

列印時間:113/07/16 22:23


This Implementing Arrangement describes the cooperative scienti-
fic and technical activities to be undertaken by the American I-
nstitute in Taiwan (AIT) and its designated representative, the
Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) of the Environmental Research
Laboratories (ERL) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi-
nistration (NOAA). It provides for the continuing system develo-
pment of the Forecast System being developed by the Joint Forec-
ast Systems Project between the Central Weather Bureau (CWB) of
Taiwan, the designated representative of the Coordination Counc-
il for North American Affairs (CCNAA), and NOAA/FSL.
The activities described in this Implementing Arrangement will
be carried out under the general terms and conditions establish-
ed by the Agreement between AIT and CCNAA for Technical Coopera-
tion in Meteorology and Forecast Systems Development. This Impl-
ementing Arrangement is hereby attached to that Agreement and b-
ecomes part of the Agreement.
The Forecast System is comprised of two primary subsystems: a C-
entral Facility and the Forecaster Workstation Subsystem. It
also includes the communication and data interfaces to existing
sources of meteorological data and the distribution circuits th-
at disseminate forecasts and warnings to various users.
Emphasis will be placed in this Implementing Arrangement on the
development of a RISC-based forecaster workstation. The Central
Facility development has been mostly complete and a prototype w-
orkstation has been installed and is currently under operational
test. In addition to the workstation development, there are tas-
ks addressing training, upgrades to the Central Facility and the
prototype workstation, and planning support for the possible in-
troduction of wind profiler observation systems. These activiti-
es, described in more detail in the Statement of Work, will inc-
lude the following:
‧ Development of the Operational Forecast Workstation - Develo-
pment of the operational workstation will be the major focus
of I. A. #5. Development will proceed in two phases. In the
first phase, the basic functionality of the workstation will
be implemented and tested, while in the second phase, added
meteorological applications will be developed. As a general
design concept, a shell-type design approach is planned, whe-
re the basic structure or shell of the system is developed in
such away that many different capabilities can be added as m-
odules within the shell. With this approach, the system can
be more easily modified for other user needs, such as aviati-
on weather forecasting or hydrological forecasting than would
otherwise be possible.
One of the most valuable features of the RISC-based X-window
system is the relative ease with which software can be ported
to other workstations. To insure this capability, interface
specifications will be established as part of this agreement
which are compatible with the portability objectives.
Recommendations as to suitable hardware equipment will also
be provided. If, as expected, several different hardware con-
figurations are suitable, specifications will be provided and
the suitable configurations identified. suitable
‧ CWB Training Program - A training plan was prepared as part
of I. A. #3 and implementation of the plan started as part of
I. A. #4. The training activities will continue during I. A.
#5. Two types of training activities are planned.
In the first, CWB scientific staff will participate in forec-
ast experiments conducted by FSL. Two CWB forecasters partic-
ipated in FSL forecast experiments during the summer of 1991.
This participation was a valuable training experience and wi-
ll be broadened during this period.
The second type of training will involve several CWB scienti-
sts in the FSL hydrology program. The development of hydrolo-
gical forecast software for the FSL workstations is a major
ongoing activity within FSL. The effort includes working clo-
sely with local government agencies to establish better flash
flood warning capabilities. CWB scientists will participate
in these activities for periods of several weeks to several
‧ Prototype Workstation Enhancement - Initial use of the proto-
type forecast system by CWB began in May of 1992. Use of the
prototype system will continue until the operational system
is fully functional. Evaluation of the prototype system will
continue as part of I. A. #5.
Limited development of the prototype workstation will also c-
ontinue. Certain key new capabilities will be added, includi-
ng the capability to edit contour displays and the addition
of tools providing the capability to draw and edit data on-l-
Additionally, several components of the prototype workstation
will be documented. These include the workstation manager in-
terface and the display manager module.
