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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 27, 2011; Entered into Force on August 11, 2011.
The Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Tel Aviv and the
Israel Economic and Cultural Office in Taipei (hereinafter
referred to as "the Parties"), have reached the following
arrangement (hereinafter referred to as "the Arrangement"):

Article I
1. Holders of Taiwan national passports that include the
personal identification number of the individual (hereinafter
referred to as "passports"), will be able to enter, leave,
pass in transit or visit in the territory of the State of
Israel without obtaining a visa for ninety (90) days per
period of one hundred and eighty (180) days.
2. Holders of Taiwan passports that do not include the
identification number of the individual (e.g. Compatriot
passports) will continue to require a Visa to travel to
3. Taiwan Passport holders who intend to stay in the territory
of the State of Israel for a period exceeding ninety (90)
days, shall obtain a visa in accordance with the Israeli
national legislation.
4. Taiwan passport holders who enter the territory of the State
of Israel, in accordance with this Arrangement shall, while
in the territory of the State of Israel, comply with the
Israeli national laws and regulations.
5. The State of Israel shall reserve the right to deny entry or
to shorten the period of stay to Taiwan passport holders.
Article II
6. Nationals of the State of Israel holding valid national
passports, giving the right to cross the border (hereinafter
referred to as "passports"), will be able to enter, leave,
pass in transit or visit in the territory of Taiwan without
obtaining a visa for ninety (90) days per period of one
hundred and eighty (180) days.
7. Israeli Passport holders who intend to stay in the territory
of Taiwan for a period exceeding ninety (90) days in its
territory shall obtain a visa in accordance with the Taiwan
national legislation.
8. Israeli passport holders who enter the territory of Taiwan,
in accordance with this Arrangement shall, while in the
territory of Taiwan, comply with Taiwan national laws and
9. The Taiwan authorities shall reserve the right to deny entry
or to shorten the period of stay to Israeli passport holders.
Article III
10. The Parties shall exchange specimens of passports through
diplomatic channels no longer than 30 days after the entry
into force of this Arrangement.
11. The Parties shall inform each other about the introduction
of new passports or modifications to the existing ones and
shall exchange the specimens of new or modified passports
and the information on their applicability through
diplomatic channels, no later than 30 days before their
introduction or modifications become effective.
Article IV
12. This Arrangement shall enter into force 45 days subsequent
to its signature, and shall remain in force until one of the
Parties notifies the other in writing through diplomatic
channels of its intention to terminate it. In such a case,
this Arrangement shall terminate 90 days after the date of
receipt by the other Party of such notification.
13. The termination of the application of this Arrangement shall
not affect the rights and obligations of persons, which have
arisen under this Arrangement prior to the termination of
the application of this Arrangement.

IN WITNESS THEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized, have
signed this Arrangement in Tel Aviv on June 27, 2011, which
corresponds to 25th day of Sivan 5771 in the Hebrew calendar, in
duplicate in the English language.

張良任 Simona Halperin
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)