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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and Exchanged on December 27, 1994 and January 3, 1995; Entered into force on January 3, 1995.
Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United
States 4201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W., Wasington. D.C. 20016

December 27, 1994

Ambassador Natale H. Bellocchi
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
1700 N. Moore St., 17th F1.
Arlington, VA 22209
Dear Ambassador Bellocchi:
I refer to your letter of December 20, acknowledging the change
in the name of my office to the Taipei Economicand Cultural Rep-
resentative Office in the United States (TECRO).
I would appreciate your confirmation of our mutual understanding
that this change in name does not in any way effect, nor was it
intended to effect, any substantive legal change between Taiwan
and the United States. It does not affect the rights, responsib-
ilities or status of our organization. All the obligations unde-
rtaken by CCNAA remain in effect as obligations of TECRO. In pa-
rticular, all agreements and contract between CCNAA and AIT rem-
ain fully in force, in accordance with their terms.
Upon receipt of your letter indicating that the foregoing under-
standing is agreeable to AIT, we will consider that this letter
and your reply thereto consititute an agreement between TECRO a-
nd AIT on this subject.

With best regards,
Benjamin Lu

1700 N. Moore Street
Suite 1700
Arlington, Virginia 22209

January 3, 1995
Mr. Benjamin Lu
Taipei Economic and Cultural
Representative Office in the U.S.
4201 Wisconsin Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC 20016-2137
Dear Representative Lu:
I acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 27, 1994, conc-
erning the change in the name of your office to the Taipei Econ-
omic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States (T-
I hereby confirm our mutual understanding and agreement that th-
is change in name does not in any way effect, nor was it intened
to effect, any substantive legal change; it does not affect the
rights, responsibilities or status of your organization. All the
obligations undertaken by CCNAA remain in effect as obligations
of TECRO. In particular, all agreements and contracts between A-
IT and CCNAA remain fully in force, in accordance with their te-
This letter, together with our letter of December 27, 1994, ref-
erred to above, constitute an agreement between AIT and TECRO on
this subject.

Natale H. Bellocchi
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)