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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 28, 1993; Entered into force on April 28, 1993.
Fresh mango fruit.
2.1 The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT), and its designated
representative, the United States Department of Agriculture,
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS). The
mango preclearance program, hereafter referred to as the Pr-
ogram, shall be directed and supervised by qualified AIT Co-
nsultants (APHIS personnel).
2.2 The Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA),
and its designated representative, the Taiwan Provincial Fr-
uit Marketing Cooperative (TPFMC), operating under the supe-
rvision of the Council of Agriculture, Food and Agriculture
Department (COA-FAD), and the Ministry of Economic Affairs,
Bureau of Commodity Inspection and Quarantine (MOEA-BCIQ).
By virtue of the AIT/CCNAA agreement (hereafter referred to
as the Agreement) treatment facilities must avail themselves
of the joint program by channeling their participation thro-
ugh the COA.
2.3 The mango exporters, including the treatment facility and p-
acking house, belonging to the Taiwan Provincial Fruit Mark-
eting Cooperative (hereafter referred to as Exporters), will
be individually approved for participation in the Program s-
ubject to the availability of AIT Consultants (APHIS person-
nel) and in compliance with the requirements in this Work P-
lan, and shall pay all expenses for the management and supe-
rvision of the Program, including overall direction of the
village/county cooperatives.
3.1 It is the responsibility of AIT Consultants (APHIS):
3.1.1 To provide management of the Program by the AIT Consulta-
nt (Northern Asia Area Office) in Tokyo, Japan, and supe-
rvision through the AIT Consultant (APHIS officer) in Ta-
iwan as appropriate.
3.1.2 To provide and maintain a Work Plan for the Program.
3.1.3 Subject to the availability of personnel, to provide add-
itional AIT Consultants (APHIS Officers) to assist in pr-
ogram activities, as dictated by the work load and super-
visory needs.
3.1.4 To verify that the responsibilities of all the participa-
nts are properly carried out.
3.2 It is the responsibility of the COA-FAD and MOEA-BCIQ:
3.2.1 To abide by the Agreement and its amendments.
3.2.2 It is the responsibility of the Provincial Department of
Agriculture and Forestry (PDAF) to verify that orchards
which grow fruit for exportation and packing plants which
handle such fruits are registered by PDAF, under the sup-
ervision of COA and to inform the AIT consultant (APHIS)
in Tokyo of the codes assigned to such orchards and pack-
ing houses.
3.2.3 To verify that areas and orchards whose production has b-
een registered for exportation by PDAF undergo plant hea-
lth control measures in order to maintain low fruit fly
infestation levels.
3.2.4 To verify that registered packing plants which accept fr-
uit for exportation from orchards not registered by PDAF
automatically lose their registration, and to advise the
AIT Consultants (USDA-APHIS-IS), that the service provid-
ed by the AIT consultant (APHIS inspector) should be sus-
3.2.5 To withdraw the registration of any packing house identi-
fied as being the source of certified fruit found infest-
ed with live larvae. The authority to export fruit is to
be suspended until an investigation is completed, correc-
tive action has been taken, the packing house has been c-
lear of any wrong doing, and AIT (APHIS-IS) and BCIQ are
in agreement that the suspension should be lifted. If a
second shipment is found infested from the same packing
house, the authorization to export fruit will be canceled
for the remainder of the shipping season.
3.2.6 To verify that each carton of fruit bears a label with t-
he name of the exporter and that the exporter first regi-
sters that label with BCIQ.
3.2.7 The pallets for air shipment must be completely enclosed
by a screen with 32 or more mesh. The screen on the pall-
et should be sealed by AIT (APHIS) /BCIQ. 3.2.8 To verify
that all the conveyance have first been cleaned prior to
the loading of certified mangoes.
3.2.9 To inform their personnel that sealed containers or pall-
ets transporting certified fruits should not be opened at
the airport or seaport, and that the PPQ Form 203 should
be accepted as the proof of treatment.
3.3 It is the responsibility of the Exporters:
3.3.1 To abide by all requirements in the Work Plan and applic-
able regulations.