‧ Central Facility Support & Development Several important add-
itions will be made to the Central Facility. CWB staff at FSL
will take the lead in these developments, with FSL providing
technical support when required. The following areas of tech-
nical support are anticipated:
‧ Estimating precipitation amount with the use of radar data
‧ Integration of CWB radar data into the Nowcasting System
‧ Data base management of CWB radar data
‧ Use of satellite data to calculate sea surface temperature
‧ Development of procedures to renavigate satellite imagery
‧ Incorporate the Empress DBMS into the Central Facility
‧ Wind Profiler Planning - The use of Doppler wind profiler me-
asurement systems is being considered by both the CWB and the
Civil Aviation Administration. Wind profilers are a new mete-
orological observation technique that are considered to have
great potential in improving forecast capabilities and in the
routing and operation of aircraft.
FSL has developed the profiler that has been installed in the
30 profiler network in the United States. The FSL experience
suggests that the planning, installation and operation of the
profilers, as well as the communication, processing and use
of profiler data, is a complex series of tasks. FSL staff wi-
ll participate in the planning activities during this period.
Issues that might likely be addressed could include site sel-
ection, frequency interference issues, profiler specificatio-
ns, and processing requirements.
A. In accordance with the Agreement, NOAA/FSL is undertaking th-
is work on behalf of AIT for CCNAA. CCNAA will reimburse AIT,
and its designated representative NOAA/FSL, for all costs in-
curred in association with this Implementing Arrangement.
B. The total cost for activities described in this Implementing
Arrangement is mutually agreed to be US $ 400,000. It is also
agreed that fifty percent of the funds will be transferred in
advance, with the remaining 50 percent transferred within 30
days of the acceptance Of the final report by CCNAA, and its
designated representative, CWB.
No intellectual property considerations are expected to arise in
conjunction with activities described in this Implementing Arra-
ngement. Existing system designs and computer software for the
FSL Forecast System are public domain. Reports, specifications,
and computer software prepared under the terms of this Implemen-
ting Arrangement will also be public domain once they have been
approved in final form by NOAA, AIT, CCNAA, and the CWB.
This Implementing Arrangement is effective on the date of the l-
ast signature hereafter. This Implementing Arrangement may be a-
mended and/or terminated in accordance with the terms of the Ag-
reement. The estimated completion date for activities described
in this Implementing Arrangement is June 30,1993.
Clarke N, Ellis
Deputy Managing Director
Date: July 22,1992
Stephen S. F. Chen
Deputy Representative
Date: July 24,1992
Statement of Work-For Implementing
Arrangement #5 System Development of
the Operational Workstation FSL-CWB
Joint Forecast Systems Project
1.0 Background and Objectives
The Agreement between the American Institute in Taiwan (AIT) and
the Coordination Council for North American Affairs (CCNAA) pro-
vides for technical cooperation between the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration's Forecast Systems Laboratory (NOAA/
FSL) and the Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan (CWB) in meteorol-
ogy and forecast systems development.
The new Forecast System that CWB is implementing has two primary
subsystems: the Central Facility and the Forecaster Workstation
Subsystem. Both the central facility and workstations will be m-
odeled after systems developed at FSL.
A detailed description of the Forecast System planned for CWB w-
as provided in the Project Implementation Plan, prepared as part
of Implementing Arrangement #1 (I,A. #1) of this Agreement. I.A.
#2 provided CWB with assistance in evaluating system requiremen-
ts and provided technical input to the functional specifications
of the Central Facility. I.A. #3 provided initial system develo-
pment of the Central Facility and Workstation Subsystems, as we-
ll as the development of the Training Plan. I.k #4 continued de-
velopment of the prototype workstation and began planning of the
operational workstation.
This Statement of work addresses the tasks that will be underta-
ken by the joint team of CWB and FSL personnel in accordance wi-
th the terms of Implementing Arrangement #5.
Emphasis will be placed on the development of the operational w-
orkstation during I.A. #5. FSL will also continue to provide bo-
th technical assistance and advisory support to CWB in the use
and evaluation of the prototype system as part of I.A. #5. In a-
ddition, training will be provided to CWB scientists and foreca-
The tasks will be accomplished by the CWB - FSL Joint Team work-
ing at the FSL facility in Boulder, Colorado and at the CWB fac-
ility in Taipei, Taiwan, as appropriate. Accordingly, this Stat-
ement of Work addresses the tasks that will be under-taken join-
tly by FSL and CWB under the terms of I.A. #5 and establishes t-
he performance schedule, deliverables, and resource requirements
2.0 Task Descriptions
In terms of the overall program schedule, five tasks are identi-
fied as being critical in the July '92 - June '93 period. These
are described below.
