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Title: Regulation for the Use and Management of Wastewater Treatment and Sewage System in the Science Park CH
Amended Date: 2022-12-14
Category: National Science and Technology Council(國家科學及技術委員會)
Article 1
In order to prevent the water pollution and maintain the regular operation of the sewage system in the Science Park (hereinafter referred to as “the Park”), this Regulation is hereby laid down in accordance with the provisions of number 31 paragraph 1 Article 6 of the Act for Establishment and Administration of Science Parks.
Article 2
The wastewater from pubic- or civil-run enterprises, the government, educational institution or householders of dormitory zone (collectively referred to as “the User of Sewage Drainage) located in an area within the Park where the sewage pipelines has been constructed and completed must be discharged into the Park’s sewage system in accordance with the Drainage Statute and the relevant provisions of Prevention of Water Pollution Law.
Article 3
Prior to discharging the wastewater into the sewage system, the pubic- or civil-run enterprises, government or educational institution in the Park shall submit application to the Science Park Bureau (hereinafter referred to as the “Bureau”) for approval. When the flowrate of wastewater discharged increases or the route of discharge pipeline changes, the aforesaid procedure shall also apply.
The application mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall incorporate the following items:
1. The average daily, maximum daily and peak hourly flowrate of discharged wastewater.
2. The quality of discharged wastewater.
3. The location where the wastewater will be discharged and related illustrations of facilities.
Article 4
When applying for construction permit in the Park’s area where the sewage system has been constructed and completed, one must enclose the information such as the illustration of drainage facility, the configuration drawing, the location of discharge point,etc. and submit the same to the Bureau for approval.
Upon the completion of the aforesaid drainage facility, coupling and discharging are allowed only after inspected by the Bureau to be qualified.
Article 5
The wastewater from Park’s public- or civil-run enterprises, the government or educational institutions shall conform to the water quality standard for the accommodation capacity of drainage (hereinafter referred to as “the Accommodation Standard”) before discharging into the sewage drainage. In the event of non-compliance with the Accommodation Standard, the pre-treatment facilities must be set up and the wastewater must be well pre-treated to meet the Accommodation Standard prior to discharging into the sewage drainage.
The Accommodation Standard mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by the Bureau and reported and submitted to the authorities of local city or county governments for ratification.
Article 6
The capacity of waste water from Park’s public- or civil-run enterprises , the government or educational institutions shall not exceed the peak hourly flowrate , or daily maximum flowrate in a successive twenty-four (24) hours period; provided that the need for special discharge, which has been approved by the Bureau, is not so restricted.
Article 7
All the waste water from Park’s public- or civil-run enterprises, the government or educational institutions shall be converged and the followings shall be set up: standard sampling well, placard of the discharge point, a totalized type flow meter and control valves before entering into the Park’s sewage system.
Prior to the effective date of this amended Regulation, the Park’s public- or civil-run enterprises and the government educational institutions already in existence if unable to set up a totalized flow meter and control valves for reason(s) can be exempted from doing so after reporting to the Bureau for approval.
The Bureau can dispatch its staff or representative to sample and analyze the wastewater quality at the sampling well without a fixed schedule to check whether the Accommodation Standard is complied with.
Article 8
The User of Sewage system shall set up a special responsible unit or personnel in accordance with the provisions of the Prevention of Water Pollution Law and the related statutes.
Article 9
Except as provided for in the relevant construction law, the discharge facility of the User of Sewage Drainage shall follow the example of discharge facility standard for the user of drainage facility as prescribed by the Department of Ministry of Interiors.
Article 10
The Bureau can at any time dispatch its staff to access the User of Sewage Drainage with permit to inspect the situation of pollutants management or ask for any relevant information. The User of Sewage System is not allowed to refuse or delay for any reason.
Article 11
The User of Sewage Drainage is not allowed to draw and use the Park’s groundwater and inject the pollutants into the soil and groundwater.
Article 12
In the event that the User of Sewage Drainage violates any provision of this Regulation, actions to remedy such violation must be taken within a limited period upon the receipt of such notification from the Bureau. In the event of failure to timely remedy the violation, the Bureau can deal the matter pursuant to the law and can further stop the waste water from discharging into the sewage system if the circumstances are serious.
Article 13
The Park’s public- or civil-run enterprises, the government, or educational institutions shall periodically report and declare information such as the origin of the waste water, the Characteristics and concentration of the original waste water, the operation and management of pre-treatment facility, the quality of water discharged wastewater, etc. to the Bureau.
Article 14
The Park’s public- or civil-run enterprises, the government or educational institutions shall pay seasonally to the Bureau the expenses for using the sewage drainage in accordance with the discharge flow rate and the quality of waste water the former has used.
The item of collection fees, unit price, quantity estimation, classification of water quality, classification rating and computation formula of the expenses for using the sewage drainage mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be stipulated by the Science Park Bureau and reported and submitted to authorities of local city or county governments for ratification.
Article 15
The Bureau will send out seasonal payment notice of expenses for the usage of sewage drainage on or before the last day of each year’s March, June, September and December. Each user shall make payment on or before the fifteenth (15th) day of the following month. In the event that the payment is not timely made, late payment penalty will be charged from the date following the expiration date of the payment and for each period exceeding three days, the penalty rate will be calculated at one hundredth (1/100) of the expenses due and payable. If non-payment continues for more than one month after notification, it can be transferred to compulsory execution.
Article 15-1
In response to natural disaster, epidemic, and significant change in domestic and foreign finance, economy and society, in avoidance of the difficulties occurred to or the significant impacts on the operations of relevant enterprises and institutions in the Park, and in order to assist in the sustainable development of high-tech industries in the Park and to promote the technical competitiveness of our country, the Bureau may, upon approval of the National Science and Technology Council, ratify and implement the bailout measures, granting the favorite scheme for the management fee within a certain period.
Article 16
The maintenance, operation and management of the Park’s sewage drainage system is managed by the Bureau, which shall keep track of the relevant information and data in detailed for reference.
Article 17
Article 18
This Regulation shall become effective as of the date of its promulgation.
Amendments to Articles 5 and 14 on the 22nd day of December 2010 shall take effect on the 25th day of December, 2010.
Web site:Laws & Regulations Database of The Republic of China (Taiwan)