event in
the other Party;
2. To facilitate the exchange of youth groups, sports teams and
3. To encourage the visits of teaching staff;
4. To encourage the contacts between teaching institutes of the
Parties by means of exchanging publications, teaching
materials and also using electronic networks.

Article 2
Subject to the laws and regulations applicable in the respective
Parties, the promotion of the following activities shall be
1. Art exhibitions, concerts and theatrical programs by people
from Taiwan and Russia;
2. Exchange of non-commercial cinematographic films relating to
culture, art, education and tourism;
3. The Parties shall promote cooperation between mass media,
publishing and books distributing organizations of Taiwan and
Russia, of which the forms and conditions shall be defined by
the participants on their own;
4. The Parties shall promote mutual participation in exhibitions
and fairs concerning the sphere of tele- and radio-
broadcasting, book publishing, books distribution and
printing mass media conducted in Taiwan and Russia

Article 3
The expenses incurred in the visits and exchanges as referred to
in Articles 1 and 2 of the present Memorandum shall be borne by
the sending Party, unless otherwise agreed.

Article 4
For the implementation of the cooperation under the present
Memorandum both Parties undertake to render reasonable access,
support, assistance, facilitation to the visiting persons and

Article 5
The Parties, upon mutual agreement, may designate appropriate
organizations or agencies or other entities as contact points so
as to facilitate the cooperation.

Article 6
For the implementation of one particular program, the present
Memorandum may be supplemented by the detailed arrangements
between coordinating organizations, agencies and entities as
referred to in Article 5.

Article 7
Representatives of the Parties shall consult at regular
intervals to review the progress of cooperation and to instigate
further progress.

Article 8
The present Memorandum may be amended upon mutual agreement.

Article 9
The present Memorandum shall enter into force upon the date of
signature and shall be valid for five years. Thereafter it shall
be valid for a consecutive five years unless either Party gives
a six months’ prior notice of termination in writing to the

Done in Moscow, on this twenty-fifth day of the sixth month of
the year two thousand and seven in duplicate in the Chinese,
Russian and English languages, each being equally authentic.

For the Taipei-Moscow For the Moscow-Taipei
Economic and Cultural Economic and Cultural
Coordination Commission Coordination Commission
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)