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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchanged on May 18 and June 6, 1983; Entered into force on June 6, 1983.
No. A/215/83
Date: May 18, 1983
I. Note from Mr. Edmund Y.Liu, Director of Far East Commercial
Office of the Republic of China, to the President of Nationa-
l Planning Council of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
Your Excellency:
I have the honour to refer to our Note No. A/539/82 dated 20/
12/1982 and your Note dated 27/3/1983 Ref. 55/42/1257 in con-
nection with the implementation of the international Convent-
ion on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969, effective since
July 1982, and to state that the Government of the Republic
of China agrees to the proposal of the Government of the Has-
hemite Kingdom of Jordan that it will comply with the Conve-
ntion and to recognize the Tonnage Certificates issued by co-
mpetent authorities of the Republic of China on condition th-
at Tonnage Certificates issued by the Jordanian Government
or by any Jordanian Tonnage Classification Companies, inter-
nationally recognized, will be accepted and re-cognized by
the Chinese Government.
Therefore, I have the honour to propose, under instructions
from my Government, that the above-mentioned. Notes and this
Note and the Council's Note in reply serve as a basis to est-
ablish the procedures de-scribed.
I have this opportunity to renew to Your Excellency the assu-
rances of my highest consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Edmund Y.Liu

II. Note from Dr. Hanna Odeh, the President of National Planni-
ng Council of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan to Mr. Edmund
Y.Liu. Director of Far East Commercial office of the Republ-
ic of China, (translation)

Mr. Director, Far East Commercial Office
With reference to your note No. A/215/83 dated May 18, 1983. re-
garding the Inter-national Convention on Tonnage Measurement of
Ships for the year 1969, I beg to inform you of our agreement to
the con-tents of the above-mentioned Note.
Please accept the assurances of my highest consideration.

Dr. Hanna Odeh
NPC. President

* Country with which the Republic of China has no diplomatic re-
* 與我國無外交關係之國家
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)