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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 28, and August 29, 1994; Entered into force on August 29, 1994.
This Implementing Arrangement describes the cooperative scienti-
fic and technical activities to be undertaken by the American I-
nstitute in Taiwan (AIT) and its designated representative, the
Office of Earthquakes, Volcanos, and Engineering(OEVE)of the U.S
. Geological Survey (USGS), to develop an Implementation Plan f-
or the Joint Earthquake Monitoring System Project and to develop
an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System for use by the Central
Weather Bureau (CWB),the designated representative of the Coord-
ination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA),to improve e-
arthquake monitoring and early warning capabilities in Taiwan a-
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between AIT and CCNAA for Technical Coopera-
tion in Seismology and Earthquake Monitoring Systems Developme-
nt. This Implementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Ag-
reement and becomes part of the Agreement.
AIT and its designated representative, USGS/OEVE, will consult
with CCNAA and its designated representative, CWB, on the requi-
rements for, and feasibility of, conducting a Joint Earthquake
Monitoring System Project and will prepare a report in the form
of a Project Implementation Plan that will be submitted to CCNAA
The Project Implementation Plan will contain information that m-
ay be utilized by the CWB to seek additional approval for the p-
rocurement and installation of an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring
System. To develop the Plan, USGS/OEVE and AIT, in consultation
with CCNAA and representatives of the CWB, will:
A.Identify key seismological factors which will evaluate the op-
eration of an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System.
B.Define the acceptable level of operation performance for an A-
dvanced Earthquake Monitoring System.
C.Evaluate the operation procedure of a prototype Advanced Eart-
hquake Monitoring System by hardware and software simulation.
D.Provided an estimated system performance evaluation schedule.
E.Provide cost estimates for the procurement, installation and
operation of an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System.
F.Technical training for CWB staff members will be conducted by
the staff of USGS/OEVE on the basic elements and operation of
an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System.
AIT and USCS/OEVE will:
A.Provide overall management of the Feasibility Study and the p-
reparation of the Project Implementation Plan that will be de-
livered to CCNAA at the conclusion of the study period.
B.Consult, as necessary and appropriate, with representatives of
CWB and agencies designated by CCNAA.
C.Assign appropriate staff to perform the services defined in t-
his Implementing Arrangement and provide all necessary support
in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
The CCNAA will:
A.Provide guidance to USGS/OEVE and AIT on consultations with r-
epresentative of the CWB and other agencies, and facilitate s-
uch contacts.
B.Ensure appropriate transfer of funds to AIT for reimbursable
activities as mutually agreed.
C.Accept delivery of the Project Implementation Plan and make d-
istribution as appropriate.
In accordance with the Agreement, CCNAA will reimburse AIT for
all costs incurred by USGSIOEVE in association with this Implem-
enting Arrangement. The total cost for activities described in
this Implementing Arrangement is mutually agreed not to exceed
US$154,000. It is also agreed that fIfty percent of the funds w-
ill be transferred in advance of the beginning of the project a-
nd that the remaining fifty percent of the funds will be transf-
erred from CCNAA to AIT no later than thirty days after the com-
pletion of the project.
No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. The Project Implementation Plan will not be distributed
to other parties until it has been approved in final form by CC-
This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for activities described
in this Implementing Arrangement is June 30, 1995.

[Signed] [Signed]
James Wen-Chung Chang J. Richard Rock
August 29, 1994 July28, 1994