3.3.2 To provide necessary funds for AIT Consultant's (APHIS O-
fficer) supplies and equipment necessary for conducting
and supervising the treatment and preclearance program.
3.3.3 To submit to the AIT Consultant (APHIS Area Office)in To-
kyo, the engineering construction plans of the facilities
through COA.
3.3.4 If necessary, prior to transferring certified mangoes fr-
om a conveyance involved in an accident or having mechan-
ical problems to another conveyance, the exporter must c-
ontact the AIT Consultant (APHIS) and request the presen-
ce of an inspector at the site and that a new AIT (USDA-
APHIS-PPQ) certification be issued.
3.3.5 To ensure that their enclosed packing facilities be comp-
letely free from live insects all times.
3.3.6 To ensure that reject fruits outside of the packing faci-
lities be removed daily.
Mangoes are regulated under the Fruits and Vegetables Quarantine
, 7 CFR 319.56. APHIS policies related to preclearance programs
also apply.
As a condition of entry into the United States, mangoes are req-
uired to be subjected to a vapor heat treatment as specified in
the USDA-APHIS Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ) Treatment
Manual, which has been incorporated by reference into APHIS reg-
ulations Treatment and associated safeguarding activities are c-
onducted in Taiwan under policies and conditions of the treatme-
nt and preclearance program. APHIS policy for a preclearance pr-
ogram requires the existence of a funding agreement to pay all
AIT (APHIS) costs associated with the program. This includes in-
spections, treatments, and associated safeguard actions to sati-
sfy entry requirements. All activities will be carried out at t-
he point of origin under the supervision of AIT Consultants (AP-
HIS Officers). Mangoes may also be subject to inspection and ot-
her actions at the port of arrival in the U.S., and may be subj-
ect to reinspection at destination at the option of APHIS under
regulations of 7 CFR 319.56-6.
5.1 Scheduled hours of work (Tour of Duty).
AIT Consultants (APHIS) will be assigned to work Monday thr-
ough Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., with one hour for
lunch. Work performed outside of these hours will be consid-
ered overtime work. If the Consultant works during the 1 ho-
ur lunch period, he will be paid 1 hour overtime.
Unscheduled hours of work.
Assignment of work outside of the scheduled tour of duty will be
made by the AIT Consultant (APHIS). Work performed in continuat-
ion of the regular 8 hour tour of duty will be limited to 4 hou-
rs so as not to exceed a 12 hour work day. The maximum number of
hours worked per week per Consultant may not exceed 84.
If the Consultant works during the 1 hour lunch period, the work
performed in continuation of the regular 8 hour tour of duty wi-
ll be limited to 5 hours so as not to exceed a 13 hour work day.
The maximum number of hours per week per Officer may not exceed
6.1 A vapor heat treatment plant must have adequate vapor heati-
ng capacity, insulation, and thermostatic control to hold t-
he temperature at or above temperatures prescribed in the t-
reatment schedule for the given duration of time for the co-
mmodity. Proper design of components is necessary, including
high-capacity vapor heating equipment, and a circulation sy-
stem that will assure uniform temperatures throughout the c-
ommodity being treated. An accurate recording device is req-
uired to record chamber temperatures and time for each trea-
tment simultaneously on the same chart.
6.2 Approval of engineering construction plans.
Plans and specifications showing dimensions, vapor circulat-
ion, and other details of the heating and temperature recor-
ding system must be sent for approval first through COA to
the AIT Consultant (APHIS Area office) in Tokyo, Japan.
6.3 Actions required to request certification of a treatment pl-
After construction and installation of the vapor heat treat-
ment equipment is completed, non-treatment areas (screened
holding room, office, etc.) should be checked to see if they
meet standards required in the Work Plan.
6.4 Facility requirements (non-treatment areas).
The following are required to ensure effective and safe con-
duct of treatment operations and related activities. They m-
ust be in place before treatments can be conducted.
6.4.1 Office Space.
Controlled or secured space for the AIT Consultant (treat-
ment specialist) to perform required work. Included must
be an adequate comfort station (rest room facility).
