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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on February 21,April l and 5,1977; Entered into force retrospectively on March 1,1977.
Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Chou Tung-hua, Ambassador of the Republic of
China, to Mr.S.J.S. Sibanyoni, Permanent Secretary of Minist-
ry of Commerce and Cooperatives.
21st February, 1997
Mr. S.J.S. Sibanyoni
Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Commerce and Cooperatives
Dear Sir,
Pursuant to our recent conversation regarding the Agreement men-
tioned above between our two Governments, which was signed on F-
ebruary 12, 1973 and expired for the second time on February 11,
1997, I formally suggest that it be renewed through EXCHANGE OF
LETTERS by the Chinese Ambassador and your Prime Minister, the
same way as we did on November 3, 1975 for another period of tw-
o years with retrospective effect from February 12, 1977.
Should it meet with your Minister's approval, please be kind en-
ough to take initiative and send me a copy of the LETTER from y-
our side, so that we can make necessary arrangements for the si-
gning ceremony on a date agreed.
Your earliest reply in this matter will be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely yours,
Chou Tung-hua
Ⅱ Letter from Prince Col. Maphevu H. Dlamini, Prime Minister of
the Kingdom of Swaziland, to Mr. Chou Tung-hua, Ambassador of
the Republic of China.
1st April, 1977
Your Excellency,
I am writing this in the context of a recent conversation that
my Minister for Commerce and Cooperatives, held with you regard-
ing the renewal of the Agreement on Handicraft Technical Cooper-
ation between the Kingdom of Swaziland and the Republic of China
2 As the existing agreement expired on the 28th of February 197-
7, I take this opportunity to convey my thanks to you and thr-
ough you, also the thanks of His Majesty's Government to the
Government of the Republic of China, on the brotherly coopera-
tion and the Technical Assistance so far extended by this Mis-
sion to Swaziland.
3 His Majesty's Government further avails this opportunity to f-
ormally request that:
(a) The agreement, may kindly be renewed for a further period
of two years with effect from lst March, 1977.
(b) Accordingly the stay of the staff of the Handicrafts Techn-
ical Cooperation Mission be please extended for a further
period of 2 years to enable them to carry on with their us-
eful technical assistance as hitherto.
(c) All the other terms and conditions of the Agreement be ple-
ase also allowed to be inforce, as before.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances of my hi-
ghest considerations.
Yours sincerely,
H.E. The Ambassador of
the Republic of China,
Embassy House,
Ⅲ Letter from Mr. Chou Tung-hua, Ambassador of the Republic of
China, to Prince Col. Maphevu H. Dlamini, Prime Minister of
the Kingdom of Swaziland.
April 5, 1977.
Your Excellency.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of your letter of 1st
April, 1977 which reads as follows:
1 "I am writing this in the context of a recent conversation th-
at my Minister for Commerce and Cooperatives held with you re-
garding the renewal of the Agreement on Handicraft Technical
Cooperation between the Kingdom of Swaziland and the Republic
of China.
2 As the existing Agreement expired on the 28th of February 197-
7, I take this opportunity to convey my thanks to you and th-
rough you, also the thanks of His Majesty's Government to the
Government of the Republic of China, on the brotherly coopera-
tion and the technical assistance so far extended by this Mis-
sion to Swaziland.
3 His Majesty's Government further avails this opportunity to f-
ormally request that:
(a) The Agreement may kindly be renewed for a further period of
two years with effect from 1st March, 1977.
(b) Accordingly the stay of the staff of the Handicrafts Techn-
ical Cooperation Mission be please extended for a further
period of 2 years to enable them to carry on with their us-
eful technical assistance as hitherto.
(c) All the other terms and conditions of the Agreement be ple-
ase also allowed to be in force, as before.
Please accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances of
my highest considerations."
In reply, I have the honor to take this opportunity to express
my sincere appreciation for the close cooperation given by His
Majesty's Government of the Republic of China, the renewal of t-
he Agreement as stated in Your Excellency's letter under refere-
Accept, Your Excellency, the renewed assurances of my highest c-
Chou Tung-hua
Ambassador of the
Republic of China
H.E. Prince Col. Maphevu H. Dlamini
Prime Minister
Mbabane, Swaziland
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)