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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on July 11,1991; Entered into force on July 11,1991.
This agreement provides for the exchange of scientists to parti-
cipate in programmes whereby scientific and technological co-op-
eration between the Republic of China (ROC) and the Republic of
Sduth Africa (RSA) is strengthened and expertise and manpower a-
re developed through research. The scheme is not intended to be
exclusive, but to be complementary to any other co-operative ar-
rangements in these fields .
Activities supported in terms of the exchange agreement will in-
2.1 Exchange of scientists on research programmes
2.2 Short visits
2.3 Bilateral symposia
2.4 Lectureship programme
This agreement covers all fields of science and technology but
excludes the human and social sciences, agricultural and medical
The minimum academic qualification required for eligibility und-
er this agreement is a post-graduate degree. Participants must
be attached to institutions of higher learning, research instit-
utes, or industry, and must be nationals or residents of the se-
nder country.
Prospective candidates must make arrangements with potential ho-
st institutions in the partner country and, before submitting a-
pplications, obtain the assurance that the institutions concern-
ed will accommodate them in their research programmes during the
period envisaged. The NFST and the FRD will, however, act as re-
ferral agencies to facilitate such arrangements if and when app-
The sender country will be responsible for the travel expenses
between sender country and host institution while the living ex-
penses for the visiting scientist will be borne by the host cou-
ntry. The host institution will provide all research facilities
and the usual amenities to the visiting scientist.
The FRD and NFST will select qualified candidates through a scr-
eening procedure normally adopted for research grant screening
and send their applications to the host funding organization. F-
inal approval of the candidates nominated rests with the host f-
unding organization.
If a grantee under the scheme proposes any deviation from the a-
pproved programme (project, institution, period, etc.) such pro-
posal must be submitted for approval as soon as possible.
A concise report, written in English, stating clearly what was
achieved by the visit, must be submitted to both the NFST and t-
he FRD within two months of completion of the assignment.
Results are to be published in scientific journals in accordance
with normal scientific practice, with due acknowledgement of the
support received from the NFST and the FRD. Copies of reprints
of each such publication must be submitted to the NFST and to t-
he FRD as soon as they become available.
5.1 In order to promote close scientific and technical collabor-
ation at the project level, bilateral symposia/workshops wi-
ll be held annually and alternately in the Republic of China
and the Republic of South Africa.
5.2 Subjects of the symposia/workshops
The subjects of the symposia/workshops, should have direct bear-
ing on fields of interest applicable to both partner countries
and should be mutually agreed to. The subject should be selected
at least a year in advance.
5.3 Official delegations
The official delegations, each consisting of at least six scien-
tists, engineers or scholars, are selected by the host and send-
er funding organizations to present papers.
5.4 Administration
The host funding organization accepts responsibility for the lo-
cal expenditure and organization of the programme of the visiti-
ng delegation for a period of up to two weeks, including accomm-
odation, local travel, and possibly short visits to institutions
whose activities are relevant to the subject of the symposium/
5.5 Publication
Proceedings of the symposia/workshops will not normally be publ-
ished but each delegate must supply an abstract beforehand. Pre-
sentation of scientific data at the symposia/workshops will in
no way limit or prevent the scientists from publishing the data
From time to time, the NFST may invite the FRD, or vice versa,
to nominate candidates to participate in a lectureship tour to
the partner country. The country which issues the invitation wi-
ll provide an honorarium to cover the travel and living expenses
of the candidate. The candidate will be required to spend at le-
ast five working days in the host country and deliver at least
three lectures during his stay. A programme of visits to resear-
ch institutions in his field of study may also be arranged. Bef-
ore a candidate is nominated, it should be ascertained that he
will be able to accept the invitation during the envisaged peri-
od. The candidate's curriculum vitae, publication list and abst-
racts of his lectures will then be sent to the host country.
This agreement, which becomes valid as of the signing date, may,
at the request of either party, be amended by mutual consent, a-
nd shall remain effective until one party serves notice on the
other, no less than one year in advance of the intended date of
termination. Such termination shall not, however, affect co-ope-
rative programmes already agreed to.
Signed for NFST
Signed for FRD
Date: 11 July 1991
Place: National Science Council, Taipei
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)