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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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Article Content

1.Signed on October 19, 2010; Entered into Force on October 19, 2010.
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan), and the
Government of the Republic of Nauru (hereinafter referred to as
"the Parties"),

Desiring to enhance their existing cordial relations and
facilitate the mutual travel of their respective nationals who
hold diplomatic and official/service passports, Have agreed as

Nationals of either Party who hold diplomatic or
official/service passports may enter the territory of the other
Party and stay for ninety (90) days from the day following entry
without a visa.

Article 2
Nationals of either Party mentioned in Article 1 may enter into
or exit from the territory of the other Party through all
border-crossing points open to international passenger traffic.

Article 3
1. This Agreement shall not affect the right of either Party to
refuse the entry into its territory by persona non grata of
the other Party, or shorten the stay of such person in its
2. This Agreement shall not apply to
a. persons who hold dual citizenship of the Parties; or
b. persons who are not foreign nationals in accordance with the
domestic legislation of the receiving Party; or
c. nationals of the Republic of Nauru who were born in the
Republic of China (Taiwan) or the People's Republic of China
(including Hong Kong and Macau).

Article 4
The Parties may suspend the implementation of this Agreement, in
whole or in part, out of concerns over public order, by mutual
agreement or for health or national security reasons, and shall
immediately notify the other Party of the adoption and
termination of such measures in writing and through diplomatic

Article 5
The Parties shall exchange samples of the passports mentioned in
this Agreement. Whenever either Party issues a new version of a
passport or modifies those exchanged, it shall send to the other
Party new samples together with information on their
applicability through diplomatic channels a month prior to their

Article 6
In order to ensure implementation of this Agreement, once this
Agreement is signed, both sides shall instruct their respective
immigration authorities, customs authorities and related
agencies to abide by this Agreement.

Article 7
This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its
signature and shall remain valid until either Party notifies the
other, in writing and through diplomatic channels, of its
intention to terminate this Agreement. The termination shall
take effect three months after the said notification.

In Witness Whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. This
Agreement is done in duplicate in the Chinese and English
Languages, both texts being equally authentic.

Done in Taipei on the nineteenth day of the tenth month of the
ninety-ninth year of the Republic of China (Taiwan),
corresponding to the nineteenth day of the tenth month of the
year two thousand and ten in the Gregorian Calendar.

For Republic of China For Republic of Nauru
H.E. Timothy C. T. H.E. Kieren Keke
Minister of Foreign Minister of Foreign
Affairs Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)