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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on June 15, 1999; Entered into force on June 15, 19994.
The Control Yuan of the Republic of China, Dr. Fredrick F. Chien
and the Defensor del Pueblo de la Nacion Argentina, Dr. Jorge
Luis Maiorano, in order to establish tight bonds of co-operation
in technical aspects concerning their competence, and in this
way to contribute in the defence and protection of human rights
and all other rights and interests of individuals, taking into
consideration common interests and mutual respects; helping for
the democratic stability of the people; express their strong
wish to consolidate this relationship. Therefore the parties
The Control Yuan of the Republic of China and the Defensor del
Pueblo de la Nacion Argentina, henceforth the "Parties" agree to
establish a Joint Programme of Technical Interinstitutional
Co-operation and Technical Co-operation which shall be
co-ordinated by the heads of both institutions.
This Joint Programme of Interinstitutional Co-operation and
Technical Co-operation shall include, among others, the
following actions: of information; of technical and bibliographical documentation;
3.programmes, visits, apprenticeship and all other activities of
technical and professional training;
4.organisation of conferences, seminars, symposiums, meetings,
courses and other academic activities;
5.development of technological systems;
6.spreading of the functions of both institutions; thus, the
parties hereto will exchange the corresponding information and
The Parties hereto or their representatives will meet
periodically in order to update the contents hereof and, if they
deem convenient, to make amendments to these presents.
All travelling expenses incurred by those experts assigned to
carry out the collaboration, in compliance with the terms to be
agreed upon, shall be paid by the party which provides such
The party which receives such assistance shall pay all other
expenses related to accommodation and insurance.
This Agreement shall become effective once it is signed. It
shall be in force for a period of five (5) years.
It shall be automatically renewed for equal periods, unless
either party dully notifies the other party in writing the
decision to terminate these presents. The said termination shall
come into effect thirty (30) days after such notice is received.
In case of rescission, the action that are being performed shall
continue until full completion; pursuant to the terms to be
agreed upon in due time by the parties hereto.
Done at Taipei in two copies in the Chinese and English
languages on the fifteenth day of June, in the year of one
thousand nine hundred and ninety nine.

________________________ ________________________
The Control Yuan Defensor del Pueblo de
Republic of China la Nacion Argentina
Dr. Fredrick F. Dr. Jorge Luis Maiorano
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)