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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on March 5,1991; Entered into force retroactively on July 9,1990.
Taipei, March 5, 1991
I have the honor to refer to the Agreement on Exchange of Judic-
ial Materials between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of
Korea and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China, sig-
ned at Taipei on July 8,1985.
On behalf of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea, I
have the honor to propose that the said Agreement shall be exte-
nded for a period of five years retroactively from July 9,1990.
I have the further honor to propose that, if the foregoing is a-
cceptable to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China,
this note, together with your reply to that effect, shall const-
itute an agreement between our Ministries of Justice to extend
the Agreement.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Jae-in Yoo
Deputy Director General
for International Legal Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Korea
Mr. Lin, Sea-Yau
Deputy Director
Department of Legal Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Republic of China
Taipei, March 5,1991
I have the honor to refer to the Agreement on Exchange of Judic
ial Materials between the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of
Korea and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China, sig-
ned at Taipei on July 8,1985.
On behalf of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Korea, I
have the honor to propose that the said Agreement shall be exte-
nded for a period of five years retroactively from July 9,1990.
I have the further honor to propose that, if the foregoing is a-
cceptable to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of China,
this note, together with your reply to that effect, shall const-
itute an agreement between our Ministries of Justice to extend
the Agreement.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assuranced of my highest consideration.
I have the honor to confirm that the proposal contained in your
note is acceptable to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of
China and that your note and this note in reply shall constitute
an agreement between our two Ministries of Justice to renew the
said Agreement for a period of five years retroactively from Ju-
ly 9,1990.
Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of my highest consideration.
Lin, Sea-Yau
Deputy Director
Department of Legal Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Republic of China
Mr. Jae-In Yoo
Deputy Director General
for International Legal Affairs
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Korea
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)