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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on November 02, 2017 Entered into force on November 02, 2017
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the
Government of Solomon Islands hereinafter referred to
individually as a “ Party ” and collectively as the “ Parties

RECOGNISING the importance of principles of equality, mutual
respect and reciprocity;

DESIRING to promote cooperation between law enforcement
authorities of the Parties;

CONSCIOUS of the importance of policing development and
prevention of transnational crimes;

PURSUANT to the prevailing laws and regulations of the Parties;
the Parties

Hereby have mutual understanding as follows:

Article 1
This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) sets out the framework
for cooperation between the Parties in developing police
cooperation and combating transnational crimes.

Article 2
Competent Authorities
The competent authorities that will implement this MoU shall be
the National Police Agency of the Ministry of the Interior of
the Republic of China (Taiwan) and the Royal Solomon Islands
Police Force of the Ministry of Police, National Security &
Correctional Services representing the Government of Solomon

Article 3
Scope of Cooperation
3.1 The Parties shall engage in agreed exchange policing
programs and activities in accordance as set out in this
3.2 Pursuant to 3.1 above, the areas of cooperation shall be as
follows, but not limited to:-
(a) An exchange program for reciprocal visiting personnel for
study purposes;
(b) Training programs on police professional and forensic
(c) The exchange of work experience and technical assistance;
(d) The sharing and exchange of information in the area of law
(e) To combat transnational crimes through the exchange of
information, cooperation of investigation, and conduct of
shared coordinated policing operations;
(f) Cooperation in combating transnational crimes;
(g) To avail reciprocal opportunities of exchange programs at
police and law enforcement graduate or academy institutions
of the Parties; and
(h) To implement other areas of cooperation as agreeable by the
Parties from time to time.

Article 4
The Parties shall treat in confidence all relevant information
that is provided by the other in relation to policing matters
that is to be treated so without unauthorized disclosure to
non-parties to this MoU.

Article 5
Settlement of Disputes
Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or implementation
of this MoU shall be settled amicably through consultation or
negotiation between the Parties.

Article 6
Relations of this MoU with other International Instruments
This MoU shall not prejudice the rights and obligations stemming
from other international instruments to which both Parties are
party to.

Article 7
The expenses incurred in the implementation of this MoU shall be
borne by the respective Parties, unless otherwise agreed upon by
the Parties.

Article 8
The competent authorities of the Parties in the course of their
cooperation in accordance with this MoU will use English as the
medium of communication.

Article 9
Entry into Force, Termination and Amendment
9.1 This MoU shall enter into force on the date of signature of
the Parties thereof.
9.2 This MoU shall remain in force until terminated by either
Party giving six months written notification in advance to
the other Party of its intention to terminate it.
9.3 This MoU maybe amended or reviewed by mutual consultation
between the Parties and notice of this intention shall be
communicated through diplomatic channels.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this MoU.

Done in duplicate on November 2, 2017 at Honiara in the Chinese
and English languages, both texts being equally authentic.

For the Government of For the Government of
the Republic of China Solomon Islands
___________________ ___________________
H.E. David Tawei Lee, H.E. Milner Tozaka

Minister of Foreign Minister of Foreign
Affairs Affairs and External
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)