

列印時間:113/10/14 23:19



1.Signed and Exchanged on July 26 and November 2, 2000; Entered into force on Jaunary 1, 2001.

NOTE NO. 32/2000
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi presents its compliments to the Embassy
of the Republic of China and has the honour to acknowledge rece-
ipt of latter's Note No. 89/100 dated 2 November, 2000 regarding
the extension of the ”Agreement Between the Government of the
Republic of Malawi and the Government of the Republic of China
on Technical and Vocational Cooperation”for a 12 months, preiod
from 1 January, 2001 to 31 December, 2001.
The Ministry has noted with gratitude that as a result of the e-
xtension, the Chinese Technical and Vocational Training experts
will extend their stay by 12 months. Further, the Ministry appr-
eciates plans by the Government of the Republic of China to exp-
and the computer workshop in the forthcoming semester due to hi-
gh demand.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi avails itself of this opportunity to ren-
ew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of its
highest consideration.
13 November, 2000
The Embassy of the
Republic of China

NOTE NO. 23/2000
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republc of Malawi presents its compliments to the Embassy of
the Republic of China and has the honour to refer to the Memora-
ndum of Understanding that was signed between the Governments of
the Republic of Malawi and the Republc of China on 11th Septemb-
er, 1999.
Under the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding, the Re-
public of China sent experts to install the donated equipment a-
nd to train lectures for the Lilongwe Technical College on how
to manage as well as carry out minor repairs on the equipment.
The Embassy of the Republic of China is aware that these experts
were only contracted to stay in Malawi for a period of 6 months
which will expire in October, 2000. Since the donated equipment
is very new to the lecturers, it is felt that the period stated
in the Memorandum of Understanding for the Chinese to train Mal-
awians lecturers is too short. In this connection, the Governme-
nt of the Republic of Malawi is requesting for an extension of
the period to 18 months to October, 2001. This extension will e-
nable the lecturers to familiarize themselves with the technolo-
gy and sophisticated machines which were donated by the Republic
of China.
Since the donated equipment covered only 5 trades, it would be
greatly appreciated if the Government of the Republic of China
could consider donating additional equipment to cover other sec-
tions such as Welding and Fabrication, and Plumbing and Mechani-
cal Engineering.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi avails itself of this opportunity to ren-
ew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of its
highest consideration.

Lilongwe 3.
26th July, 2000
The Embassy of the Republic of China Lilongwe 3.

NOTE NO.24/2000
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi presents its compliments to the Embassy
of the Republic of China and has the honour to refer to its Note
Verbale No. 23/2000 dated 26th July, 2000, in connection with a
request for the extension to the experts' stay in Malawi.
The Embassy of the Republic of China may wish to know that the
request is for an extension of twelve (12) months to December, 2
001 and not eighteen (18) months as indicated in the Ministry's
Note of 26th July, 2000. Grateful if this amendment could be ma-
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi avails itself of this opportunity to ren-
ew to the Embassy of the Republic of China the assurances of its
highest consideration.
Lilongwe 3.
26th July, 2000
The Embassy of the Republic of China Lilongwe 3.

Note No. 89/100
The Embassy of the Republic of China presents its compliments to
the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of
the Republic of Malawi and, with reference to the esteemed Mini-
stry's Note Verbale No. 24/2000, has the honour to inform the l-
atter that the Government of the Republic of China hse agreed to
extend an”Agreement Between the Government of the Republic of
China and the Government of the Republic of Malawi on Technical
and Vocational Cooperation”for a further 12 months period effe-
ctive from January 1, 2001 to December 31, 2001.
The Embassy has further the honour to inform the esteemed Minis-
try that, as a result of this, the Chinese Technical and Vocati-
onal Training experts' stay in Malawi to train the lecturers, w-
ill also be extended for 12 months with effect from the date wh-
en an extension of the above-mentioned agreement becomes valid.
Having observed that the computer training is on high demand, t-
he Government of the Republic of China is planning to expand the
computer workshop during the forthcoming semester.
The Embassy of the Republc of China avails itself of this oppor-
tunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Internat-
ional Cooperation of the Republic of Malawi the assurances of i-
ts highest consideration.

November 2, 2000

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Republic of Malawi

cc:The Principal Secretary
Ministry of Labour and Vocational Training

The Principal
Lilongwe Technical College