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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 13, 2000; Entered into force on March 13, 2000.
In order to strengthen the links of friendship and the economic
relations existing between the respective countries and more pa-
rticularly in order to promote temporary admission of goods in
favour of enterprises from Norway and from China-Taiwan, the Ta-
ipei Representative Office, Norway and Norwegian Trade Council (
hereinafter referred to as the parties), have agreed to organise
a system to facilitate the temporary admission of goods in acco-
rdance with the following provisions:

The Protocol on the organisation of a system of international c-
ustoms deposits with China-Taiwan for temporary admission of go-
ods, its enclosures and all the conventions and texts mentioned
therein are an integrant part of the present agreement.

The management of the present agreement is ensured by the parti-
es to the agreement.
The administration and management of the protocol are ensured by
the International Bureau of Chambers of Commerce of the Interna-
tional Chamber of Commerce.
All matters pertaining to the interpretation and implementation
of the Protocol shall be settled with the participation of the
parties to the agreement.

The present agreement will enter into force on the date followi-
ng its signature by the two parties.
It will be applicable upon signature of the Protocol by the Oslo
Chamber of Commerce, by the China External Trade Development Co-
uncil for China-Taiwan and by the International Bureau of Chamb-
ers of Commerce of the lnternational Chamber of Commerce.
The International Bureau of Chambers of Commerce of the Interna-
tional Chamber of Commerce will inform the parties about the da-
te when all the required signatures will have been collected for
the applicability of the agreement.

As of its date of applicability, in accordance with the provisi-
ons of the above mentioned Article 3 paragraph 3, this agreement
will be valid for a period of 2 years. This period will be rene-
wable by tacit agreement, except if notice of termination is gi-
ven 3 months before the date of expiry by anyone party by the m-
eans of a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt.

In witness whereof the undersigned, duly authorized by their re-
spective governments, have signed this agreement.

Done in Oslo on 13,March 2000

For the Taipei Representative Office, Norway

For the Norwegian Trade Council
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)