6.4.2 Safety and health requirements.
- Fire extinguisher.
- First aid kit.
- Hard hats to be worn by persons frequenting the treatme-
nt loading zones.
- Approved safety ladders or walkways (catwalks, etc.) for
use in observing
- Electricity throughout the vapor heat treatment facility
must meet safety code requirements.
- Steam and hot water pipes will be insulated or otherwise
- Sufficient lighting will be provided in work areas. The
admission of children or unauthorized persons into the
treatment and packing areas will be prohibited.
6.4.3 Screened holding room.
Each treatment facility must have an enclosed area (space,
room, etc.) separated from the treatment area and secured
with screens, air blowers, etc., or a combination of meth-
ods to adequately safeguard from reinfestation by native
fruit flies in the area.
Facilities must have a double door system at the entrance
to the packing area, and also at the fruit loading area.
These areas must be safeguarded by a person assigned by t-
he facility manager.
6.4.4 Areas immediately adjacent to the treatment facility.
The areas must be free of debris, decaying fruit, and fru-
it residues which attract native fruit flies to the facil-
ity. Bins of rejected fruit must be removed, emptied, and
cleaned daily.
6.4.5 The screened holding room must be Bee of any live insects
prior to and during the packing activities.
6.4.6 Any holes or damage to the screens must be repaired immed-
7.1 Introduction.
It is the responsibility of the AIT Consultant assigned to
approve equipment to determine whether a mango export facil-
ity is certifiable under requirements of the Program. Formal
testing and other determinations as to whether the facility
is certifiable, are only initiated after receipt of a writt-
en request for certification, as specified in Section 7.
7.2 Definitions.
7.2.1 CERTIFICATION: To certify newly constructed facilities. T-
his also refers to those facilities whose certification h-
ave been previously denied.
7.2.2 RECERTIFICATION: To certify facilities which were in oper-
ation the previous season or whose certification has been
7.2.3 PRELIMINARY PERFORMANCE TEST: A test conducted by the fac-
ility operator and the results sent to the AIT Consultant
(APHIS Area Office) with the request for certification or
recertification. (The same mangoes may be reused after the
fruit is cooled).
7.2.4 PERFORMANCE TEST: A test conducted by the AIT Consultant (
APHIS) for the purpose of certification or recertification
. (New mangoes are required for each test.)
7.3 Certification Guide.
This guide (sedions 7.1-7.8) should be duplicated and provided
to the facility operator for information to assist them in comp-
lying with requirements during facility development. It should
also be used for actual certification determinations and as a r-
ecord of the certification.
7.4 Elements required in writing from treatment plants requesti-
ng AIT (APHIS) certification.
- Certification requested(give date).
- Name/address/phone for facility.
- Name/address/phone for facility manager.
- Name/address/phone for day-to-day facility supervisor if
different from facility manager.
- Name/address/phone for vapor heat treatment construction
- Written assurance that the facility manager accepts respo-
nsibilities for facility operation in compliance with the
Work Plan.
- Response to specific operational and safety and health re-
quirements or problems which have previously been describ-
ed in writing by the AIT Consultant (APHIS).
- Letter from BCIQ agreeing to the participation of subject
facility in the program under terms of the Agreement.
- Evidence that the vapor heat treatment plant requirements
have been met, i.e. ,(a) Required equipment is on-site and
operational; and (b) Data from two test indicating satisf-
actory performance.
7.5 Action by the AIT Consultant (APHIS Northern Area Director)
in response to receipt of a letter requesting certification.
If one or more elements as required are missing or not sati-
sfactory, the Exporter will be notified in writing. Response
will identify specific deficiencies and indicate that AIT m-
ay entertain another request for certification subject to r-
eceipt of a letter from the Exporter documenting that discr-
epancies have been corrected.
When elements listed above (section 7.4) are included and s-
atisfactory, proceed with scheduling the certification test.
