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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on May 13 and 26, 1983; Entered into force on May 26, 1983.
Ⅰ Letter from Mr.David Dean, Chairman ofthe Board and Managing
Director of the American Institute in Taiwan, to Dr. Fredri-
ck F. Chien, Representative, Coordination Council for North
American Affairs, Office in U.S.A.
May l3,1983
Dr.Fredrick F.Chien
Coordination Council for
North American Affairs
516l River Road
Bethesda, MD 20816

Dear Dr.Chien:
Given our mutual desire to ensure the continuation of unint-
errupted maritime trade and uniform principles and rules wi-
th respect to the determination of tonnages of ships engaged
on international voyages, I propose that assurances be prov-
ided to the American Institute in Taiwan (the ”Institute”)
that the gross and net tonnages of all ships, the keels of
which were laid or at a similar stage of construction on or
after l8 July 1982, or existing ships that have been so alt-
ered as to constitute a substantial variation to their exis-
ting gross tonnages, under the registry of the party repres-
ented by the Coordination Council for North American Affairs
(the ”Council”) which are used in bilateral trade have be-
en determined on an identical basis with the requirements f-
or tonnage measurement found in the International Convention
on Tonnage Measurement of Ships,l969,a copy of which is enc-
Compliance with the methods employed in this convention will
be indicated by the carrying on board such ships of valid i-
nternational tonnage certificate designed to comply in form
with certificates called for in the 1969 Convention. Carria-
ge of such certificates shall enable such ships to trade at
the ports of the party represented by the Institute in the
same manner and under the same conditions as ships of signa-
tories to the 1969 Convention.
Reciprocally, inasmuch as the 1969 Convention entered into
force for the party represented by the Institute on February
10, 1983, assurances should be provided that the carriage of
valid international tonnage certificates, carried on mercha-
nt ships under the registry of the party represented by the
Institute after February 10, 1983, will enable those ships
to trade at ports of the party represented by the Council in
the same manner and under the same conditions as ships under
the registry of the party represented by the Institute trade
at ports of signatories of the 1969 Convention.
If these arrangements meet with your approval, I propose th-
at this letter and your letter in reply serve as a basis to
establish an agreement.

David Dean
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
Copy of 1969 International Convention on Tonnage Measurement
of Ships

Ⅱ Letter from Dr. Fredrick F. Chien, Representative, Coordina-
tion Council for North American Affairs Office in U.S.A., to
Mr. David Dean, Chairman of the Board and Managing Director
of American Institute in Taiwan
May 26, 1983
Dear Mr. Dean:
I have the pleasure to acknowledge receipt of your letter d-
ated May 13, 1983, regarding the proposed agreement between
this Council and your Institute on the tonnage measurement
of ships.
My government fully agrees with the arrangements specified
in your letter and therefore, my reply to it will serve as a
basis to establish an agreement.

Fredrick F. Chien
Mr. David Dean
Chairman of the Board
and Managing Director
American Institute in Taiwan
Arlington, VA 22209
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)