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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 11, 1993; Entered into force on January 11, 1993.
The American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and the Coordination Cou-
ncil for North American Affairs(CCNAA) recognize the increasing
international activity in futures and options markets ("futures
markets"), and the corresponding need for mutual cooperation be-
tween the regulatory authorities in their respective jurisdicti-
AIT and CCNAA believe that as international participation in fu-
tures markets continues to grow, it becomes increasingly import-
ant to establish arrangements to exchange supervisory, surveill-
ance, and investigatory information in order to assist the regu-
latory authorities in their respective jurisdictions in securin-
g compliance with their laws, rules and regulations regarding f-
utures matters, to the extent permitted by the law of each juri-
These arrangements should serve to improve the protection of cu-
stomers, to secure the adequate supervision and effective regul-
ation of futures markets and futures businesses, to enhance the
supervision of cross-border transactions, and to prevent fraudu-
lent and other prohibited practices in the futures markets, thu-
s promoting the integrity of the markets.
For these reasons, AIT and CCNAA agree to facilitate requests m-
ade by the regulatory authorities in their respective jurisdict-
ions for supervisory, surveillance and investigatory information
, on a ease-by-case basis. In order to ensure the timely proces-
sing of such requests, AIT and CCNAA appoint the contact persons
designated in Appendix A hereto.
AIT and CCNAA look forward to the productive and efficient faci-
litation of requests received from the regulatory authorities in
their respective jurisdictions and agree to negotiate in good f-
aith additional measures for the exchange of supervisory, surve-
illance and investigatory information requested by these regula-
tory authorities should such measures prove to be necessary or
Signed at Arlington, Virginia, this 11th day of January, 1993.

For the American institute For the Coordination Council
in Taiwan for North American Affairs
[Signed] [Signed]
Natale H. Bellocchi Ding Mou-Shih
Chairman and Managing Director Representative

The American Institute in Taiwan designates:
as the contact person for investigatory information:
Director, Division of Enforcement;
United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission
TEL: (202)254-9501
FAX: (202)254-3534
as the contact person for supervisory information:
Director, Division of Trading and Markets
United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission
TEL: (202)254-6488
FAX: (202)254-8010
as the contact person far surveillance information:
Director, Division of Economic Analysis
United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission
TEL: (202)254-3201
FAX: (202)254-3682
The Coordination Council for North American Affairs designates:
as the contact person for matters concerning information sharing
Dr Chung-Hsing Chen
General Counsel
Securities and Exchange Commission
TEL: (02)356-0950
Fax: (02)392-4068, (02)394-8249
as the contact person far matters concerning information sharing
Mr. Lorain Chen
Deputy Director for International Affairs
Securities and Exchange Commission
TEL: (02)356-0950
FAX: (02)392-4068,(02)394-8249
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)