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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on May 9, 1998; Entered into force on May 9, 1998.
By an Agreement dated 16 September 1991 between the Government
of Taipei China (the Government) and the European Bank for Reco-
nstruction and Development (the Bank), hereinafter referred to
as ”the Parties”, the Government established The Taipei China-
European Bank Cooperation Fund (the Fund) with an initial capit-
al of US$10 million.

By a letter dated 8 December 1994, the Government notified the
Bank of its decision to replenish the Fund by an amount of US$5

The Parties signed a Letter of Intent dated 25 September 1997,
reflecting their desire to work more closely together and the G-
overnment's intention, subject to legislative approval of the b-
udget, to replenish the Fund by a further amount of US$5 million

NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows:
(a) The Government shall contribute five million United States
Dollars (US$5,000,000) to the Fund.
(b) The contribution, all of which shall be immediately availab-
le to the Bank for commitment purposes, shall be disbursed
to the Bank promptly after approval of the Government's 1999
budget, but not later than December 1999.
(c) The Fund shall continue to be governed and administered in
accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in the A-
greement dated 16 September 1991, as amended by the exchange
of letters between the Government and the Bank dated 15 Mar-
ch 1994.

Done in two original copies, in Kiev, on 9 May 1998.

For and on behalf of the Government For and on behalf of the
of Taipei China European Bank for
Reconstruction and
[Signed] [Signed]
Louis Wen-hua Tzen Charles R. Frank Jr.
Representative Acting President
Taipei Representative Office European Bank for
In the United Kingdom Reconstruction and
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)