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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed on October 28, 1999; Entered into force on June 24, 2000.
The Government of the Republic China of and the Government of
the Republic of Panama (R.O.C.), in agreement with recent talks
between the representatives from both Governments, in relation
to the dispatch of volunteers under the "Volunteer Program" of
the International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) of the
Republic of China to the Republic of Panama with the purpose of
strengthening friendly ties and promoting the economic, social
and cultural relations between the two countries;

Have reached the following Agreement:

Article 1

1.The Government of the Republic of China (R.O.C.), agrees to
dispatch to the Republic of Panama the volunteers from the In-
ternational Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF) for servi-
ce at the request of the Government of the Republic of Panama,
in compliance with the Republic of China (R.O.C.) laws and
regulations and programs agreed by the two Governments.

2.In performing their assigned duties, the ICDF volunteers shall
be under the supervision of the Republic of China Embassy in
Panama, ICDF, and the relevant government agencies of the Rep-
ublic of Panama.

Article 2

The Government of the Republic of Panama shall accept the coord-
inators assigned by ICDF. They will be responsible for dispatch-
ing volunteers to implement the programs and will contact and
coordinate with the Republic of China Embassy in the Republic of
Panama and the relevant government agencies of the Republic of

Article 3

1.ICDF shall provide the volunteers and coordinators (hereinaft-
er referred to as "Program Volunteers") with the following ex-
a) Expenses for round trip air tickets from the Republic of Chi-
na to the Republic of Panama;
b) Monthly living allowance for the period of assignment in the
Republic of Panama;
c) Equipment and materials used for carrying out assigned duties
d) Necessary medical supplies for their personal use; and
e) An adequate level of medical care and hospitalization.

2.Should any emergency medical care and first aid be required
for any "Program Volunteers" , the Government of the Republic
of Panama pledges to provide the necessary medical care, and
ICDF shall be responsible for the reimbursement of the expens-
es incurred thereby.

Article 4

The Government of the Republic of Panama shall grant the "Progr-
am Volunteers" with the following benefits, exemptions and priv-
a) Exemption from any taxes, customs duties and other charges on
equipment, materials and medical supplies imported into or
acquired in the Republic of Panama, as stated in Article 3 of
this Agreement for performing their assigned duties;
b) Exemption from customs duties, taxes and other charges on th-
eir personal goods or their household effects for their pers-
onal use, introduced into the Republic of Panama within six
months after their first arrival. The exemption does not inc-
lude warehouse expenses, forwarding and similar services;
c) Exemption from income tax and similar taxes on any salary,
wage or income the "Program Volunteers" received in the Repu-
blic of Panama and/or from foreign sources while performing
their duties in the Republic of Panama;
d) Free lodging at places where they are to carry out their dut-
e) Local transportation required for performing their duties;
f) Issuance of adequate identification cards for "Program Volun-
teers" from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of Panama to facilitate the performance of their duties;
g) Exemption from consular permits charges, entry and exit char-
ges and immigration deposits; and
h) Exemption from customs duties, taxes and related charges on a
vehicle for coordinators' personal use.

Article 5

The "Program Volunteers" who introduced into the Republic of Pa-
nama any goods exempted from customs duties, taxes and related
charges in accordance with provisions of this Agreement, shall
provide a list with specifications of such goods to the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Panama.

Article 6

In accordance with the laws of the Republic of Panama, any arti-
cle or goods temporarily introduced into the Republic of Panama
with exemption of customs duties, taxes and related charges sha-
ll be re-exported to the Republic of China, unless:
a) They are sold inside the territory of the Republic of Panama
with the payment of customs duties, taxes and related charges
b) They are donated to the Government of the Republic of Panama
with its approval; and
c) The re-exporting of such goods is impossible or not appropri-

Article 7

In the case of vehicles transferred from one coordinator to ano-
ther coordinator, the Government of the Republic of Panama shall
grant exemption on all customs duties, taxes or related charges,
in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Panama.

Article 8

The Government of the Republic of Panama shall take all adequate
measures to prevent any offence against the freedom or dignity
of the "Program Volunteers" during their term of duty.

Article 9

The Government of the Republic of Panama shall accord the status
of members of an international mission to the "Program Voluntee-
rs", including immunities, privileges and treatment no less fav-
orable than is usually given to staff of other international mi-
ssions that are performing similar activities in the territory
of the Republic of Panama, and shall inform, consult and cooper-
ate with the "Program Volunteers" with respect to all matters
concerning the program.

Article 10

The Government of the Republic of Panama shall be responsible
for any claims against the members of the "Program Volunteers",
that may arise as a result of any act or omission of the "Progr-
am Volunteers", while carrying out their duties, excepting the
case that such claims are made out of gross negligence or willf-
ul misconduct on the part of the "Program Volunteers".

Article 11

The "Program Volunteers" shall not be subject to jurisdiction of
the Republic of Panama with respect to words, spoken or written,
that they express, or actions executed, while performing their

Article 12

The "Program Volunteers" shall comply with the laws and customs
of the Republic of Panama and shall not participate in any prof-
essional or lucrative activities in Panamanian territory out of
exercising their duty bound functions, during the period of the-
ir stay in the Republic of Panama.

Article 13

Both Governments shall consult, whenever necessary, to ensure
the successful execution of the " Volunteers Program " in the
Republic of Panama.

Article 14

This Agreement shall enter into force on the date the Government
of the Republic of Panama notifies the Government of the Republ-
ic of China that the Panamanian constitutional requirements have
been complied with, and shall remain in force ninety days after
either one of the two Governments serves prior notice in writing
to the other of termination through diplomatic channels.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by
their respective Governments, have signed and sealed this Agree-
ment in duplicates in Spanish, Chinese and English languages,
all three texts being equally authentic.

Done in the City of Panama, Republic of Panama the 28th day of
the month of October of the year eighty-eight of the Republic
of China, corresponding to the 28th day of the month of October
of the year nineteen hundred and ninety nine.

For the Government of the For the Government of the
Republic of China Republic of Panama

Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)