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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on January 31, 2007; Entered into force on January 31, 2007
The Government of the Republic of China (Taiwan) (hereinafter
referred to as "Taiwan") and the Government of Solomon Islands
(hereinafter referred to as "Solomon Islands") in view of
strengthening the cordial relations between the two countries in
the economic, social, educational and cultural fields, have
agreed to the following:

Article 1
1. Taiwan agrees to dispatch volunteers to Solomon Islands to
provide services in accordance with the articles of this
2. Taiwan volunteers shall, in the performance of assigned
duties, be under the supervision of the Embassy of the
Republic of China (Taiwan) in Solomon Islands and the
competent government agencies of Solomon Islands or the
agency that requests the volunteer service.

Article 2
Taiwan shall notify Solomon Islands of the individual designated
as coordinator of the volunteers. This coordinator shall assign
duties to the volunteers in accordance with the volunteer
programs after consultation and coordination with the Embassy of
the Republic of China (Taiwan) in Solomon Islands and the
competent government agencies of Solomon Islands.

Article 3
1. Taiwan shall provide the volunteers and coordinator with the
a) Return trip air tickets between Taiwan and Solomon Islands;
b) Monthly living allowances during the period of duty in
Solomon Islands;
c) Medical necessities for personal use;
d) Coverage of necessary local medical care expenses.

2. Taiwan shall provide international medical insurance for the
volunteers and the coordinator. Solomon Islands promises to
provide necessary local medical or transport assistance and
conveniences to the volunteers and the coordinator upon
request by Taiwan.

Article 4
Solomon Islands shall provide the volunteers and the coordinator
with the following conveniences and assistance:
a) Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on
goods imported or locally acquired in Solomon Islands from
bonded stock for official use and not for sale;
b) Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on
their personal articles or household appliances imported into
Solomon Islands within six months of their first entry,
except for warehouse expenses, freight charges and other
service charges;
c) Exemption from income tax and other taxes on any wages or
income relating to their assigned duties received in Solomon
Islands and/or from foreign sources during the period of
performances of their duties;
d) Free lodging provided by the agency that requests the
volunteer service;
e) Coverage by the agency that requests the volunteer service of
the transportation and expenses for work-related trips made
by the volunteers and coordinator;
f) Issuance of identification cards or work permits;
g) Exemption from fees for consular services, entry or exit, and
immigration deposits; and
h) Temporary exemption from customs duties, taxes and any other
charges on one vehicle (limited to one) for the personal use
of coordinator.

Article 5
Volunteers and coordinator who introduce any goods into Solomon
Islands in accordance with Article 4 of this Agreement shall
provide a list of such goods to Solomon Islands for processing
the exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges.

Article 6
All article or goods imported into Solomon Islands in accordance
with this Agreement and for which exemptions of customs duties,
taxes and other charges have been granted shall be re-exported
to Taiwan, unless:
a) They are sold within Solomon Islands with payment of customs
duties, taxes and other charges;
b) They are donated to Solomon Islands with its approval;
c) They are of no commercial value or not suitable for re-export

Article 7
On the transfer of the coordinator's personal vehicle to another
coordinator, Solomon Islands agrees to temporarily exempt that
vehicle from customs duties, taxes and other charges.

Article 8
Solomon Islands shall take all necessary measures to ensure the
safety of the volunteers and the coordinator at their place of
residence and at work.

Article 9
Solomon Islands agrees to provide the same status and
conveniences to the volunteers and the coordinator as those
provided to other international volunteers, as well as to
consult and confirm the duties with the volunteers and the
coordinator based on the work program.

Article 10
Solomon Islands shall be responsible for any claims relating to
any action or omission by the volunteers and the coordinator in
the course of performing their assigned duties, except that such
claims arise from gross negligence or willful misconduct on the
part of the volunteers and the coordinator.

Article 11
Solomon Islands agrees to grant adequate immunity to the
volunteers and coordinator as those accorded to the volunteers
of any third nation and international organizations serving in
Solomon Islands for their behavior in the course of performing
their assigned duties.

Article 12
The volunteers and coordinator shall comply with all the laws
and customs of Solomon Islands and shall not undertake any
professional or lucrative activities outside of the performance
of their assigned duties during the period of their stay in
Solomon Islands.

Article 13
The agency of Solomon Islands that requests the volunteer
service shall consult with the volunteers and coordinator
whenever necessary to ensure the effective execution of the work

Article 14
Either Government may request consultation with the other
whenever necessary to ensure the successful implementation of
this Agreement.

Article 15
This Agreement shall enter into force when Solomon Islands
notifies Taiwan of the completion of its domestic legal process
and shall remain effective unless either Government terminates
it by a ninety-day prior written notice to the other through the
diplomatic channels.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized
thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this

Done in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, both
texts being equally authentic, in Honiara on the thirty-first
day of the first month of the ninety-sixth year of the Republic
of China (Taiwan), corresponding to the thirty-first day of the
first month of the year two thousand and seven of the Gregorian

For the Government of the For the Government of Solomon
Republic of China (Taiwan) Islands

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Hon. Chih-fang Huang Hon. Patteson Oti
Minister of Foreign Affairs Minister of Foreign Affairs
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)