7.6 Conduct of certification tests on a vapor heat treatment pl-
Final approval of a vapor heat treatment plant will be based
on satisfactory performance of two performance tests using
maximum fruit loads, with temperature monitoring as describ-
ed below. If any facility operates more than one chamber, r-
egardless of whether other components of the system are com-
mon, two tests must be performed for each chamber.
7.6.1 Records needed by the AIT Consultant (APHIS) to conduct p-
lant certification tests.
- Copy of Work Plan.
- Copy of plans and specifications showing dimensions, va-
por circulation, and other details of the heating and t-
emperature records systems which was previously submitt-
ed in accordance with Section 6.2, and copies of any re-
levant correspondence.
7.6.2 Equipment needed by the facility before plant certificati-
on tests can be conducted.
Certified calibrated thermometer (temperature range from 1
10-120℉ (43.33-48.89℃).
- Electrotherm type digital thermometer with 10 portable
- Automatic strip chart or similar alternative recording
system with emergency power source to record temperature
and duration of each vapor heat treatment.
Required standards:
Five temperature sensors (minimum) per chamber, as specif-
ied in the PP4 Treatment Manual. Each sensor print must be
easily identified. Temperature for each sensor must be re-
corded once every two minutes. Scale deflection on the ch-
art of not less than 0.10 inch for each ℉ (or 5 mm. for
Each ℃).
- Accuracy of the total temperature recording system with-
in plus or minus 0.5 ℉ (0.3℃) of actual temperatures
as measured with a certified calibrated thermometer.
- All heating controls must be automatic and run continuo-
usly throughout the treatment process, without manual a-
- An audible alarm or highly visible light will be instal-
led to indicate systems failure or improper operation.
7.7 Criteria for determining whether standards for plant certif-
ication test are met.
7.7.1 The temperature and humidity in the vapor heat chamber; to
use differential pressure type vapor heat treatment machi-
ne to treat with saturated vapor under the setting in the
chamber of 47.5℃; if the temperature in the chamber is s-
teady and relative humidity fails to reach over 98%, use
the wet ball temperature over 47.3℃ to make the setting
temperature of the chamber rise.
7.7.2 The pattern of the rise of the temperature in the chamber:
In order to attain the uniformity of the temperature of f-
ruit from the beginning of the treatment under 30℃ for a-
pproximately 30 minutes; then from 30℃ to 41℃ for about
33 minutes; and then increase the temperature to attain u-
niformity over the fruit from 41℃ quickly to the final 47
.5 ℃
7.7.3 Duration of treatment: Treatment time of 30 minutes when
the innermost pulp temperature has reached 46.5℃ (in the
range of 46.4℃±0.4℃)
7.7.4 Method for cooling fruit after treatment: shower the test-
ed fruit with running cold water to make the fruit temper-
ature drop quickly to room temperature.
7.8 Certification (approval) of a treatment facility.
7.8.1 Vapor heat treatment chambers can be given temporary cert-
ification when two consecutive treatment certification te-
sts indicate that treatment standards are met. The AIT Co-
nsultant (APHIS approving officer) will forward the treat-
ment data sheets, charts, and related information to the
APHIS-PPQ Hoboken Methods Development Center for final ap-
proval and issuance of PPQ Form 482, Certificate Of Appro-
7.8.2 If the vapor heat treatment standards are not met, the AIT
Consultants (APHIS approving officer) will provide an exp-
lanation stating that the records were not acceptable and
recommend corrective action to the facility operator.
7.8.3 Treatment facility approval for operating under the Progr-
am will be granted only when all requirements (treatment
and non-treatment) of the Work Plan are met.
8.1 All treatments require the supervision by the AIT Consultant
(APHIS Officer). If the treatment plant has a current valid
approval, but is not conducting acceptable treatment, it is
the responsibility of the operator to initiate corrective a-
It is a violation of the Program requirements for inadequat-
ely treated fruit to be submitted for further processing for
export. Treatment plant operators are responsible for ensur-
ing that improperly treated fruit will be immediately remov-
ed from the designated, screened, secured pack area, and th-
at untreated fruit does not enter this area.