Task #1- Development of the Operational Forecast Workstation
The operational forecast workstation will use RISC-based comput-
er technology. Far more powerful processors have been introduced
with the RISC processors than were previously available for wor-
kstation use. Utilizing UNIX-based X-window software, a worksta-
tion can be developed that is far more readily portable to new
computers than has been previously possible. This technology wi-
ll be the basis of the FSL workstation developments in the comi-
Initial system planning began as part of I.A. #4. Development of
the workstation will be the major focus of I.A. #5. As in the p-
ast, workstation development will proceed in two phases. In the
first phase, the basic functionality of the workstation will be
implemented. This preliminary system will then receive vigorous
testing, both in the laboratory and under operational forecast
situations. During the second phase, added meteorological appli-
cations will be developed, as well as improvements determined f-
rom the testing of the initial system.
In the first phase development, all types of meteorological data
will be included in the workstation, along with all of the data
management, user interface, menu, and display functions. During
the second phase, meteorological applications requiring forecas-
ter interaction and further computation and manipulation of the
data base will be added.
Initial system development indicates that the Motif user interf-
ace software can be used to reduce the development effort. Tent-
atively, the Motif User Interface is planned for use in the ope-
rational system.
As a general design concept, a shell-type design approach is pl-
anned, where the basic structure or shell of the system is deve-
loped in such a way that many different capabilities can be add-
ed as modules within the shell. With this approach, the system
can be more easily modified for other user needs, such as aviat-
ion weather forecasting or hydrological forecasting, than would
otherwise be possible.
One of the most valuable features of the R1SC-based X-window sy-
stem is the relative ease with which software can be ported to
other workstations. To insure this capability, interface specif-
ications will be established which are compatible with the port-
ability objectives. FSL will prepare such interface specificati-
ons as part of this agreement.
Recommendations as to suitable hard-ware equipment will also be
provided. If, as expected, several different hardware configura-
tions are suitable, specifications will be provided and the sui-
table configurations identified.
Performance Period:
1. Prepare Workstation July 1,1992- Nov.1,1992
Design Plan
2. Phase 1 Operational July 1,1992- May 1,1993
3. Prepare interface Jan. 1,1993- April 1,1993
specifications and
hardware recommend ations
4. Begin test & evaluation May 1, 1993
of initial system
Resources percent effort
45% CWB-FSL Joint Team
1.Workstation Design Plan and Development Schedule
2. Initial implementation of operational system
3. System test and evaluation plans
4. Hardware recommendations and interface specifications
Task #2 - CWB Training Program
The integration of the Forecast System into CWB forecast operat-
ions will significantly improve forecast capabilities. It will,
however, have a major impact on operational activities within C-
WB. Thus it is important that CWB staff be properly trained in
the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and use of the
system. A training plan was prepared as part of I.A. #3 and imp-
lementation of the training steps identified in the plan will c-
ontinue during I.A.#5.
The Forecast Systems Laboratory participates in a number of for-
ecast experiments. Some of these emphasize the evaluation of new
systems that have been developed, others emphasize new forecast
techniques and forecast tools that have been developed. Still o-
thers are participation in larger field experiments with specif-
ic research objectives.
Two CWB forecasters were able to participate in two such foreca-
st experiments during the summer of 1991. This participation was
a very valuable training experience and we intend to broaden th-
is during the 1492-1993 period.
The second type of training planned is the involvement of sever-
al CWB scientists in the FSL hydrology program. The development
of hydrological forecast application software for the FSL works-
tations is a major ongoing activity within the laboratory. In a-
ddition, FSL is working closely with local government agencies
to establish better flash flood warning capabilities. Partici-
pation by CWB scientists in these activities are planned for pe-
riods of several weeks to several months.
