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Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)

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1.Signed and exchange on October 8, 1980, January 21, 1981, and February 17, 1981; Entered into force on March 31,1981.
Ⅰ Note from the Embassy of the Republic of China, to the Minis-
try of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and,wi-
th reference to the implementation of 1974 International Conven-
tion for the Safety of Life at Sea (1974 SOLAS), has the honor
to inform the Ministry that given mutual desire to ensure the c-
ontinution of uninterrupted Maritime trade and the safety of li-
fe at sea, the Republic of China and the United States have agr-
eed to mutually implement 1974 SOLAS and thus to propose that t-
he Republic of Korea and the Republic of China may also reach an
agreement to the same end on the basis of reciprocity and equal-
ity under the following conditions:
(1) All ships registered in the Republic of Korea which are used
in trade with the Republic of China should have been inspec-
ted and are in compliance with the requirements of the 1974
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1974
SOLAS). Compliance with the 1974 SOLAS Convention requireme-
nts will be indicated by the carriage aboard ships register-
ed in the Republic of Korea of valid certificates attesting
to that fact. Such certificates shall be in the same form as
those called for in the Appendix (pp. 230-243) to the 1974
SOLAS and subject to the control Provisions of Regulation 19
of 1974 SOLAS. Their carriage shall enable ships registered
in Korea to trade at the ports of the Republic of China in
the same manner and under the same conditions as ships of t-
he parties to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
(2) Reciprocally, assurances should be provided that inasmuch as
the Republic of China (ROC) is not a party to the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, the carriage aboard ROC merchant ships of valid
certificates which is in compliance with the 1974 SOLAS Con-
vention requirements, will enable them to trade at the ports
of the Republic of Korea in the same manner and under the s-
ame conditions as ships registered in the Republic of China
trade at ports of signatories to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
It would be much appreciated if the Ministry will be kind e-
nough to forward the above-mentioned proposal to the Korean
competent Authorities for favorable consideration.
If these arrangements meet with the approval of the Korean
Authorities, the Government of the Republic of China propos-
es that this Note and the Ministry's Note in reply serve as
a basis to establish the procedures described.
The copies of the above-mentioned Appendix (pp. 230-243) and
the control provisions of Regulations 19of 1974 SOLAS are e-
nclosed herewith for the Ministry's reference.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Korea the assurances of its highest conside-
Encl.: as stated
October 8, 1980
Ⅱ Note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of
Korea, to the Embassy of the Republic of China.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the
Embassy of the Republic of China and has the honor to acknowle-
dge the receipt of the latter's Note No. 2032 dated October 8,
1980, which reads as follows;
"The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments
to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and,
with reference to the implementation of 1974 International Conv-
ention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1974 SOLAS), has the honor
to inform the Ministry that given mutual desire to ensure the c-
ontinuation of uninterrupted Maritime trade and the safety of l-
ife at sea, the Republic of China and the United States have ag-
reed to mutually implement 1974 SOLAS and thus to propose that
the Republic of Korea and the Republic of China may also reach
an agreement to the same end on the basis of reciprocity and eq-
uality under the following conditions:
(1) All ships registered in the Republic of Korea which are used
in trade with the Republic of China should have been inspec-
ted and are in compliance with the requirements of the 1974
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (1974
SOLAS). Compliance with the 1974 SOLAS Convention requireme-
nts will be indicated by the carriage aboard ships register-
ed in the Republic of Korea of valid certificates attesting
to that fact.
Such certificates shall be in the same form as those called
for in the Appendix (pp. 230-243) to the 1974 SOLAS and sub-
ject to the control Provisions of Regulation 19 of 1974 SOL-
AS. Their carriage shall enable ships registered in Korea to
trade at the ports of the Republic of China in the same man-
ner and under the same conditions as ships of the parties to
the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
(2) Reciprocally, assurances should be provided that inasmuch as
the Republic of China (ROC) is not a party to the 1974 SOLAS
Convention, the carriage aboard ROC merchant ships of valid
certificates which is in compliance with the 1974 SOLAS Con-
vention requirements, will enable them to trade at the ports
of the Republic of Korea in the same manner and under the s-
ame conditions as ships registered in the Republic of China
trade at ports of signatories to the 1974 SOLAS Convention.
It would be much appreciated if the Ministry will be kind e-
nough to forward the above-mentioned proposal to the Korean
competent Authorities for favorable consideration.
If these arrangements meet with the approval of the Korean
Authorities, the Government of the Republic of China propos-
es that this Note and the Ministry's Note in reply serve as
a basis to establish the procedures described.
The copies of the above-mentioned Appendix (pp. 230-234) and
the control provisions of Regulations 19 of 1974 SOLAS are
enclosed herewith for the Ministry's reference.
The Embassy of the Republic of China avails itself of this
opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of
the Republic of Korea the assurances of its highest conside-
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has further honor to inform
the Embassy that the foregoing proposal is acceptable to the
Government of the Republic of Korea and to confirm that the
Embassy's Note and this Note in reply thereto shall constit-
ute an arrangement on this matter between the Government of
the Republic of Korea and the Government of the Republic of
In connection with the implementation of the arrangement, t-
he Government of the Republic of Korea wishes to propose th-
at the arrangement shall be applied as of 31 March 1981 when
1974 SOLAS Convention will enter into force for the Republic
of Korea.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs avails itself of this oppor-
tunity to renew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the
assurances of its highest consideration.
Seoul, January 21, 1981
Ⅲ Note from the Embassy of the Republic of China, to the Minis-
try of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea.
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Korea and has
the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the latter's Note No. O-
ZY/51 dated January 21, 1981 concerning the mutual implementati-
on of 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea (1974 SOLAS).
In reply, the Embassy has further the honor to inform the Minis-
try that the Government of the Republic of China is agreeable to
the proposal as set forth in the aforesaid Ministry's Note to t-
he effect that the mutually agreed arrangement shall be applied
as of 31 March 1981 when 1974 SOLAS Convention will enter into
force for the Republic of Korea, and to confirm that the Minist-
ry's Note and this Note thereto shall constitute an agreement on
this matter shall constitute an agreement on this matter between
the Government of the Republic of Korea and the Government of t-
he Republic of China.
The Embassy avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the M-
inistry of Foreign Affairs the assurances of its highest consid-
February 17, 1981
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)