8.2 Requirements for a certifiable treatment.
8.2.1 Treatment must be in a vapor heat treatment plant maintai-
ning current valid approval, and in good operating order
so as to be capable of providing an acceptable treatment.
8.2.2 At least once each treatment day, the calibration of the
temperature recorder must be checked by both the operator
and the AIT Consultant by comparison with calibrated cert-
ified thermometer readings taken adjacent to fixed temper-
ature probes.
In all instances the recorder system must be accurate to
within plus or minus 0.5℉ (0.3 ℃) of the actual tempera-
ture observed. Adjustment requirements must be posted and
dated at the facility for each treatment day.
8.2.3 The minimum number of temperature recording elements are
five fixed temperature probes. The operator will also uti-
lize additional temporary probes as required by the AIT C-
onsultant to monitor temperatures in other parts of the c-
hamber (such as in suspected cool spots within the fruit
load). Accurate time and temperature records will be main-
tained for any required additional probes.
8.2.4 Plant operators or managers must record the following inf-
ormation on each treatment chart.
- Date, time, and treatment.
- Treatment chamber number (if more than one per facility)
- Treatment number (facility should sequentially number i-
ts treatments).
- Corrective factor indicates temperatures - up to 0.5℉ (
0.3℃)- which must be either added to or subtracted from
recorded temperatures to adjust record to actual temper-
- Total treatment time (hours/minutes).
- Time from start of treatment for temperature to reach 46
- Attach to printout the temperature records (temperature
and time) for any supplemental temperature probes requi-
red by the AIT Consultant.
- Indicate if treatment is approved or disapproved.
- Signature of operator and initials of the AIT Consultant
8.2.5 The time and temperature requirements for a certifiable t-
reatment are provided in the APHIS regulation. The follow-
ing procedures will be used by operators to determine if
treatment standards are met.
- Examine treatment record upon completion of treatment.
- Adjust temperature records according to calibration nee-
ds of the equipment as determined by daily temperature
- Check if actual temperatures during treatment dropped b-
elow 47.2℃. Reject treatment if any measurements are b-
8.2.6 AIT Consultants will review all aspects of performance of
each treatment (Section 8.2) and determine that performan-
ce of standards are completely met before approving a tre-
8.2.7 Maintain a logbook of all treatments, records of breakdown
and repairs, and changes or modifications.
9.1 Approved treated fruit must be moved immediately from the t-
reatment chamber to the screened holding room.
9.2 Each carton of approved, treated fruit will be wrapped with
tape, and BCI9 will affix a BCIQ sticker label over the tape
9.3 Treated fruit will be safeguarded in a screened holding room
until loaded for shipment. Mixing of treated fruit with unt-
reated or improperly treated fruit is prohibited.
9.4 Fruit not loaded and sealed in containers inside the safegu-
ard room will be palletized and completely enclosed with sc-
reen of 32 mesh size.
9.5 The screened holding room must be secured at all times to p-
revent fruit fly infestation and contamination of treated f-
ruit with untreated fruit. An APHIS controlled seal is requ-
ired to prevent the unauthorized entry during all periods w-
hen an AIT Consultant is not present.
9.6 Treated fruit will be moved from treatment facility to point
of export only in clean containers or trucks.
9.7 Untreated fruit may not be moved from the facility in the s-
ame conveyance with treated fruit.
9.8 Treated fruit shipments will be certified for export at the
point of departure when the AIT Consultant (APHIS) verifies
that all treatment requirements and post treatment security
requirements have been met and maintained. The PPQ Form 203,
Foreign Site Certificate of Inspection and/or Treatment, wi-
ll be completed and signed by the AIT Consultant(APHIS). The
Original will accompany the shipment to the United States p-
9.9 Treatment records (treatment data sheets, electronic record-
ed printouts, and other records) will be filed with the app-
ropriate PPQ Form 203 which covers the fruit for which the
treatments were applied.
9.10 If the USDA-APHIS seal is broken or the screen damaged wh-
ile the container or pallet is on route to the United Sta-
tes, the entry status of the shipment will be determined
by the port-of-entry PPB Officer.
