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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on April 16,1992. Entered into force on April 16,1992.
Talks were held between April 13 and 16, 1992 in Moscow between
Mr. O1eg Lobov, Chairman, Expert Council to the Chairman of the
Government of Russian Federation, and Mr. John H. Chang, Politi-
cal Vice Minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic
of China, hereinafter called "The Parties" as a continuation of
the exchange of letters resultant from meetings in Moscow in Ja-
nuary 1992, and as consequence of which the granting of humanit-
arian aid to the Russian Federation is being successfully reali-
Both parties acknowledge that the potentials of the respective
economies not only represent substantial mutually beneficial ec-
onomic wealth but their use will lead to the strengthening of t-
ies in the spheres of culture, science and education. The "Part-
ies" pay great attention to the development of contacts on the
non/governmental level necessary for accomplishment in these af-
orementioned spheres. The "Parties" recognize that the prioriti-
es in these spheres include, but are not restricted to the empl-
oyment of high technology, raw material supplies, development of
projects including raw material extraction and processing, comm-
ercial construction projects, infrastructure development and to-
urism and the respective support of these and similar undertaki-
ngs by application of credits and similar devices, in near, mid
and long term basis.
The "Parties" conclude that these objectives would be best serv-
ed by the creation of non governmental, non profit instrumental-
ity ("the Commissions") to act as the coordinator of the efforts
of both "Parties". The "Commissions" would be named the "Moscow-
Taipei Coordination Commission" in Moscow with a representative
office in Taipei and the "Taipei-Moscow Coordination Commission"
in Taipei with a representative office in Moscow. The name of t-
he representative office in Taipei shall be called the "Represe-
ntative office in Taipei for the Moscow-Taipei Coordination Com-
mission". The name of the representative office in Moscow shall
be called the "Representative Office in Moscow for the Taipei-M-
oscow Coordination Commission". The "Commissions: are to be est-
ablished in strict conformity with the laws and regulations of
both "Parties" and will have no political nature. The "Commissi-
ons" will establish offices in Taipei and Moscow and other citi-
es thereafter as required.
Both "Parties" agree that the "Commissions" should include the
responsible representatives of the leading Ministries and priva-
te organizations of the "Parties" .
The "Commissions", in order to carry out certain functions, sho-
uld enjoy the required authorizations from the "Parties" respec-
tive governments granted normally to governmental officials. Th-
ese should include the processing of travel documents and servi-
ces related to the realization of the "Commissions" objectives.
The "Parties" concur that the conclusions reached herein shall
be subject to the consents of the respective Governments. And t-
herefore the "Parties" undertake to take all the necessary steps
in this regard. The "Parties" will timely advise each other of
the progress and will inform each other as to the results by the
end of May 1992.
The present Protocol is written in Russian and English languages
and signed on April 16, 1992 in Moscow.
Oleg Lobov
Expert Coucil to the Chairman
of the Government
Russian Federation
John H. Chang
Political Vice Minister
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Republic of China
Because Mr. Oleg Lobov does not read English while Mr. John H.
Chang does not read Russian, the translations are certified by a
qualified translator conversant with Russian/English languages,
whose signature appears hereunder.
translator: Loudmila Ze. Mazourina, consultant in foreign langu-
ages of the Higher Commercial Management School of
the Russian Federation Ministry for Foreign Econ om-
ic Relations.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)