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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and Exchanged on March 1 and March 3, 2000; Entered into force on March 10, 2000.
Mintstry of Foretgn Affatrs
Republic of China

Your Excellency:
I have the honor, following yesterday's bilateral consultation,
to propose to Your Excellency the following arrangement:
1.The citizens of both countries who are holders of valid diplo-
matic and official/service passports may enter the territory
of the other country for stays not longer than ninety (90) da-
ys, transit and exit the territory, without a visa.
2.The stay of persons mentioned above shall be subject to the r-
elevant legislation of both countries.
3.Each party may entirely or partially fllspendd the implementa-
tion of this Agreement provided that the other party is promp-
tly notified of such measures of adoption and/or suspension t-
hrough diplomatic channels.
4.This Agreement may be cancelled at any time by either party,
and cease to be effective thirty days after the receipt of no-
tification to such effect through diplomatic channels.
I have the further honor to propose that this Note and the Note
in reply by Your Excellency be considered to have the effect of
an Agreement between the Government of the Republic of China and
the Government of the Republic of Macedonia, and shall enter in-
to force seven days after the date of receipt of your Note in r-
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurance of my highest consideration.

C.J. Chen
Foreign Minister
His Excellency Aleksandar Dimitrov
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of Macedonia

1 March 2000


Your Excellency:
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of Your Excellency's
Note of today's date, which states:
"I have the honor, following yesterday's bilateral consultation,
to propose to Your Excellency the following arrangement:
1.The citizens of both countries who are holders of valid diplo-
m atic and officiai/servlce passports may enter the territory
of the other country for stays not longer than ninety (90) da-
ys, transit and exit the territory without a visa.
2.The stay of parsons mentioned above shall be subject to the r-
elevant legislation of both countries.
3.Each party may entirely or partially suspend the implementati-
on of this Agreement provided that the other party is promptly
notified of such measures of adoption and/or suspension throu-
gh diplomatic channels.
4.This Agreement may be cancelled at any time by either party,
and cease to be effective thirty days after the receipt of no-
tification to such effect through diplomatic channels.
I have the further honor to propose that this Note and the Note
in reply by Your Excellency be considered to have the effect of
an Agreement between the Govemment of the Republic of Macedonia
and the Government of the Republic of China, and shall enter in-
to force seven days after the date of receipt of your Note in r-
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurance of my highest consideration." In reply, I have the
honor to inform Your Excellency that the Government of the Repu-
blic of Macedonia accepts the above proposal and agrees that th-
is Exchange of Notes shall be considered to have the effect of
an Agreement between our two Govermments.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurance of my highest consideration.

Aleksander Dimitrov

His Excellency C. J. Chen
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China
1 March 2000

The Embassy of the Republic of Macednia Taipei presents its com-
pliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
China and has the honor to enclose herewith the Note-ion rely of
the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Macedonia, HE
Mr. Aleksander Dimitrov addressed to the Minister of Foreign Af-
fairs of the Republic of China, HE Mr. C. J. Chen in which the
Macedonian Government accepts the Exchange of Notes between the
two Ministers to be considered to have the effect of an Agreeme-
nt on visa exemption for the holders of the valid diplomatic and
service/offical passports of the citizens of both countries.
In accordance with the provisions of the above Notes, starting
of March 10, 2000 the citizens of both countries who are holders
of valid diplomatic and official/service passports may enter the
territory of the other country for stays not longer than ninety
(90) days, transit and exit the territory, without a visa.
The Embassy of the Republic of Macedonia avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of China the assurances of its highest consideration.

Taipei, 3 March, 2000
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)