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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 20, 1988; Entered into force on April 20, 1988.
This Agreement is made by and between the Coordination Council
for North Americal Affairs (hereinafter referred to as " CCNAA")
and the American Institute in Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as
" AIT"). This Agreement is entered into pursuant to the Taiwan
Relations Act (Public Law 96-8, April 10, 1979; 22 U.S.C 3301 et
. seq.).
WHEREAS, CCNAA, on behalf of its designated representative, the
Taiwan Synchrotron Radiation Research Laboratory (hereinafter r-
eferred to as "TSRRL"), is desirous of having fabricated certain
equipment for use by the TSRRL.
WHEREAS, AIT, on behalf of its designated representative, the S-
tanford Linear Accelerator Center (hereinafter referred to as "
SLAC "), a contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy, agrees
to fabricate the equipment desired by TSRRL.
Now, therefore, it is agreed by and between CCNAA and AIT as fo-
llows :

Article I
CCNAA agrees to engage AIT to have fabricated certain equipment
for use by CCNAA's designated representative, TSRRL.

Article II
AIT shall carry out its responsibilities pursuant to this Agree-
ment with due diligence and efficiency.
AIT shall, through its designated representative, SLAC, keep ac-
curate and systematic accounts and records in respect of the se-
rvices provided pursuant to this Agreement, and shall permit CC-
NAA, or its designated representative, TSRRL, to inspect same a-
nd make copies thereof.
AIT shall, through its designated representative, SLAC, furnish
to CCNAA or its designated representative, TSRRL, such informat-
ion related to the services AIT shall provide to CCNAA pursuant
to this Agreement as may be reasonably requested.
CCNAA shall ensure, pursuant to this Agreement, that AIT or its
designated representative, SLAC, is held clear and free of all
customs duties and impositions charged by the authorities in the
territory represented by CCNAA. Neither AIT nor its designated
representative, SLAC, shall be required to pay any duties or ta-
xes in executing the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

Article Ⅲ
Duties of AIT
Obligations of CCNAA
Pursuant to this Agreement, CCNAA shall assist AIT in obtaining
import licenses and other documents necessary for executing the
terms and conditions of this Agreements.

Payment to AIT
Article IV
It is understood that AIT cannot finance activities under this
Agreement. Consequently, AIT must require payment for all costs
properly involved in providing services rendered pursuant to th-
is Agreement.
Payment shall be made to AIT by CCNAA in U.S. dollars. Such pay-
ment shall be made to the following address.
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N.Moore Street, Suite 1705
Arlington, VA 22209
AIT costs are estimated for the services rendered under the App-
endix to this Agreement. At the completion of work under that A-
ppendix any balance of funds unexpended shall be returned to CC-
NAA, or any monies due AIT will be billed to CCNAA.

Article V
CCNAA shall compensate AIT separately for any additional work as
agreed upon between the two parties and resulting from CCNAA's
specific request. The scope of work, AIT's costs, and the method
of payment of such additional work will be agreed upon, in writ-
ing, by CCNAA and AIT.

Article VI
CCNAA may at any time invite AIT to change or alter the scope a-
nd duration of the work to be performed under this Agreement. If
any such change or alteration shall cause an increase in the co-
st of or the time required for the completion of work performed
under this Agreement, a modification shall be made in the estim-
ate of AIT's costs and/or agreement termination data, and such
other provisions of this Agreement as may be affected, provided
that the Agreement shall be modified in writing and approved by
both parties.

Article VⅡ
This Agreement becomes effective on the date of the final signa-
ture hereinafter and shall be valid for a period of one (1) yera
. The Agreement shall be implemented upon payment to AIT by CCN-
AA of the amount specified in the Appendix to this Agreement.
IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have hereby set their ha-
nds by their duly authorized representatives and have caused th-
is Agreement to be signed and effective the date of the last si-
gnature hereafter.
for : Coordination
Council for North
American Affairs
Name : [Signed]
George K. Liu
Title:Director of
Science Div.
Date :April 20, 1988
FOR :American
in Taiwan
Name : [Signed]
joseph B. Kyle
Date :April 20, 1988
DOC. 4724A
Appendix NO.1 to the Agreement between the Coordination Council
for North American Affairs and the American Institute in Taiwan
for Procurement of Equipment for the Taiwan Synchrotron Radiati-
on Research Laboratory
1 Purpose of Appendix
This Appendix provides for the following services to be perfo-
rmed by AIT for CCNAA under the Agreement: fabrication of one
two cavity RF System, one one Cavity RF System and space modu-
2 Cost of Services
The estimated total cost of services under this Appendix is US
$324,350.00. A breakdown of the cost is attached.
3 Payment for the services provided under this Appendix shall be
as set forth in Article 5 of the Agreement.
4 This Appendix will become effective upon the date of the last
signature hereafter of the representatives of CCNAA and AIT a-
nd remain in effect for the duration of the Agreement.
for : Coordination
Council for North
American Affairs
Name :[Signed]
George K. Liu
Title:Director of
Science Div.
Date :April 20, 1988
FOR :American
in Taiwan
Name :[Signed]
Joseph B. Kyle
Date :Apri1 20,1988
Estiniated Breakdown of Cost of Fabricating One Two Cavity RF S-
ystem, One One Cavity RF System and Space Modules
A Salaries and Wages 101,600.00
(Electronic Engineering) (l,800.00)
(Electronic Drafting) (9,200.00)
(Electronic Fabrication) (90,600.00)
B Expendable Materials 1 15,300.00
and Supplies
C Contingency 32,600.00
D Total Direct Costs 249,500.00
(A,B, & C)
E Indirect Cost at 30% 74,850.00
of Line D
F Total Costs 324,350.00
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)