A Project Implementation Plan for The Joint Earthquake Monitori-
ng System Project
The Agreement between the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and
the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA1 pro-
vides for technical cooperation between the U.S. Geological Sur-
vey's Office of Earthquakes, Volcanos, and Engineering (USGS/OE-
VE) and the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) in seismology and eart-
hquake monitoring systems development. OEVE is providing techni-
cal advice to the CWB to improve CWB earthquake monitoring capa-
bilities, particularly with respect to early warning of a large
earthquake that has occurred.
The Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System that the CWB intends
to implement is comprised of three primary subsystems: (l) clus-
ters of telemetered seismic stations, (2) intelligent nodes, and
(3) a central facility. The Advanced Earthquake Monitoring Sys-
tem also includes the necessary communications between these su-
bsystems, and interfaces with the CWB Seismic Network and with
distribution circuits that disseminate information to various u-
Implementing Arrangement #3, Article III-Services, describes the
following technical areas of activities to be conducted by the
USGS in consultation with AIT and representatives of the CWB:
A.Identify key seismological factors which will evaluate the op-
eration of an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System.
B.Define the acceptable level of operation performance for an A-
dvanced Earth quake Monitoring System.
C.Evaluate the operation procedure of a prototype Advanced Eart-
hquake Monitoring System by hardware and software simulation.
D.Provide an estimated system performance evaluation schedule.
E.Provide cost estimates for the procurement, installation and
operation of an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System.
F.Technical training for CWB staff members will be conducted by
the staff of USGS/OEVE on the basic elements and operation of
an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System.
Task 1. Project Implementation Plan
Performance Period: July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995.
Resources Required: man-months
3.0 OEVE Staff
1.0 CWB Joint Team (while in Menlo Park)
Deliverables: The OEVE staff (in consultation with the CWB Joint
Team) will prepare a Project Implementation Plan for an Advanced
Earthquake Monitoring System.
Task 2. Technical Training
Performance Period: July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995.
Resources Required: man-months
2.0 OEVE Staff
Deliverables: AT the request of CWB, the OEVF, Staff will condu-
ct training class(es), either in Menlo Park, CA, and/or in Taip-
ei for CWB staff members on basic elements of an Advanced Earth-
quake Monitoring System, including operation and evaluation pro-
cedures. Duration of the class will be approximately one week.
Detailed class notes will be prepared, including materials writ-
ten in Chinese.
Work will be performed between July 1, 1994 and June 30, 1995 at
the OEVE facility in Menlo Park, California, and at the CWB fac-
ilities in Taiwan area. If necessary, OEVE personnel will visit
the CWB facilities in Taiwan area, for consultations, training,
and field work. As part of the ongoing activities, preparation
of Implementing Arrangement #4 for the project activities for t-
he period of July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 should be completed
by June 1, 1995.

Functions Completion Date
Task 1. Project Evaluation Plan 6/30/95
Task 2. Technical Training 6/30/95

As stated in Implementing Arrangement #3, funds available for t-
he tasks described in this Statement of Work will not exceed US$
All budget figures are estimates. Actual amounts will be accrued
for purposes of fulfilling the financial arrangements described
in the Implementing Arrangement #3, in accordance with the terms
of the Agreement.
All programs within the Office of Earthquakes, Volcanos, and En-
gineering use the same budget procedure, whether they are base-
funded programs or externally-funded programs.
In FY 94, a fixed rate overhead charge is applied to all program
funds to cover management, administrative and indirect costs, a-
nd the use of the OEVE facility and all of the equipment and da-
ta associated with it. This fee is 40% of the project budget.
Travel of OEVE personnel to Taiwan area will be normally at the
invitation of CWB. CWB or its designated representative will pr-
ovide prepaid round-trip air ticket(s) to AIT for forwarding to
USGS traveler and per diem (at the standard CWB rate in the form
of a bank check or local currency payable to AIT for disburseme-
nt to USGS traveler) . Both ticket(s) and per diem will be sent
to AlT to be forwarded to the USGS or the invited OEVE personnel
Travel of OEVE personnel to Taiwan area may also be initiated by
the USGS if necessary. In this case, the USGS will be responsib-
le for the travel expenses.
Charges for teaching materials and support, hardware and softwa-
re for simulating an Advanced Earthquake Monitoring System, and
report reparation, etc. will be at actual cost.

Budget estimates:
OEVE Staff Cost (6 man-months) $ 50,000
Hardware and software for simulation 40,000
Teaching materials and support 10,000
Report preparation and miscellaneous 10,000
Sub-total: $110,000
USGS Overhead 44,000
Total: $154,000
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)