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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on November 4,1991; Entered into force on November 4,1991.
In order to strengthen the cooperative relations in Engineering
science and Technological development between USSR Academy of E-
ngineering and the National Science Council, ROC. It was agreed
1. The exchange of Science and Technology information on a regu-
lar basis and provided all the necessary support to each oth-
er. In case of the copy right is concerned, it should be neg-
otiated individually.
2. Both parties will actively inform the Science and Technology
activities in conference, meeting and fair which will be hap-
pened in other party's country and give to the necessary help
to the visitors from the other party.
3. Both parties will support the exchange of personel such as E-
ngineer, Scientist and experts.
4. Both parties consider to identify the main areas for the fut-
ure joint research programs which will be cooperated in proj-
ect basis.
5. The Representative of each party will meet as necessary, but
generally every two years.

Date: 4 November 1991
On behalf of
The USSR Academy of Engineering
Dr. Boris I. Kryukov
Date: 4 November 1991
On behalf of
National Science Council, ROC
Prof. Dr. Sung-mao Wang
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)