

列印時間:113/07/16 21:24



1.Signed on August 11, 2020 and July 10, 2020 Entered into force on January 01, 2019

This Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) constitutes an
arrangement between The Council of Agriculture hereinafter
called "COA" and the Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural
Research Institutions (APAARI) hereinafter called "APAARI", and
collectively called 'the Parties" for implementing a
collaborative programme on the Asia-Pacific Consortium on
Agricultural Biotechnology and Bioresources hereinafter called
as “ APCoAB ” to promote the agricultural biotechnology and
bioresources for the benefits of various stakeholders in the
Asia-Pacific region.

COA and APAARI mutually agreed to collaborate and promote
agricultural biotechnology and bioresources in the Asia-Pacific
region. Both the Parties agree that:
i) Collaboration is beneficial in achieving the mission of
overall objectives of APCoAB program and useful in
helping to meet the defined goals in the Program for
benefits of various stakeholders in Asia-Pacific region
in line of APAARI Vision 2030;
ii) The Parties have established collaborative linkages to
implement objectives of APCoAB since 2008 involving
other regional, international and non-governmental
organizations, international research centres and
centres related to agricultural biotechnology and
bioresources and private sector throughout the
Asia-Pacific region; and
iii) The Parties have agreed to implement defined and
approved work plan of APCoAB during 2019-2022 for the
benefits of Asia-Pacific region.

This MoU is developed to implement the Work Plan under 4-year
APCoAB program for the period of 2019-2022 as defined in
Annexure 1. Both Parties agree to:
i) Coordinator, APCoAB will be responsible to carry out all
the activities as per Work Plan (2019-2022) under the
overall supervision of Executive Secretary, APAARI and
with necessary support of APAARI Secretariat;
ii) Organize the activities including High Level Policy
Dialogues, Expert Consultations, Workshops,
Conferences/Symposia, Training programs/Webinars as
defined in the Work Plan;
iii) Organize one event every year as suggested by COA;
iv) Publish the Success Stories, Proceedings, Status
Reports, Policy Briefs;
v) Maintain/update the APCoAB website and the databases for
knowledge sharing on agricultural biotechnology and
vi) APCoAB Steering Committee will monitor the progress
annually and provide suggestions. Chairman of APAARI
Executive Committee will be Chair and COA will be
standing Vice Chair of the Steering Committee;
vii) Annual Progress Report will be submitted to COA;
viii) Any other activity beyond the work plan (2019-2022) may
be taken up on mutually agreed terms and subjected to
availability of additional funds; and
ix) Any physical assets purchased under this MoU will be
property of APAARI.

Both Parties agreed in this MoU for organizing the activities
under APCoAB that COA will provide a support of USD 170,000 each
year for four years (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) &, APAARI along
with its partners will provide a support of USD 70,000 each year
(2019, 2020, 2021, 2022) for APCoAB activity during these period
(2019 -2022) as mentioned in Annexure 2. This is a legally
binding commitment by the Parties. Besides, both Parties have an
understanding that:
i) Either Party may decide to provide more financial or
in-kind support to individual activities on a
case-by-case basis;
ii) Both Parties will jointly and separately seek funding
from third parties to support program/activities to be
carried out jointly; and
iii) Implementation of specific collaborative programs or
activities beyond defined in Work Plan (2019-2022;
Annexure 1) will depend upon the availability of
additional funds.

Both Parties recognize the importance of intellectual property
rights as an integral component of this collaboration.
i) Copyright of all the Publications made under APCoAB will
be vested with APAARI. However, all the publications
will be in open access to APAARI members and
participants of the events.
ii) APAARI will make available the results of collaborative
activities through the most appropriate mechanisms.

i) This MoU will be in effect for four years, commencing
from January 1, 2019 through December 31, 2022. It may
be amended, with the approval of both Parties, by means
of exchange of letters through the authorized officials
at each institution.
ii) Either Party may propose to the other up to 6 (six)
months prior to the expiration date to renew this MoU.
This MoU may be extended by mutual agreement through an
exchange of letters between the Parties to this MoU.
Proposal to extend the term of this MoU will be
communicated not less than 3 (three) months prior to the
present expiration date. Each agreed renewal period will
be for a period of 4 (four) years.

Neither party will be responsible for any failure to perform its
obligations under this MoU due to causes beyond their control,
including but not limited to, Acts of God, War, Riot, Embargoes,
Fire, Floods, Lockdowns, Epidemics, Civil Disobedience, or
Accidents etc.

Any dispute arisen under this MoU will be resolved by mutual
discussion/understanding between the authorized officials of
both Parties. In case it is not resolved mutually, this will be
referred to the Chairman, APAARI for his decision; and his
decision will be binding on both Parties.

Either Party may terminate this MoU by giving written notice of
the intent to terminate the MoU. Such termination shall not
affect the execution and conclusion of specific activities in
effect nor the publication and dissemination of results of
research in progress under terms of this MoU. As far as
possible, such notice will be given 3 (three) months prior to
the desired termination date.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned representatives of the
Parties have affixed their signatures on the dates and at the
places indicated below.

This MoU is done in duplicate in the English language.

The Council of Asia-Pacific
Agriculture (COA) Association of
Agricultural Research
Institutions (APAARI)
_________________________ _________________________
Chi-chung Chen Ravi Khetarpal
Minister Executive Secretary

Date: Date:
07/10/2020 11 August, 2020
Place: Taipei, Taiwan Place:

Witness: Witness:
_________________________ _________________________
Vincent Lin Rishi Tyagi
Director General, Coordinator, APCoAB,
Department of APAARI
International Affairs,

Date: Date:
2020.7.9 30 July 2020
Place: Taipei, Taiwan Place: Bangkok