10.1 Vapor heat treatment facilities will be recertified and a-
pproved annually by the AIT Consultant (APHIS Officer) at
the beginning of the packing season with at least one pre-
liminary performance test (the requirement for a prelimin-
ary performance test at the beginning of each export seas-
on can be waived if the plant is already in use prior to
the treating and shipping of mangoes to the U.S.). Facili-
ty operators are required to request annual recertificati-
on approval. Recertification may be required at any time
when the treatment performance does not meet required tre-
atment standards.
10.2 Calibration checks, consisting of a plant performance test
on a minimum of one treatment, will be carried out every
two months by the AIT Consultant (APHIS), Furthermore, op-
erators will be encouraged to conduct monthly calibration
checks on their own.
The following actions will be undertaken the first year of th
Program at the point of origin (pack house) to verify the integ-
rity of the treatments.
11.1 Define lots- each lot listed on a PPQ Form 203 will be co-
nsidered one lot.
11.2 Determine sample interval-divide the number of pallets, a-
irline skids, or containers (air or maritime) into 30. If
the result is a fraction raise it to the nearest if whole
11.3 Select the sample-select the number of boxes determined a-
bove from various positions in or on each container. Sele-
ct one fruit from each of the 30 or more boxes. Pick the
fruit most likely to be infested with fruit flies (look f-
or ripeness, blemishes, and soft spots).
11.4 Inspect the sample-cut and examine each of the 30 or more
fruit. The target organisms are fruit fly larvae (Tephrit-
11.5 Actions:
Reject the shipment if live fruit fly larvae are found. R-
eview the documentation to determine if there was a cool
spot in the treatment interval. The AIT Consultant (APHIS
Officer) on Taiwan will notify the AIT Consultant (Area D-
irector) in Tokyo, and COA representatives; and take acti-
on in accordance with the Work Plan requirements (see sec-
tion 13 below).
The following actions may be carried at by PPQ Officers at ports
-of-entry in the U.S.
12.1 Verify paperwork check to see that the PP& Form 203 is pr-
operly completed, that the description of the shipment (n-
umbers/name, etc.) agree with the Air Way Bill, Bill of L-
adings, Invoice, etc., and that the shipment is as descri-
bed in the above shipping documents. Check for proper lab-
eling on cartons indicating USDA-approved vapor heat trea-
12.2 Define lots-each lot listed on a PPQ Form 203 will be con-
sidered one lot.
12.3 Determine sample interval-divide the number of pallets, a-
irline skids, or containers (air or maritime) into 30. If
the result is a fraction raise it to the nearest whole nu-
12.4 Select the sample-select the number of boxes determined a-
bove from various positions in or on each container.
Select one fruit from each of the 30 or more boxes. Pick
the fruit most likely to be infested with fruit flies (lo-
ok for ripeness, blemishes, and soft spots).
Air shipment 6 LD3 containers. Select one fruit from each
of 30 boxes in the container.
Maritime shipment: two containers.
12.5 Inspect the sample-cut and examine each of the 30 or more
fruit. the target organisms are fruit fly larvae (Tephrit-
12.6 Actions:
Reject the shipment if live fruit fly larvae are found. I-
mmediately notify PPQ-OS Port Operations-Inspection & Com-
pliance Unit, tel. (301) 436-8295, who will in turn immed-
iately notify the IS-OS preclearance Staff Officer, of the
incident, and provide pertinent information about the spe-
cific shipment(s). The IS Preclearance Staff officer will
promptly notify the AIT consultant (Area Director, IS-APH-
IS) in Tokyo by SprintMail or telefax, and provide applic-
able data about the shipment concerned. The AIT Consultant
(Area Director) will notify the COA representatives and t-
ake action in accordance with work plan requirements (see
sect 13). At all times attempt to hold live larvae by tap-
ing the fruit back together and safeguard by placing in a
closed receptacle. Call the PP9 Biological Assessment and
Taxonomic Support staff, tel. (1-301) 436-8896 as soon as
possible for further instructions on how to package the s-
pecimens and where to send the material. If a dead larva
is found in a shipment, the officer in charge at the PPQ
port-of-entry will release the shipment and notify the AIT
Consultant (Area Director) by SprintMail (IS. JAPAN) or t-
elefax [011(81-3)3224-5291], providing the appropriate de-
tails about the exact shipment(s). The AIT Consultant will
promptly notify the COA representatives.
