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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 26, 1989; Entered into force on January 26, 1989.
This Appendix No. 1 is made by and between the Coordination Cou-
ncil for North American Affairs (hereinafter referred to as " C-
CNAA " and the American Institute in Taiwan (hereinafter referr-
ed to as " AIT "). This Appendix is entered into pursuant to the
Taiwan Relations Act (Public Law 96--8, April 10, 1979 ; 22 U. S
. C.3301 et. seq.).
WHEREAS, CCNAA, on behalf of its designated representative, the
Center for Measurement Standards (hereinafter referred to as "C-
MS" ), is desirous of having fabricated certain equipment for u-
se by the CMS.
WHEREAS, AIT, on behalf of its designated representative, the N-
ational Institute of Standards and Technology (herinafter refer-
red to as "NIST: ) agrees to fabricate the equipment desired by
Now, therefore, it is agreed by and between CCNAA and AIT as fo-
llows :

CCNAA agrees to engage AIT to have fabricated certain equipment
for use by CCNAA's designated representative, CMS. Obligations
of AIT AIT shall carry out its responsibilities pursuant to this
Appendix with due diligence and efficiency.
AIT shall,through its designated representative, NIST, keep acc-
urate and systematic accounts and records in respect of the ser-
vices provided pursuant to this Agreement, and shall permit CCN-
AA, or its designated representative, CMS, to inspect same and
make copies thereof.
AIT shall, through its designated representative, NIST, furnish
to CCNAA or its designated representative, CMS, such information
related to the services AIt shall provide to CCNAA pursuant to
this Appendix as may be reasonably requested.

Obligations of CCNAA
CCNAA shall ensure, pursuant to this Appendix, that AIT or its
designated representative, NIST, is held clear and free of all
customs duties and impositions charged by the authorities in the
territory represented by CCNAA. Neither AIT nor its designated
representative, NIST, shall be required to pay any duties and t-
axes in executing the terms and conditions of this Appendix.
Pursuant to this Appendix, CCNAA shall assist AIT in obtaining
import licenses and other documents necessary for executing the
terms and conditions of this Appendix.

Payment to AIT
It is understood that AIT cannot finance activities under this
Appendix. Consequently, AIT must require payment for all costs
properly involved in providing services rendered pursuant to th-
is Appendix.
Payment shall be made to AIT by CCNAA in U.S. dollars. Such pay-
ment shall be made to the following adderss :
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore Street, Suite 1705
Arlington, VA 22209
AIT costs are estimated for the services rendered under the Att-
achment to this Appendix. At the completion of work under the A-
ttachment any balance of funds expended shall be returned to CC-
NAA, or any monies due AIT will be billed to CCNAA.

CCNAA shall compensate AIT separately for any additional work as
agreed upon between the two parties and resulting from CCNAA's
specific request.
The scope of work, AIT's costs, and the method of payment of su-
ch additional work will be agreed upon, in writing, by CCNAA and

CCNAA may at any time invite AIT to change or alter the scope a-
nd duration of the work to be performed under this Appendix. If
any such change or alteration shall cause an increase in the co-
st of or the time required for the completion of work performed
under this Appendix. a modification shall be made in the estima-
te of AIT's costs and/ or termination data, and such other prov-
isions of this Appendix as may be affected, provided that the m-
odification shall be approved by both parties in writing.

This Appendix becomes effective on the date of the final signat-
ure hereinafter and shall be valid for a period of three years.
The Appendix shall be implemented upon payment to AIT by CCNAA
of the amount specified in the Attachment to this Appendix.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have hereby set their ha-
nds by their duly authorized representatives and have caused th-
is Appendix to be signed and effective the date of the last sig-
nature hereafter.
For : Coordination
Council for
North American
Name : George K. C. Liu
Title : Director of Science Div.
Date : January 26, 1989
For : American
Institute in
Name : Joseph B. Kyle
Title : Corporate Secretary
Date : January 26, 1989

Appendix # 1
Guidelines for a Cooperative Program in the Physical Sciences b-
etween The American Institute in Taiwan and
The Coordination Council for North American Affairs
1 Purpose of Attachment
This Attachment provides for the following services to be per-
formed by AIT for CCNAA under Appendix # 1 :
fabrication of two fused silica dielectric capacitors, capaci-
tance 10pF. The stability of each unit shall be 0.05 ppm/yr w-
ith a voltage dependence of lees than O.Olppm from 100 to 200
The units shall be constructed with integral resistance tempe-
rature sensors.
2 Cost of Services
The estimated total cost of services under this Attachment is
US$40,000.00. In the event that only a single unit is required
, the cost for that unit is US$25,000.00.

1 Unit 2 Units
Hours Cost Hours Cost
Engineering 300 $5,750 525 $10,060
Engineering/ 70 $ 2,000 80 $ 2,380
Clerical 15 $ 150 18 $ 180
Direct Labor $ 7,980 $12,620
(150% of direct labor) $11,970 $18,930
Total Labor $19,950 $31,550
Material $ 5,050 $ 8,450
Grand Total $25,000 $40,000
※Overhead costs include: leave surcharge, personnel benefits a-
nd Institute / Laboratory / Center costs.
Payment for the service provided under this Attachment shall
be as set forth in Article III of the Appendix.
This Attachment will become effective upon the date of the la-
st signature hereafter of the representatives of CCNAA and AIT
and remain in effect for the duration of the Appendix.
Regarding the delivery date of the services provided under th-
is attachment ,the capacitor (s) shall be completed and ready
for shipping two years after receipt of authorization to proc-
eed and receipt of payment.
Before the capacitor(s) are shipped, and at no additional cost
, one week will be provided for equipment familiarization and
training of personnel from CCNAA's designated representative,
CMS, at facilities of AIT's designated representative, NIST.
All costs associated with travel to the NIST facility by CMS
personnel, including transpbrtation, lodging, etc, shall be
borne by CMS.
For : Coordination
Council for
North American
Name : George K.C. Liu
Title:Director of Scie-
nce Div.
Date : January, 26, 1989
For : American
Institute in
Name : Joseph B. Kyle
Title:Corporate Secretary
Date : January, 26, 1989

Amendment #1
Guidelines for a Cooperative Program in the Physical Sciences
between The American Institute in Taiwan and The Coordination
Council for North American Affairs
1 Background
In line 15 change "National Bureau of Standards(MBS)" to "Nat-
ional Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)"
3 Implementation & Coordination In line 2 change " NBS " to NIST
6 Initial Areas of Cooperation
In line 5 change " NBS " to " NIST".
8 Amendments
In line 4 change "National Bureau of Standards " to " National
Institute of Standards and Technology " .
George K.C. Liu
Director, Science Division
Coordination Council
Science Divifor
North American Affairs
Date January 26, 1989
Joseph B. Kyle
Corporate Secretary
American Institute
In Taiwan
Date January 26, 1989
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)