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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 27 and November 2, 1994; Entered into force on November 2, 1994.
First Implementation Phase
This Addendum identifies the means by which the Telecommunicati-
ons Laboratories in Taiwan (TL) and the Computer Systems Labora-
tory (CSL) of the National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), through the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative
Office in the United Sates (TECRO), formerly known as the Coord-
ination Council for North American Affairs and the American Ins-
titute in Taiwan (AIT), will implement their collaboration duri-
ng the Transaction Processing (TP) Initiative, and tackles the
issues related to the project management and monetary support.
This Addendum refers to Appendix No.2 of the Guidelines.
Transaction Processing Initiative
TL will provide technical support via two guest workers. These
two guest workers will work at NIST for one full year and, under
the supervision of the project leader, will contribute to the T-
ransaction Processing Initiative. Two months after the Addendum
is signed, the project leader will provide to TL an updated TP
initiative management plan. The project leader will work with TL
technical experts to facilitate a better understanding of the p-
roject deliverables and their installation at TL. Expanded deli-
verables include two cooperative products: (1) an implementation
of the COS/POSI/SPAG (CPS) Technical Framework Specification and
(2) a TP Means of Testing for a selected subset of the TP abst-
ract test suite, and a Tree and Tabular Combined Notation ('ITCN
) to Estelle and C++ translator. CSL will also provide a copy of
the full TP abstract test suite when this document is provided
to the Government Open Systems Interconnection Profile (GOSIP)
Testing Program.
AIT (NIST/CSL) will provide the Transaction Set Development Sys-
tem (TSDS) EDI tool to TECRO (DGT/TL) at the time legal and tec-
hnical work is substantially completed.
TECRO will provide monetary support which amounts to US$200,000.
The monetary support consists of US$178,400 provided to AIT and
US$21,600 for subsistence expenses of visiting Taiwan guest res-

The Taipei Economic and Cultural The American Institute
Representative Office in Taiwan
in the United States
[Signed] [Signed]
James Wen-Chung Chang J.Richard Bock
Deputy representative Deputy Managing Director
November, 2 1994 OCTOBER 27, 1994
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)