As part of the training activity, FSL scientists will work with
their CWB counterparts to establish procedures for preparing we-
ather forecasts on the work-station. While flexibility to adapt
analyses to the weather conditions is important, procedures that
allow the systematic analyses of likely conditions can be of gr-
eat value to the forecaster. With this in mind, FSL scientists
with more experience with the system and CWB scientists with mo-
re specific knowledge of the weather conditions in Taiwan can e-
ffectively establish forecast guidelines for use in CWB.
Performance Period: Sept. 1,1992 - April 1,1993
Resources required: percent effort
15% FSL scientific
Deliverables :
1. Participation of CWB scientists in FSL forecast exercises
2. Participation by CWB scientists in FSL hydrology program
3. Establishment of operational forecast procedures on workstat-
Task #3 Prototype Workstation Enhancement
Initial use of the prototype forecast system by the Central Wea-
ther Bureau began in May of 1992. Use of the prototype system w-
ill continue until the operational system is installed and fully
functional. Formal evaluation of the prototype system will cont-
inue as part of I, A. #5.
Limited development of the prototype workstation will also cont-
inue. Certain key new capabilities will be added. These will be
the capability to allow editing of contour displays and the add-
ition of tools allowing the capability to draw and edit on-line.
These developments will be implemented in such a way to allow e-
asy porting of these new capabilities to the operational work-s-
Additionally, several components of the prototype workstation n-
eed to be documented. These include the workstation manager int-
erface and the display manager module.
Period: System Test & July 1,1992-
Evaluation Sept. 30,1992
System Sept. 1,1992-
Development Dec. 15,1992
System Oct. 1,1992-
Documentation Feb. 1,1993
Resources required: percent effort
15% CWB - FSL Joint
Deliverables :
1. Additional software modules
- Contour editing
- Data editing
- Workstation manager interface
2. Upgrade existing prototype workstation software modules as r-
3. Document the workstation manager and display manager modules
Task #4- Central Facility Support & Development
Development of the Central Facility System and training of CWB
technical staff in its functionality has been a major part of t-
he joint work by CWB and FSL. While emphasis within the project
now is directed toward the workstation, several important addit-
ions must be made to the Central Facility. FSL involvement will,
however, be limited to scientific support of the CWB staff work-
ing on these tasks.
The following areas of technical support are anticipated:
‧Estimating precipitation amount with the use of radar data
‧Integration of CWB radar data into the Nowcasting Facility
‧Data Base Management of CWB radar data
‧Use of TIROS and GMS satellite measurements to calculate sea
surface temperature
‧Development of procedures to renavigate satellite imagery
‧Incorporate the Empress DBMS into the Central Facility
Performance Period:
1. Radar data support Aug. 1,1992-
March 1,1992
- Precipitation estimates
- System integration
- Data management
2. Satellite data support July 1,1992-
Dec. 30,1992
- Sea surface temperature
- Satellite navigation
3. Empress data coordination Dec 1,1992-
March 1,1993
Resources required: percent effort
15% FSL Scientific
Deliverables: Recommendations, technical papers, & software mod-
ules, as appropriate
Task #5 - Wind Profiler Planning
The use of Doppler wind profiler measurement systems is being c-
onsidered by both the Central Weather Bureau and the Civil Avia-
tion Administration. Wind profilers are a new meteorological ob-
servation technique that are considered to have great potential
in improving forecast capabilities and in the routing and opera-
tion of aircraft.
The NOAA Laboratories have done much of the basic development a-
ctivities in bringing the concept of wind profilers to near-ope-
rational status. The Forecast Systems Laboratory has developed
the wind profiler that has been installed in the thirty profiler
demonstration network in the central United States.
The FSL experience suggests that the proper planning, installat-
ion and operation of the profilers, as well as the communication
, processing and use of profiler data, is a complex series of t-
asks. One should perhaps think of the wind profiler more in ter-
ms of a Doppler radar, rather than a surface observation station
, when one looks at operational use of the system. For this rea-
son, participation of FSL staff in the initial planning activit-
ies leading to the installation of operational profilers in Tai-
wan was deemed appropriate.
Issues that might likely be addressed could include site select-
ion, frequency interference issues, profiler specifications, and
processing requirements.
