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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on August 7,1974; Entered into force on June 1,1974.
Ⅰ Note from Mr. J.R.L. Kotsokoane, Minister of Foreign Affairs
of the Kingdom of Lesotho, to Mr. Ta Jen Liu, Chinese Ambass-
ador to Lesotho.
I have the honor to inform you that with a view to facilitating
the movement of citizens between our respective countries, the
Government of kingdom of Lesotho proposes certain arrangements
for the reciprocal abolition of visa fees as follows:
(1) The Government of Kingdom of Lesotho will grant to citizens
of the Republic of China who are in possession of valid pas-
sports and who are eligible to enter Lesotho as bona fide n-
onimmigrants, gratis multiple entry passport visas which wi-
ll be valid for a period of three months.
(2) The Government of the Republic of China will grant to citiz-
ens of the Kingdom of Lesotho who are in possession of valid
passports and who are eligible to enter China as bona fide
nonimmigrants, gratis multiple entry passport visas which w-
ill be valid for a period of three months.
(3) These arrangements shall enter into force on the 1st day of
June 1974 and may be terminated by either government by not-
ification in writing, such termination taking effect one mo-
nth after the date of notification.
If the foregoing provisions are acceptable to the Government of
the Republic of China, I have the honor to suggest that this No-
te and Your Excellency's reply in similar terms shall constitute
as Agreement between our Governments on this matter.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurances of my highest consideration.
J.R.L. Kotsokoane
Minister of Foreign Affairs
His Excellency Dr. Ta-jen Liu,
Ambassador of the Republic of China,
Ⅱ Note from Mr. Ta Jen Liu, Chinese Ambassador to Lesotho, to
Mr. J.R.L. Kotsokoane, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Ki-
ngdom of Lesotho.
7th August,1974.
I have the honor to acknowledge receipt of Your Excellency's No-
te No. 6 FR/CONS/5/17A, reading as follows:
“I have the honor to inform you that with a view to facilitati-
ng the movement of citizens between our respective countries, t-
he Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho proposes certain arrang-
ements for the reciprocal abolition of visa fees as follows:
(1) The Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho will grant to citi-
zens of the Republic of China who are in possession of valid
passports and who eligible to enter Lesotho as bona fide no-
nimmigrants, gratis multiple entry passport visas which will
be valid for a period of three months.
(2) The Government of the Republic of China will grant to citiz-
ens of the Kingdom of Lesotho who are in possession of valid
passports and who are eligible to enter China as bona fide
nonimmigrants, gratis multiple entry passport visas which w-
ill be valid for a period of three months.
(3) These arrangements shall enter into force on the 1st day of
June,1974 and may be terminated by either government by not-
ification in writing, such termination taking effect one mo-
nth after the date of notification.
If the foregoing provisions are acceptable to the Government of
the Republic of China, I have the honor to suggest that this No-
te and Your Excellency's reply in similar terms shall constitute
an Agreement between our Governments on this matter.”
In reply, I have the honor to inform Your Excellency that the
provisions set forth in your Note under reference are acceptable
to the Government of the Republic of China and that Your Excell-
ency's Note and this Note shall constitute an Agreement between
our two Governments on this matter.
I avail myself of this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency
the assurances of my highest consideration.
Ta Jen Liu
His Excellency Minister J.R.L. Kotsokoane
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)