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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on December 31,1979 and January 7,1980; Entered into force on January 7,1980.
Ⅰ Letter from Mr. Konsin C. Shah, Representative of Coordinati-
on Council for North American Affairs, to Mr. David Dean, Ch-
airman of the Board and Managing Director of American Instit-
ute in Taiwan.
December 31,1979
Mr. David Dean
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 North Moore Street (17th Floor)
Arlington, VA 22209
Dear Mr. Dean:
In Pursuance of our conversation of December 21,1979 and in view
of the urgent need for both parties to implement the proposed c-
ourier system, I would like to suggest that Article (4) of your
draft of the "AIT-CCNAA Agreement on Privileges, Exemptions and
Immunities" be put into effect immediately. This Article reads
as follows:
1 The sending counterpart organization shall be entitled to free
communication for all purposes related to the performance of
its functions, as well as inviolability for all correspondence
related to its functions.
2 The bag carrying the correspondence referred to in the preced-
ing paragraph and other articles related to the performance of
the counterpart organization's functions shall not be opened
or detained.
3 The packages constituting such a bag must bear visible extern-
al specified marks of their character and may contain only do-
cuments or articles intended for the performance of the organ-
ization's designated functions.
4 The designated carriers of such bags, who shall be provided w-
ith a document indicating their status and the number of pack-
ages constituting such bags, shall be protected in the perfor-
mance of their functions, The designated carrier shall enjoy
personal inviolability and shall not be liable to any form of
arrest or detention.
5 The sending counterpart organization may designate such carri-
ers ad hoc.
6 Bags carrying such correspondence and articles may be entrust-
ed to the captain of a commercial aircraft scheduled to land
at an authorized post-of-entry. The captain shall be provided
with a document indicating the number of packages constituting
the bag but the captain shall not be considered to be a desig-
nated carrier of such bags. The sending counterpart organizat-
ion may send one of its members to take possession of such a
bag directly and freely from the captain of the aircraft.
Enclosed please find a specimen of a letter to be issued by C-
CNAA and to be used as a formal certificate for its designated
courier. It is requested that the said letter by verified by
the U.S. authorities concerned and thus appropriate protection
and immunities as agreed upon between the two parties could be
accorded upon between the two parties could be accorded to the
designated courier during the performance of his (or her) duty
within the U.S. territory.
It is also understood that should there be any further modifi-
cation of the terms of the said courier system in the final A-
greement between the two parties on privileges, exemptions and
immunities, the modification shall supersede the terms agreed
to in this letter.
I shall appreciate your prompt attention to this letter and y-
our approval of it shall constitute an agreement between us on
this matter
Konsin C. Shan
January 7,1980
David Dean
I, the undersigned, Representative of the Coordination Council
for North American Affairs (CCNAA), hereby certify that
( ) Mr.
( ) Ms.───────────────────────────
(the holder of CCNAA I.D. card
) is a designated
courier of the CCNAA between the CCNAA Offices in the U.S.A.
and its Head Offic at Taipei and the bearer of CCNAA correspo-
ndence bag(s), and request accordingly all whom it may concern
to permit the said courier safely and freely to pass in fulfi-
llment of his or her mission without examination of the above-
mentioned correspondence in question which is under seal; and,
in case of need, to give him or her all lawful aid and protec-
I further request all whom it may concern to extend to the sa-
id courier any or all privileges or facilities which may expe-
dite his or her passage on this urgent mission.
In order to facilitate the transfer of CCNAA correspondence b-
ag(s), it is also requested that the pilot on board the China
Airlines who is being designated by CCNAA as the receiver of
the said bag (s) be vested the power to supervise its safe sh-
ipment to Taipei.
This courier letter is given solely for the purpose hereinbef-
ore indicated and is issued with the express understanding th-
at, upon conclusion of the final journey in pursuance of the
mission with which the said courier has been charged on behalf
of the CCNAA, it will be cancelled.
If there is any question concerning this letter, please conta-
ct the Office of Protocol, U.S. Department of State, Washingt-
on, D,C, 20520, telephone: (202) 632-3171.
Given under my hand and seal of the Coordination Council for
North American Affairs at Washington, D.C. this. day of _____
__________in the year of nineteen hundred and _______________.
Konsin C. Shah
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)