While planning of profiler activities will be of major emphasis
in this task, other areas of CWB requirements will also be addr-
es sed.
Performance Period:
1. Planning Recommendations July 1,1992-
May 1,1993
Resources required: percent effort
10% FSL Scientific Staff
Deliverables: Recommendations to CWB on the design, siting, imp-
lementation, and use of wind profilers in Taiwan

3.0 Schedule
The following program milestones are consistent with the overall
program requirements:
Functions Milestone
‧Complete Test & Eval. of
prototype workstation Oct. 1, 1992
‧Complete operational workstation
Design Plan Nov. 1, 1992
‧Complete software modifications
to prototype workstation Dec. 15, 1992
‧Complete new satellite data
products Dec. 30, 1992
‧Complete documentation prototype
workstation Feb. 1, 1993
‧Complete new radar data products March 1, 1993
‧Complete Empress data
coordination March 1, 1993
‧Complete operational
workstation interface specifications
and hardware recommendations April 1, 1993
‧Complete training of CWB
Scientists in hydrological
applications April 1, 1993
‧Complete Phase 1 Operational
Workstation Development May 1, 1993
‧Complete Wind Profiler
Planning Recommendations May 1,1993
- Schedule by Month-
7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1
Task l(Operational Workstation)
a. (WIS Design) ─────────>
b. (W/S Dev.)
c. (Spec.) ─────>
d. (Test & Eval.) ─
Task 2 (Training)
(Forecaster Training)
Task 3 (Prototype Workstation)
a. (Test & Eval.) ───────>
b. (Software Mod.) ───────────>
c. (Documentation) ────────────>
Task 4 Central Facility)
a. (Radar) ──────────────>
b. (Satellite) ─────────────>
c. (Data Base) ───────>
Task 5 (Profiler)
(Planning) ───────────────────>
6/1 6/30



Joint Management Progress Review, either at Boulder, Colorado or
in Taipei will be held 3 or 4 times a year. Reviews in Boulder
are tentatively scheduled for October 1992 and April 1993.
4.0 Budget
The following are the estimated costs for the five FSL activiti-
es as part of I.A. #5.
Personnel Travel Total
Task #1 $160K $20K $180K
Task #2 $55K $5K $60K
Task #3 $55K $5K $60K
Task #4 $55K $5K $60K
Task #5 $35K $5K $40K
Totals $350K $40K $400K
As stated in I.A. #5, funds available for the tasks described in
this Statement of Work will be US $400,000. All budget figures
are estimates. Actual amounts will be accrued for purposes of f-
ulfilling the financial arrangements described in the Implement-
ing Arrangement, in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.
All programs within the Forecast Systems Laboratory use the same
budget procedures, whether they are base-funded programs or ext-
ernally-funded programs. Beginning in FY'91, a facility charge
has been applied to all programs to cover management and admini-
strative costs, and the use of the FSL facility and all equipme-
nt and data associated with it.
FSL staff time is charged at the employees salary plus the norm-
al NOAA benefit, leave and overhead charges. FSL professional s-
taff are primarily in the government grade scales of GS-11 to GS
-14. Contract staff are in equivalent categories.
5.0 CWB Joint Team Assignments at FSL
CWB staff at FSL during I.A. #3 and #4 were able to contribute
in a very significant way to the overall development. In additi-
on, they were able to obtain an understanding of the overall sy-
stem development effort that will be valuable in CWB developmen-
ts and operations in the future. This has been a very positive
part of the cooperative effort between CWB and FSL and we would
like to see this continue.
Both Tasks #1 and #3 require CWB staff in residence at FSL. The
primary effort of CWB staff at FSL during this period will be d-
irected toward adding functionality to the prototype workstation
and beginning development of the operational workstation.
Assignments for the three CWB staff will be as follows:
‧System development of the operational workstation
‧Development of workstation application products (grid-to-graph
& interactive cross-sectional products)
Task 2 (Training), Task 4 (Central Facility), and Task 5 (Profi-
ler) should involve short-term CWB staff visits to FSL. Visits
would likely be of 2 to 4 week duration .