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Title: Regulations of the Commission to Conduct International Airport Slots Coordination CH
Amended Date: 2005-06-27
Category: Ministry of Transportation and Communications(交通部)
Article 1
The subject regulations are enacted in accordance with the terms in the first paragraph of Article 50 of the Civil Aviation Act.
Article 2
To ensure the neutrality in international airport slots (hereinafter referred to as the “slots”) coordination, and to maintain smooth operation in international airports, the Civil Aeronautics Administration of the Ministry of Transportation and Communications (hereinafter referred to as the “CAA”) may commission a neutral entity incorporated under the laws of the Republic of China to conduct slot coordination.
Article 3
Prior to conducting the commissioned slot coordination, the neutral entity shall submit the following documents to the CAA for reviewing and confirming its professional capability to perform slot coordination, and issuing accordingly the Certificate of Commission (as the attachment):
1.Certificates for incorporation with registration record.
2.Executed agreements with professionals qualified for slot coordination specified in Article 4, paragraph 1, together with their qualification certificates.
3.Certificates for holding the required systems or equipments for slot coordination.
The validity for the Certificate of Commission is three (3) years. The commissioned neutral entity (hereinafter referred to as the “commissioned entity”) may apply to CAA for issuing a new certificate three (3) months prior to the expiration of the commissioned period.
Article 4
The professionals employed by the commissioned entity to perform slot coordination shall meet the following qualifications and they are permitted to perform slot coordination after approval by the CAA:
1.Experienced in or holding credentials related to slot coordination, flights planning, or aviation matters related to the two fields above, or having taken training courses related to slot coordination or flights planning.
2.Is not currently hired by national or foreign air carriers, and was not hired by national or foreign air carriers or by their conglomerates in the past three (3) years.
3.Must hold R.O.C. citizenship.
A non-professional for slot coordination shall not be engaged in performing slot coordination.
Article 5
The commissioned entity shall keep neutrality and follow the relative rules of International Air Transport Association to handle the following matters related to slot coordination:
1.Coordinating for air carriers’ applications for slots.
2.Monitoring the slot utilization status and taking actions accordingly.
3.Participating in slot coordination events held by International Air Transport Association and reporting to the CAA.
4.Handling other matters relevant to slot coordination.
The commissioned entity in handling other business shall not incur any conflict of interests with the slot coordination business commissioned by the CAA.
Article 6
The commissioned entity shall report to the CAA on the following matters:
1.Check report on verifying the flight schedules filed by the air carriers to the CAA with their approved slots.
2.The results of the slot coordination for each winter and summer seasons.
3.Related statistics and analysis data for slot coordination.
4.Recommending practices catering to the changes of airport facilities or operations.
Article 7
The CAA may send inspector to check the slot coordination performance of the commissioned entity. Should any violation of neutrality principles or regulations be found, the CAA may inform the commissioned entity to improve or to take necessary measures within a specified time period. If the violation is not corrected within the specified time period, the CAA is entitled to terminate the commission and to withdraw the Certificate of Commission.
Article 8
The commissioned entity shall collect supporting documents to prove the handling expenses for slot coordination, and then report the same to the CAA for review and approval. After that, the CAA shall bear twenty percent (20%) of the total expenses and the commissioned entity shall pay the remainder.
Article 9
The commissioned entity shall keep all written and electronic data relating to slot coordination, and shall submit all of such data to the CAA when the commission is terminated.
Article 10
While the CAA applies Article 3 for the commission, the CAA shall publish the commissioned entity, commissioned matters and legal references in the government gazette or newspapers.
Article 11
This Regulation shall come into force as of the date of promulgation.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)