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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 27, 1993 Entered into force on September 27, 1993
The Research Council of Norway, Oslo, and The National Science
Council, Taipei, with a view to developing scientific relations,
have agreed to start the implementation of scientific cooperati-
on by means of an exchange of scientists and information, parti-
cipation in seminars and joint research projects.
1.These activities will be encouraged by both institutions in a-
ll fields of scientific endeavors.
2.The sending party shall nominate candidates fdr exchange visi-
ts and propose them to the receiving party. Priority will be
given to those scientists who have academic ties with their c-
ounterparts in the host country.
3.The duration of visits will be determined from case to case a-
fter consideration of the recommendation from the relevant co-
unterparts in each country.
4.The sending party shall pay the costs for international trans-
portation, the receiving party shall provide living expenses.
The receiving party shall also provide support for research-r-
elated domestic travel within the receiving country, as well
as medical insurance according to its valid internal regulati-
ons in case of sudden illness or injury.
5.Details regarding joint research projects will be discussed a-
nd decided upon on an individual basis.
6.This agreement will be in force after the signatures of both
parties. It will continue to be valid until either party noti-
fies the other of its intention to terminate the agreement. In
this case, any existing exchange activity will be brought to
an orderly conclusion. The notification shall be made at least
one year in advance of the termination of the agreement.

Oslo, September 27, 1993


[Signed] [Signed]
Svein SundabB Ko-Chang Hsieh
Dirctor General Vice Chairman
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)