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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on September 15 and December 9, 1998; Entered into force on December 9, 1998.
Article I: Purpose
This Implementing Arrangement is entered into by the Taipei Eco-
nomic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (
TECRO), formerly know as the Coordination Council for North Ame-
rican Affairs (CCNAA), and the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT
), hereinafter referred to as the ”Parties”, to implement pro-
gram activities under the Guidelines for a Cooperative Program
in Physical Science Between TECRO and AIT signed on January 15,
1997, hereinafter referred to as the ”Agreement”. TECRO, thro-
ugh its esignated representative, the Precision Instrument Deve-
lopment Center (PIDC), National Science Council, in cooperation
with AIT, through its designated representative, the U.S. Nano-
Scale Metrology Group, Precision Engineering Division, National
Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Gaithersburg, MD
, shall carry out program tasks, determine priorities for future
cooperative activities, and develop work programs for future ac-
tivities in the area of nano-scale metrology.

Article II: Authorization
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement shall
be carried out under the general terms and conditions of the TE-
CRO/AIT Agreement. This Implementing Arrangement is hereby atta-
ched to the TECRO/AIT Agreement and becomes an integral part of
the Agreement.

Article III: Scope of Work
Program tasks to be carried out under this Implementing Arrange-
ment are summarized in Attachment I (Cooperation Program of Nano
-Metrology between PIDC and NIST).

Article IV: Responsibilities of AIT
The responsibilities of AIT under this Implementing Arrangement
A:To make available, through its designated representative, per-
sonnel, equipment and other assistance as may be necessary to
carry out such tasks; and
B.To provide guidance for and to facilitate and provide support
for consultations between and among representatives of TECRO,
PIDC, NIST and other appropriate agencies.

Article V: Responsibilities of TECRO
The responsibilities of TECRO under this Implementing Arrangeme-
nt are:
A.To provide guidance for and to facilitate consultations betwe-
en and among representatives of PIDC, AIT, AIT's designated r-
epresentative, and other appropriate agencies; and
B.To ensure that all necessary logistical arrangements for tasks
to be conducted on Taiwan, including the provision of training
and conference facilities, are completed prior to the commenc-
ement of each such task.

Article VI: Intellectual Property Considerations
No intellectual property or confidential business information c-
onsiderations are expected to arise in conjunction with activit-
ies to be undertaken pursuant to this Implementing Arrangement.

Article VII: Effective Date, Amendment and Termination
This Implementing Arrangement shall enter into force on the date
of the last signature hereinafter, may be amended by written ag-
reement of the Parties at any time, and will remain in force for
four years unless extended or terminated by mutual agreement. T-
ermination shall not affect the validity or duration of activit-
ies not fully completed at the time of termination.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized, have
signed this Implementing Arrangement. DONE at Washington, D.C.,
in duplicate, in the English language.

[Signed] [Signed]
Name: Benjamin J. Y. Lo Name: Barbara J. Schrage
Title: Deputy Representative Title: Deputy Managing Director
Date: December 9, 1998 Date: 9/15/98

Cooperative Program on Nano-Metrology
As the development of precision engineering capabilities has ad-
vanced, nano-scale metrology has become a great challenge. In an
eye to elevate domestic precision engineering, the Precision In-
strument Development Center (PIDC) of the National Science Coun-
cil of Taiwan is launching a development program of nano-metrol-
ogy so as to satisfy the technological demands of domestic indu-
The semiconductor technology of Taiwan's local industries is si-
gnificantly related to the U.S. National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST), since much of the metrology equipment of
local industries was purchased from the United States. In addit-
ion, NIST was the chief supplier of standard reference materials
in related scientific fields. Advanced milestone projects, such
as the M-Cubed Project, the SEM Metrology Project, and the Opti-
cal Metrology Project conducted at NIST were deemed as pioneers
of modern nano-scale metrology. As a leading scientific develop-
ment organization on Taiwan, the Precision Instrument Developme-
nt Center is dedicated and well-experienced in the development
of Precision Dimensional Metrology, Precision Positioning Techn-
ology, Ultra-precision Diamond Grinding Technology, Advanced Va-
cuum Technology, and Optical & Opto-mechanical Technology, and
shares significant technical similarity with the Precision Engi-
neering Division of NIST.

This Program is for technological cooperation between NIST and
PIDC, on behalf of the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and t-
he Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the Un-
ited States (TECRO) in the development of Nano-Metrology so as
to elevate the technological level of semiconductor industries
in the territories represented by AIT and TECRO by participation
by NIST and PIDC in exchange visits, experience-sharing, and te-
chnical workshops.

Implementing Groups:
The Nano-scale Metrology Group, Precision Engineering Division,
NIST Precision Instrument Development Center (PIDC), National S-
cience Council

Program Conductors:Dr. E. Clayton Teague (NIST)
Dr. Wen-hsiung Huang (PIDC)

Program Duration: Four Years
Annual Implementation:
--PIDC provides all flight and living expenses for 1-3 NIST exp-
erts to Taiwan for 1-2 weeks for workshops.
--PIDC sends researchers to NIST as guest workers for working in
advanced metrological technology.
--PIDC sends researchers to NIST for short-time visits and disc-
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)