13.1 Treatment facility does not meet standards for plant cert-
ification: Do not certify, or if presently certified, imm-
ediately remove certification until deficiencies are corr-
ected and the plant can be recertified.
13.2 Treatment is inadequate in any respect (with reference to
treatment specifications), including treatment time and t-
emperature requirements.
First incident: reject fruit; issue letter of warning to
exporter advising of violation and consequences for furth-
er non-compliance.
Second occurrence within one year: reject fruit, deny pre-
clearance services for a minimum of three months. Dependi-
ng upon the seriousness of the violation, the AIT Consult-
ant (APHIS Officer on Taiwan) may impose a more severe pe-
nalty after consultation with the Tokyo AIT Consultant (A-
PHIS Northern Asia Area Director). Recertification of the
facility is required before operations can be resumed.
Subsequent episodes within one year: reject fruit; deny p-
reclsarance services for a minimum of six months. Dependi-
ng upon the seriousness of the violation, the AIT Consult-
ant in Tokyo may impose a more severe penalty. Recertific-
ation of the plant is required before treatments can begin
All incidents shall be promptly reported to BCIQ;
13.3 Substitution of fruit (placement of untreated fruit in sc-
reened rooms or with shipments of treated fruit).
First incident: reject fruit; close facility for 60 days.
Recertification required to reopen.
Second occurrence within one year: reject fruit, operatio-
ns suspended for a minimum of one year. Recertification of
the plan is necessary before operations can be resumed.
13.4 Screened holding room deficiencies (torn screens, etc.) w-
hich could permit entry of native fruit flies; Deny prec-
learance services until flaws are corrected.
13.5 Failure to maintain intact seals on screened areas and co-
nveyances during periods when AIT supervision is not pres-
ent: Reject all fruit within screened areas or conveyances
13.6 Detection of live larva(e) in certified fruit shipment: T-
he authority to export fruit is to be suspended until an
investigation is completed, corrective action has been ta-
ken, the treatment facility has been cleared of any wrong
doing, and AIT (APHIS) and BCIQ are in agreement that the
suspension should be lifted. If a second shipment is found
infested from the same treatment facility, the authorizat-
ion to export fruit will be canceled for the remainder of
the shipping season. Review will be directed and approved
by the AIT Consultant in Tokyo in coordination with the R-
egional Director in Hyattsville and the Deputy Administra-
tor, International Services. The BCIQ will be notified by
the AIT Consultant in Tokyo.
13.7 If live fruit flies are found in the packing area or in t-
he screened holding room, all fruit within that area must
be rejected.
13.8 Other actions not in compliance with Work Plan or other a-
pplicable requirements will be dealt with in a manner con-
sistent with the nature of the action, as determined by t-
he AIT Consultant in Tokyo.
14.1 Annual operations review: Mango vapor heat treatment acti-
vities and operations will be reviewed and evaluated annu-
ally by an AIT (APHIS) technical review team. Subsequently
, a joint review will be conducted by APHIS, COA, BCIQ, e-
xporters, and technical support personnel.
14.2 The AIT Consultant in Tokyo or other AIT consultants will
make periodic visits to review mango treatment operations
and consult with APHIS-IS, COA, BCIQ, and industry offici-
als. During such visits, meetings may be held to discuss
problems and issues of mutual concern.
Procedures here in established are subject to revision as situa-
tions warrant; however, they will remain in effect indefinitely
until revised.

For For
The American Instate in Taiwan The Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
[Signed] [Signed]
Name: Clark Ellis Name: Tzen, Wen-hua
Title: Deputy Managing Director Title: Deputy Representative
Date: April 28. 1993 Date: April 28, 1993
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)