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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 7, 1999; Entered into force on April 7, 1999.
Recognizing the mutual benefit of scientific interchange and the
convenience of set procedures for its administration. The Natio-
nal Science Council of Taipei and the Royal Society of London,
hereinafter called the Sides, conclude the following Memorandum
of Understanding:

1 Exchange Visits
Both Sides will facilitate collaboration between specialists
in the scientific disciplines within their mutual competence,
subject to the laws and regulations in force in the two count-
ries and subject to financial limitation of each Side. The fo-
rm of scientific contacts may include:
1.1 Study Visits
Both Sides will assist in promoting exchanges at postdoctor-
al or equivalent level and of other research scientists for
periods of between 1 and 2 weeks for exploratory visits, kn-
own as Study Visits. The key objectives are to enhance rese-
arch capabilities of individual scientist, develop internat-
ional collaborative links, and enable participation in inte-
rnational programmes. Exchange visits between the administr-
ative staff of the two Sides are to be included as Study Vi-
1.2 Fellowships
Both Sides will assist in promoting visits at postdoctoral
or equivalent level, and of other research scientists, for
periods of between 1 and 3 months, known as Feliowshio Visi-
ts, to carry out research projects or learn new techniques
predominantly in a laboratory attached to a research instit-
ute or in a university with provision for short subsidiary
visits to others.
1.3 Joint Research Projects
Both Sides will encourage joint scientific research between
laboratories and research organizations in the two countri-

2 Financial Responsibilities
2.1 Study Visits
The sending Side will pay the international fares of its vi-
sitors, while the receiving Side will provide for the local
costs of the visit.
2.2 Fellowships
The sending Side will pay for all the expenses of the visit,
both international fares and local costs, with the receiving
Side helping with the placing of visitors and the administr-
ation of programmes, as may be necessary.
2.3 Joint Research Projects
Both Sides will provide funds for exchange visits. For exch-
ange visits under these projects, the sending Side will pay
the intemational fares of its visitors, while the receiving
Side will provide for the local costs of the visit.
2.4 Visits from 1.1 to 1.3 above do not cover the costs of acco-
mpanying dependents of the candidates, nor bench fees, tuit-
ion fees, insurance or medical costs.
2.5 In achieving the aims outlined from 1.1 to 1.3 above the Si-
des will agree the actual number of person-weeks in February
for the subsequent year, commencing for the Royal Society on
1 April. The quota will be determined in accordance with the
funds that can be made available by both Sides for visits in
that year.

3 Administration
3.1 It is expected that candidates at the time of nomination wi-
ll already have established contact with an appropriate ins-
titution in the United Kingdom or vice versa, and will be a-
ble to give an outline of a programme of research, which in
principle has been agreed with the potential supervisor, co-
lleagues or research collaborator in that institution.
3.2 The sending Side will be responsible for selecting and nomi-
nating candidates from that country to the receiving Side,
using the agreed forms, at least three months in advance of
the proposed date of visit. The candidates must have postdo-
ctoral qualifications or equivalent status. Candidates from
Taiwan must have a good command of written or spoken English
, and must be nationals of the Republic of China.
3.3 The receiving Side will send notice of its approval to the
sending Side at least one month before the beginning of the

4 Validity of Agreement
This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force upon
signature. It will be implemented directly between the Nation-
al Science Council of Taipei and the Royal Society of London.
It is open to either Side at any time to submit suggestions or
recommendations for amendment or modification of the Memorand-
um of Understanding which will not otherwise be subject to re-

Signed in Taipei, 7 April 1999, with two originals, both in Eng-

For and on behalf of For and on behalf of
The National Science Council, The Royal Society of London
Protessor Jin-Fu Chang Professor Brian Heap
Vice- Chairman Vice- President and
Foreign Secretary
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)